Pep Boys
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Category: Automotive
Contact Information Ridgewood, Queens, New York, United States
Pep Boys Reviews
April 9, 2009
Scam and cheating
I recently bought a 90 model truck with its original battery and cables with the intention of resell. I went to Pep Boys to purchase a new battery on Tuesday April 7, 2009. I promptly went home and installed the battery only to discover that my truck would not start. Suspecting the battery had no juice, I had my boyfriend come over and give me a jump... sure enough it started up, but when I turned the truck off, it was completely dead again. I was scheduled to work later that day and decided to take the battery back to Pep Boys the next day for an exchange.
When I arrived at Pep Boys I asked them to check the battery. I bought a bad battery and wanted an even exchange for a good one, not a recharge of the bad one I had bought. I've had batteries checked before and know that it doesn't take a very long time to check if they are good, and when they had my battery for more than ten minutes I began to suspect they were recharging. I asked them what was going on they said that the battery was a perfect battery, and that it should have started my truck with no problem, and it would only take about 30 minutes more of charging, which was time I didn't have.
If the battery was so perfect, why did it require 40 or more minutes of recharging? I told the manager that I wanted an exchange with a new battery since I just bought the battery yesterday and it didn't work the second I installed it. He told me that would void my 90 day warranty. He told me I must have left something on all night, even though I had just told him the truck wouldn't start the VERY second the battery was installed.
After a few minutes of arguing, I accepted the exchange and demanded the number to his corporate office or at least a regional manager or superior, which he refused to supply. He said I could get any information I needed online. He told the counter person something in Spanish and she gave me my receipt. It now says 'returned without receipt' 'no warranty' even though I had my receipt.
Unsatisfied Almost Customer
April 2, 2009
Poor Service, Rip Off
Just voicing a complaint about the Pep Boys in my local area. Of the 8 people who I saw that were "working" there, the only person who was actually helping customers was a cashier. The service department associates
need a personality service to help them with their skills. They were complete morons disguised as functioning human beings who obviously didn't care about the fact that the economy is bad and they are lucky to have jobs as it is. Someone should remind these poor souls that the other other work they'd be suited for is perhaps McDonald's but even they are smarter and more helpful. After trying to rip me off on a sale, the 2 service associates I was discussing my possible purchase with were useless. After 1 hour or discussion (them quoting me an incorrect price and then whining because I was trying to hold them to it) I left the store with my money in hand before my head exploded. More importantly for Pep Boys though, they lost the $400.00 I was prepared to spend there. This store is probably heading for closing within the year but I can see why as they must not pay their employees to well because their poor attitudes are a real turnoff to the customers. The cashier was very nice and friendly when I walked in but too bad the stupid, ignorant sales dept. rejects ruined it for Pep Boys. I'd rather stick myself in the eye with a straight pin then ever walk back into that store again. Incidentially, I ended up spending more money at another auto store but did so with a smile as I'd never even buy so much as a key chain at Pep Boys.
Bob Rusch
April 2, 2009
Failure and Negligence
Had a problem where my 2003 Dodge Dakota overheated on March 15, 2009 at 3 am. Called a tow company and was towed to Pep Boys in Parsippany, since they were going to be open on Sunday.
When they open they took my truck in and said that it need a new radiator. Never showed me the old one. I told the to do it. On Monday I picked up the truck.
No more than 12 minutes out and the same exact thing happened. Had it towed back.
After a week of trying to get called they finally said it needed a new head gasket and after charging me $1000 for the radiator they wanted now to charge me $1500 for this, I flipped.
Then after calling and calling a week goes by again, and they said that the head was warped and that they were going to replace the engine at their cost.
No calls and then on Thursday, April 2, 2009 was told to come and pick up the truck. When I got there, they told me that they were not going to replace the engine nad basically tuff luck.
Shoddy work and negligence.
March 23, 2009
Oil Change
Recently i had visited a Pep Boys for an oil change for my 2004 Mustang. I gone there before without any problems. This time for some unknown reason my car has been in the shop for an oil change for over 45 minutes, which does not usualy take that long to perform this kind of job. Which got me a little worried. Finally after asking for my car, it was ready to go. So i pay the bill and start walking to my car. As soon as i get in everything is good, but all the suddent my button which you press to put the car in drive does not want to go in. So i cant even drive my car. I tryed a couple of times and still no results. I go inside get the manager, and tell him the issue. We go confront the mechanic who worked on my car. Who said when i got into the car i could not press the button eaither but i forced it in with two hads. On the spot the manager said why didnt you inform me about this situation. Mechanic does not respond. We go to the car the manager tries and still no success in getting the car to drive. He gets the mechanic who worked on my car to try. While standing behind the car, all the suddent my lights dont work. So i tell the manager when i brought the car here everything worked and was in perfect condition, therefore you are responsible for the damages. Again the manager asks the mechanic did he check if the lights worked? but the mechanic said no, so the manager told him he did not follow the procedures. Everything sounded that it was the mechanic foult and that he broke something during the oil change. So the car is forced into drive and droven up to the garage. all the sudden the manager says look it works you just have to force the button in so you can put it to drive. I said no thats not how i gave you the car so i want it in the condition in which it was given to you. The lights worked and everything. The manager says that the mechanic only did an oil change and didnt brake anything. So i said it i couldnt put my car into drive here than how would of i drove here if it was broken? The manager says that im lying and that i broke the car and his not responsible for it. I said when you had the possiession of my car you are responsible for any damages. His answer is that his only responsible for the engine cause thats where the mechanic worked, or if he hit something. So i asked does he drive the car into the shop? so therefore he is responsible for everything that happened to that car. But manager still says that he will not repair the car and began arguing. Which forced me to call the Police Department. As soon as the phone call was made the other mechanice came to resolve the problem. He check the light and notices that the fuse was takken out and placed in the wrong place. Therefore thats why they dont work. But there was still a problem with puting the car into drive. After putting the car in the garadge i was told to speak with the manager who was now no where to be found. all the suddent the problem is fixed and everything works. After which i received the best explanation. All the suddent the wire for the brake got worn out and wasnt working. I get the part and notive that if a wire wears out then it will break over a certain ammount of time, but the one i get had a perfect angle cut which does not occur if the wire breaks by itself. I never saw a wire break at perfect angle. Therefore i did not believe the story, police arrived and report wa made. Therefore this was the last time i had visited Pep Boys and i would not recomend this place at all. Has terrible service, mechanics working who dont know how to resolve any problems but to cause more. In case of any problems the manager will call you a lier even though he himself said to the mechanic that he broke the companies rules and did not follow procedures.
