my self madanmohanreddy.chenchani.
I applied passport on 17-03-2010 in normal and police verification deatails
sent on 11-04-2010 and acknowledgement num: 24/SB/PP/ATP and
1766/SB/PP/ATP and Srno:7 from anantapur SP Office but I did not receive any passport still now. due to the dealy i lost my job oppertunity in malesiya. I met passport officer 1 time on june 1st and
I met DPO on 15, 16 and 17 on jun.
what should i do for getting passport or can i forget about US offors.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
S/O Basireddy.C
Darsimala (V), (P)
Dharmavaram (M)
Anantapur (Dist)