Panasonic 'claims' Industry Leading 1080P Plasma Line lifespan of 60, 000 hours to 100, 000 in several press releases. I got paltry and disappointing 2000 hours out of mine. They immediately sent specialist to my home. He said it's got 'defective' SD boards and Panels, repair to cost $2400. I phoned them, faxed them, and e-mailed them over 9 times in 90 days. Finally, a call back today telling me my 2 yr. warranty has now expired and since specialist wants twice what I paid for the set to repair and replace these defective parts, they will sell me another set.
Outrageous is what I told him.
Their claims in press releases of " Industry Leading" is not at all what I experienced.
I ask, how can they CLAIM they earned their 'Center of Excellence'?
How can they claim this is Industry Leading Plasma Line?
How can they Claim at Panasonic World products online link that Plasma vs. LCD "roughly twice the life span of older CRT technology"? Then say, gee, we see that now your warranty just now ran out so you should have purchased extended warranty.
Is this how manufacturers do business these days? Tell you they have a great product, EXCEPT that it isn't really so great! Be forewarned by Panasonic that you should shell out for extended warranty because you are MOST CERTAINLY GOING TO NEED IT!