This OSP Communications placed a call on my phone that was on away in florida. No one was in the home at the time and it appeared on my Embarq phone bill. Embarq will not reverse the charges only put a dispute on the bill for 30 days. I don't understand why they cannot reverse the charges back to OSP?????
No one answers the calls at OSP and they have no web site of course. The government is doing nothing about this issue. These calls are being placed on Verison and other companies even cell phones. So watch your phones bills while you are away.
Get a cramping block put on your lines. If I find this OSP company I tell you they will be reversing my bills and I will be letting you know where to reach them also.
This is fraudulent and the phone companies do not tell you about the cramping block until after you have this bill.
I am angry with Embarq and OSP and the State of FLorida for allowing this to continue.
ANyone else have a problem?