Complaint Against Surinder Pal Singh Sadana, Parkash Kaur Sadana, Shilpjot Singh Sadana and Damanjot Singh Sadana
Parkash Kaur Came to USA From India On July 6, 1998 With her
Two Children{Damanjot & Shilpjot} on Behalf Of her
Sister, Pritpal Kaur Passport. The Whole Family Has Filled
Political Asylum Case in USA. But Suddenly Parkash Kaur, Surinder Pal Singh & Shilpjot Singh Came To India Via Bangkok . From USA To Bangkok, they came on travel Documents & further from Bangkok to Delhi India they Came On Indian Passport Which is Itself Fraud & Illegal which makes there case of Political Asylum Null & Void as they have made Fraudent entry in India.
They First came to India on 12 April, 2007 and last time they came from los Angles to Bangkok on January 12 or 13, 2008 on American Travel documents And Bangkok To Delhi on Indian Passports on Indian Airlines dated January19, 2008 Departure from Bangkok 3:00p.m and Arrived Delhi at 5:30p.m
These people have Frauded not only in India, but there case of Asylum should be trated as Fraud as they have got their passports stamped by bribing the officials at the Bangkok Airport
So kindly look into this matter so that the fraud cannot go undetected
Parkash kaur W/o Surinder Pal Singh
2199, Associated Rd
Fullerton, CA 92831
Ph.: 909-728-9749
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