I am giving you our all mobile Nos along with the Plan which was told to us. But inspite of repeated request NO ACTION / SOLUTION received.
This is our over all scheme which is agreed earlier, under corporate connection but are not operating as per Plan, as follows:
1. The connections will be under three years advance rental and no rent will be paid for three Years.
2. The call rate under CUG will be 10 piase/ minute .
3.Free National Roaming if required
4.NO CLIP charges
5.Free Itemised billing
6. There will not be any STD facility in the connection either in form of Mobile to Mobile STD or Mobile to Landline
7.There should not be any VAS facility like caller tune.. and no VAS
8.No clip charges and itemised bill will be free.
There will be no STD services on sms 's. if needed futher we will issue a Letter head / email for it
No late payment charges until its off the due dates .
please revert back
Ashish saran