I just started play eveonline and enjoyed it quite a bit. I wanted to be able to do more stuff so I searched online for a website to buy ISKs. I googled out pcgamerusa.com and spent 300 dollars to buy isks from them. The next day I got my account banned. I contacted eveonline and they told me they do not allow trading isks. I didn't know that this was against the rule, so I contacted the seller to see if they can issue some refund. They refused, saying that 'all websites sell gold', although they knew it is illegal. I checked their websites and found they are still doing this. More ironically, they marked eve ISKs as 'OVERSTOCK' and lowered the price. I contacted paypal, however, they can not process my claim coz it is outside of EBAY.
So do stay away from this website, all they want is to suck your money.