We brought our bea-bull (part beagle, part bull dog - a medium size dog), Otis, into daycare because we don't like leaving him alone all day while we are at work. Things were fine for a number of visits but one day when we picked Otis up he had a very obvious, but not serious, bite wound on his head and by his mouth. Understanding that sometimes dogs can "play rough" we left after chewing them out for not watching the dogs as they played - if they had, they would have seen his would and would have told us about it rather than just giving him back.
About a month or two later we dropped him off and when he was picked up he was bleeding again - this time, however, the wound was far more serious. He had numerous scratches and pucture wounds in addition to general swelling in a numer of areas on his belly. We took him to the vet and he required surgery and stitches - the wound was centimeters away from puncturing his lung! And the employees and owner of PawLaw swear they saw nothing (which only proves they do not actually watch the dogs entrusted to them). Otis required 3 surgeries! and the stitches had to be replaced with staples because the tissue around the wound was "no good." He is still healing.
No dog deserves this - DO NOT take your dog to this place EVER!