It is very clear to me based upon my experience with the employees at Paul's Electronics that not only is the product sold from this store of low quality but the employees are running a racket of taking cash, not giving a receipt and later refusing to refund money for the defective merchandise told. Pauls employees use excuses such as 'well you don't have a receipt' and 'if you did (have a receipt) then I could work with you'. After failing to get my money back for a purchase within the last 3 days, I took a credit to have something in writing to later complaint to the property and/or business owner and possibly the Better Business Bureau.
I forgot to mention that during my dealings with these Paul's employees over the last 3 days, I have heard and seen nothing but unhappy and frustrated customers either complaining for buying similar defective product or outright demanding their money back. The employee's response is always 'exchanges only' - but who wants to exchange for, as mentioned above, more detective products.
It is very clear that these individuals' crooked behavior is rampant, common business practice and they have not heard the last of me!