I went to a payday loan website in the hope to get a quick payday loan as I don't have any resource of getting the money I need at that time. I must have filled in one of their application, including my back account and other important information.
I did not get the loan but Payday loan resource center took money from my bank on 3/20/08 in the amount of $6.78 and another one on 4/24/08 in the amount of $6.78.
I did not authorized this. I tried to call their number at 1-866-886-2013 but all I got was an automated answering machine and some music right after.
I need money to get us by in these tough time, Not for Payday Loan Resource Center to bleed our bank account with what little amount I have in it. They are a fraud and I hope your office can do something about it. Thank you.