Some things really are to good to be true. Hopefully through this report maybe some others will not have to find this out the hard way. I signed up for thinking it was actually the reputable site 'instant paid surveys' . I had read the reviews for this other legit site and then after my stupid mistake I panicked. I read a bit of this scam site they only seemed to offer a list of sites that were free to use anyway. They also guarantee a refund for a 45 day time period however they do not respond to emails regardless of what you send them.
I have read some other similar reports filed about this survey scam and I seek to question the companies sponsoring and billing people for a product that is totally useless and was advertised as something it wasn't. I mean what would you do if you bought a microwave at a store and opened up the box and found a broken toaster. Not only was it a not what you wanted but it was a broken and totally useless... of course you would go back and demand a refund.
Hopefully this helps someone from getting scammed like I did.