I recently lost $5600 to a Vancouver, Canada company called Peak Energy Distributors. They sell vending machines to vend their energy drink called Peak Energy Drink.It is the usual internet scam of big money dreams for no work.They promise you locations for your machines that you purchase but the problem is you soon discover that the locations you get will not sell 2 bottles of their product per week.
I complained bitterly for weeks so they got me new locations which proved to be worse than the first ones. Peak Energy will not refund my money.They did buy back my machines at a fraction of what I paid but I am still out $5600.
Location is everything in the vending business. Do not be fooled by this company. Their web site is peakenergydistributors.com where you will see pictures of money promised to you if you buy their machines. It's a lie.I found out that even finding my own locations was impossible because any good place to put the machines already had a contract with Coke or Pepsi
I've learned that this scam is also called Blue Sky Scams-the lure of easy money only to find out that the company is only interested in selling their machines and no providing good locations. I also came to know at least 4 other people who where scammed the same way.One man paid $19000 for 7 maqchines and ended up selling them for $2000-all in the space of 9 months-he couldn't sell any product and could not get any decent locations.This is what happened to me and I think it is fraudulent.