I would just like to warn anyone intending doing business with Pave and TilePro. The company falsely indicates that they are NHBRC registered on their quotations. In addition they also claim to beat other quotes by 5% but do not fall for this trick.
The company requested a 50% deposit for the work, which is standard practice then completed about 25% and indicated that the amount of rubble they quoted on increased by 900% and that they measured, the very basic paving area, incorrectly by almost 15%!!! My agreement with them stated that the costs would not be variable.
Pave and TilePro then claimed that they did almost 50% and do not want to continue with the job. You will end up paying much more for the little work they did do and they will not return your calls or emails to try and come to an agreement.
The contractor that took away the rubble also indicated that they did not pay him. This company needs to be shut down.
Be aware that they trade under name such as HomeCorp and Trumpp Construction.