I bought PaperPort 12 from Fry's Electronics on 03/04/2011 for $59.99 -
I tried to instal the software on a computer running Windows XP and it is not installing. I had to reinstalled the older version 7. 0 in order to get back to my saved files and it is working fine.
I called the Technical Support to find out why the newer version PaperPort 12 is not installing. They are at the Phlippines, they have a none toll free no.Finally their technical support solutions did not work out at all and the issue in not resolved untill now.
On 03/13/2011-I Called the customer service( 800-654-1187)today
They connected me to their Technical Support which never answered the phone after waiting fdore long time20 min each time and the call hangup . does not answer the calls or hang up three times. I called the Customer service and asked them to speak to a supervisor.
I talked to Mr.Richard A supervisor and I explained to him about my installation issue and the bad Customer service / technical support I had from their company Nuance plus they are not answering the calls on their phone automated answering system.