Never get this card. This company uses scandalous business practices upping fees substantially without prior notification. They call at all hours, sometimes 10 to 12 times a day if you are a few days late with your payment, and charge exorbitant annual fees. I went from 0% introductory interest rate, to 29.30% practically overnight. When I called to question the charges I could not get a clear answer from the guy on the other end, but instead he proceeded to give me a lesson in percentages!!! He also stated that he couldn't help me. I tried to keep my cool but told him if they could do nothing to lower my interest rate and waive the annual fees I have no choice but to pay off the card and cancel it. He responded by saying "we''ll be sorry to lose your business" in a blase, I could give two shits kind of way.
I work in a customer service based environment and the service needs to be placed with the customer. I fully intend to track down the President, Vice President, Treasurer, or anyone else who will listen (Google is a wonderful thing). Since they have more pressing matters on their plates, I'm sure they would love to hear how awful their customers are being treated when questioning these outrageous charges!! RIP Orchard card!