Paul Qi
July 15, 2011
PSEG is Horrible and they are robbers
I have a vacant building at 1747 Springfield Ave. It has been vacant for tow years. Nobody using lights and nobody using gas. Guess what. my pseg bill is almost 3, 000 dollars. I called their customer service and I was told that it is becuase of commercial building multiplier, annual demand, and summer demand combined, therefore my bill is high. I kept calling them for two years and kept telling them it is vacant. Where is that high annual demand and summer demand come from? I wonder if their customer service people ever did elementary school math. Another building on Springfield Ave of a small nail salon of about 800 sq ft with two wall A/C units. The autal electricty use provided by liberty power is about 150 dollars, but pseg facility charge is about 1, 200 dollars. Again it is due to summer demand. In other words, they charge you by assumed demand, not by actual usage. My annula demand index has been something like 17 for 20 years, but this year goes up to 89. I called them and they said that they think they are right even one of my a/c broke. They assume that way. They said that they will call back. I got that promises millions of times, never trust them because they will never call you back. Monopoly is key word. They are too big to fail and big enough to do anything they want. If you are small you steal something and then jail terms. but once you are big you can steal or even do a legalized robbery. Even government can do nothing about it