This company is a so called "high end signature home builder" well the only thing high is their egos! I know all this first hand because I worked there for a short year and a half. Customers are jerked around by all their "project managers" The owner has no clue of what goes on behind his back. They start a job just to get the deposit money, crews go in and a few days later the crews are off to another unsuspecting customer to start their job. The field foreman/manager couldn't find his way out of the men's room. I knew two days after starting there they had bigger problems than getting work.
The materials are all sub-standard, they constantly are taking advantage of all their sub-contractors. They employees are told not to "socialize" with the other guys, its just not right. Well last time I looked I decided who I wanted to be friendly with. Nobody has gotten a pay increase for over 3 years. They are laying off employees and hiring new ones for less. The customers are not getting credit for any leftover materials.
This company even built a house for "Extreme Home Makeover". I know I had a business at the time and volunteered my services. Then made the mistake of going to work for them. Their field manager even told me after one interview for a position "I cant hire that guy he's too old" boy if that ain't age discrimination! Stay far, far away from these guys, they are just no good!