Hey, like you guys, this weird URL showed up on my bank statement. All you have to do is call them. Put in the URL and it will probably take you to a different site, a "third party" company that handles the payments. Call the customer service or cancellation number on the site. Confirm the last 8 digits of your credit card number. They may ask for your name and full address. After canceling, tell them you want your money back. They can't give it all to you, but you can get the last 3 months worth of payments they received, just talk tough, but not too tough. Use a confident tone of voice. Tell them you didn't make the charges and you feel that it was done without your permission and that you want all your money back. If they say no, say you want as much money back as you can get. Ask them how far back they can go as far as refunds. It's 3 months with all of these crooks! Heck, I called 3 different places, and they all had the same automated script, just being dictated by a different voice. You probably won't get it all back, but I'm looking at nearly a $500 refund. Good luck!