Pagecomputer continues to charge creditcards without having the product instock, once again it happened on Dec.18, 2006 when they posted a HP c7180 printer for $290.30 on Pricegrabber. I've emailed them numerous of times to reinstate my creditcard, but the answer is; (in short words), they are working on it. On Jan. 19, 2007 I received an email from them that $290.30 would be issued to my charge account. Thirty days has passed since this transaction, and it is sill to be seen.
We must all beware and notify our creditcard companies to dispute a charge for a product to companies that practice this act. Creditcard companies has the power to stop all charges from a fraudulent company which in return can be very devastating to a company as a whole.
Please heed to this advice, it has happen to many others.