First of all I did invest a conciderable amout of money with this company, yes they are a brokrage firm that would look after or trade currancies or gold in my case, for me supposably with my best interest at hand. Of course they might come back and say yes but it is risky to invest in this type of stuff as there are no gaurntees, but when the broker I have is just letting product expire and getting nothing back from the trade and as well with the gold investment, good grief what a bunch of BS the gold breaks the strike price 1045 it hit and this is the fisrt day 1049 and he sells off at 1043 guess what that means yes I loose and these people are suppose to be professionals.
My advise to anyone out there stay away from these guys and the holding company IS Markets which is in the Neatherlands go figure it's all crooked nothing but bandits, but maybe they will see this and some how give my money back, I hope they see this because they wont return my calls and I'm not sure the phone number even works, but they are probably screening the calls now...why would they want to talk to me ...I have no more money...funny how that works. Now if anyone has information I could use hre in amy email [email protected] I'd like to know what I can do.