What transpired On January 2, 2008. My visit to
this office was to mail a letter. What transpired entering out of the building I was approached by a black female for which she started stummping toward me. Becuase I was not sure if this was meant for me to move, I did not move and dared that she strike at me. Prior to this compliant I filed a comlaint against Walmart In Matteson Illinois
receipt information ST#1497 OP#00003848 TE# 12 TR09609 as i left this line temporarily, as i was with a family member. I went to the females lavatory, unpon re enterting to this line A customer tried to run me over with her shopping cart. I reported this matter to Walmart Corporate office, as I am cureently seeking my legal options to file a lawsuit and press charges against this customer. This is the second incident where in a retail store I was attacked by a customer inCarson Pirie Scott in Matteson Illinois, this matter was filed to Attorney General as this complaint has been filed in data to FBI as I am non tolerance of racial discrimination and intimidation tactics these are unknown parties, as remedy I seek these indivduals to face jail time. I am not harassing them, they are harassing me, and it is not welcomed