Hi there,
we have reserched this online shopping homepage and found out that this company is selling all kinds of stuff that does not meet customer support. Seller must be facing financial problems due to the global slump and as for many forigners living here in Japan things are pretty hard on daily life as a result we go for lower market prices by doing online shopping and have heard so many complains from this seller. I have made several complains but this online shopping seller and i guess many more same sites out there would might just do the same on local forigners staying in Japan. Purchasing items from here is not a problem, banking in the cost would verify the seller on our name and address where items would be sent to and this company automaticaly knows the difference on japanese names and forign names as a result he/she does not send item as prossised or default and when we send out a complain or a claim regarding items they just play dumb. Couple of my friends faced the same problem and its just our luck that we were scamed. I would like to take this chance to let you guys know that this companys should be worn on scaming people online. Like I said buying from a trusted shop is expensive but paying for the same thing at a lesser price is just a scam and I bet there arre many more people out there whom are been played out by this company.
Thanks for your time