Oreck's office in Tampa needs more training on customer service. I called them today to ask how I could fix the vacuum's hose that disconnected on both ends. Their reply was "bring it in." I asked the rep if he could just help me over the phone but he insisted on my bringing the product to the store. Knowing that there must be a simple solution to this problem, I called up the Clearwater office who gave me a short and simple answer - "Put the ends of the hose back and turn it to the left instead of to the right." Now, why couldn't the Tampa office give me this answer instead of letting me drive 25 miles away to their store (maybe he thinks he can sell me more products???).
Previous to this, I brought in a coupon for a "free cleaning solution "just for coming in." Of course, they were out of stock! They are a disservice to the Oreck company.