I have been a Peabody trust tenant since 1993 and moved in to my present home in May 1997. From moving in I suffered extreme neighbur nuisance from another tenant and her family. After 5 years of complaints from myself and my then husband the Trust finally took us seriously and began proceedings against the tenants. It took a further 5 years, several visits to court, 3 suspended posesion orders and an injunction to prevent one member of the family approaching me after he had behaved in a threatening manner. At the end of this decade the family finally moved out and I was left in peace for nearly a year until a new tenant moved in. The behaviour of this family is also anti social, with music played through the night, a mother who does not work and an under age daughter who controls her mother and behaves in a very anti social manner. The family have a social worker who deals with a number of issues including the daughters drug taking. The family were moved from another Peabody estate in London because there were problems on that estate. A number of tenants on my estate have complained about the family and their behaviour. The family were dealt with by an estate manager and still the behaviour continues with me having sleepless nights and having once more to deal with a highly stressful situation that effects all aspects of my life.
I feel that there is no point dealing with the Trust at it took so long for them to deal with the situation before and am now at my wits end and feel trapped once again within my own home.
I feel that Peabody Trust has been completely negligent by moving another dysfunctional family into this flat. I work as a teacher at a local senior school and feel that my only option is to leave this job and London as I cannot afford to live in the private sector.
I would appreciate any help you can offer me.