I am a homeless man and I have been trying to get in to the Berks County, Pennsylvania YMCA and the person in charge, KIM MILLER is a very cold person. She will not allow me in to the housing program, knowing that I am homeless and an addict. She is NOT a caring person and I have submitted an email I received from her. It doesn't say that much because I'm sure she is aware of putting things in print. The bottom line is that my religion is agnostic and since this is a christian program, she is using my freedom of religion against me. She has no ligitimate reason(s), as I meet the eligibility requirements. It's good to know that all of your donations are being used wisely, well, they probably are, going in her pocket!
Well thank you for your reply. All replies will be forwarded to the proper authorities. I don't know what you are referring to as me not being a Berks County resident. I have been in Berks county since 2006 and I am also a registered voter in this county. I did not respond after our last meeting because a place was offered to me immediately, in which I accepted. According to the YMCA's Mission: "To put christian principals into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all." Due to me explaining that I am an agnostic, you have used that against me. Violation of my right to religious freedom. Second, you have misrepresented the programs that are offered through the YMCA. Third, according to your brochure, the Y offers single rooms for rent. This is false advertising because no such thing exists. Caring, honesty, respect and responsibility is something you do not use while in the position you carry. Contact will be made with the Y's headquarters, addressed to Suzan R.