Receives 1 out of 10 rating as their prices and specials are mediocre at best.
Currently under investigation for violating at least 3 constitutional aspects unheard of these days. Consumer base and management an extremely tight 'old boys network'. Their public domain Tech Talk forum for consumer comments and 'help' strictly run as a privately controlled biased fa sad, with a face front for public additions. If you are not within their own demographic of being a white, middle aged or older male, comments, customer, and tech help and support are deleted (under any excuse possible), and to not have a audit trail. This is done to eliminate any hint of problems or race and gender bias or to provide equal comments and support to the public at large. This is Parts Express 's "underground' company policy and attitude, and has been for decades. **Beware if you are a woman or female, or any other other race besides Caucasian**. This is a very paranoid, backwards, and threatened ownership, management, and consumer base, located in deep southern Ohio/Northern Kentucky.
Many consumers have complained about their shipping, handling, and packing problems- shipping damaged product also, and are met with the strictest resistance and rataionalized excuses.