I was one of the many who ordered the "FREE" Trial offer of the ascia berry which although it was a pain I was at least able to work out. Somehow during this transaction I was directed to another website for a colon cleansing product however it was not the colon cleansing product that was advertised along with the ascia berry diet. It happened so quickly that at the time I was unaware that they did not go together until I began trying to cancel any further product as well as any transactions to my account for which I never authorized in the first place. The problem is the phone number is not in service and there is no address to send a product back and if you go to the website to try anything but ordering you will be kicked off the site or the computer you are on will just run. Stuck until you shut it down. They do exist when it comes to taking un authorized charges from your account though. I recieved a call from my bank on March 6 informing me that Panalabs had attempted to withdrawl some seventy-nine dollars from my account on March 2 and did I authorize this. Of course I did not but luckily I did not have enough in that account to cover the withdrawl but it caused an overdraft fee to come out and other transactions then to bounce and more overdraft fees. This is so wrong and something should be able to be done about this. I put a stop on my card so that they will not be able to take another withdrawl if they try but the loss of money and the inconveniance is just so wrong. The greatest concern I have at this point is WHAT HAVE I TAKEN? I want to know what I put in my body. How can I find this out? I hope something is done to stop this before someone gets ill or worse.