March 18, 2009
Terrible company
Purchased 4 new tires under the 'Buy 3 Get 1 Free' offer. Mailed in my information and received a card saying that my purchase was outside the promotion dates. I called and the representative said they had mistakenly entered it under the wrong code.
First of all - nice try. Secondly - Pep Boys has been running the same deal for as long as I can remember. How was my purchase outside some offer range? Pep Boys likely sends that card to most customers in hopes that a minimum of 50% will be too lazy, lose the card, or simply take Pep Boys' word. I did finally receive my rebate, but I will never set foot in another Pep Boys.
March 6, 2009
They f***ed up my car
On the 12th Thursday of February 2009 I brought my Infiniti G35 coupe to Pep Boys on Kirkwood Hwy Wilmington, DE to get new tires and a battery installed. They sized and fitted my vehicle with new tires, however they could not do the battery since I had run short on time. They advised me to stop back when I had more time. At or about 1600 hrs (same date) I returned to Pep Boys and requested the simple task of changing my battery (SOUNDS SIMPLE??)Well lets just say I should have bought the wrench and did it on my own. They pulled my vehicle into the garage and first checked my original battery life and found it to be in poor condition. I then took a seat in my driver seat and watched as they took my old battery out and put the new one in. The employee hooked up my hot wire first (which is a NO-NO I am told) then tried to hook up the ground, however the ground did not reach the negative terminal. The employee said he was going to have to get an extender. I then advised him to turn the original ground wire around so it was closer. He tried it and it worked (Duh!) Anyway he then asked me to try and start my car, I did so and nothing happened? He then said hold on for a minute as he got the Charger Box (you know, the thing they use to charge your battery) well having a new battery already they ran full power to it at 100% SPARKS WERE FLYING 3 SEPARATE TIMES! (THE DUMB~A**)HOOKED FULL FORCE POWER TO MY BATTERY POSITIVE FIRST THEN NEGATIVE. DOSE AN ASE TECH LEARN THAT IN SCHOOL? I THINK NOT. ALL THE INTERIOR LIGHTS IN MY VEHICLE GOT SUPER BRIGHT! BLINDING WHITE? I asked why and he said it was because he had the juice all the way up since my car did not start. He looked more confused then me. He then jumped the vehicle and it was started finally. I then pulled out of the garage and right away felt a problem! I at that point noticed my VDS light and SLIP were on in my dash. I pulled back up to the garage (still in the parking lot) and said "You did something to my vehicle" They had me pull back inside as another employee plugged in some code reader device. He started to scratch his head and said "I checked all your fuses and there fine" I asked then why is my light on? THEY DO COME ON FOR A REASON! He said he did not know what happened except that my VDC and SLIP control no longer functioned and to just bring it back in the morning so one of their master techs could look into it. Reluctantly I did so and returned the following morning. The so called master tech scratched his head and said he did not know what's wrong. The (MT) Master Tech advised that I bring it to the Infiniti dealership and have them fix the problem and that they would just pay the dealer to fix it. The store manager agreed and gave me a business card to give to Infiniti. Well I went home and parked my car in the driveway and then called Infiniti of Westchester(Pa)and told them my problem. I spoke to the Service Manager named (Brenden) and explained the issue. They said they could not give me a loaner until the following Monday and to bring it right to them ASAP. Well I decided I would try to bring it early and just have my wife follow me to the dealer and drop it off. Well NOW MY CAR DIDN'T START! headlights worked, radio worked, horn sounded. But my "WINDOWS DID NOT WORK, POWER LOCKS DID NOT WORK, TRUNK RELEASE DID NOT WORK" OH, DID I SAY MY CAR WOULD NOT START? I had to ask Infiniti to send me a tow at Pep Boys expense. A day later Infiniti called me and said we found out what happened! Pep Boys fried your computer. I said ok call me when its ready. The next business day that followed I was called again by Infiniti and advised my car was fixed with a price tag $1, 950.12 I said Yea, remember Pep Boys made this problem... The dealer said they talked to Pep Boys and they said since any number of things could cause my vehicle to blow its computer THEY ARE REFUSING PAYMENT ON MY CLAIM! Well I needed my vehicle back so I could go to work. I had no choice but to pay the dealer. I called Pep Boys and gave them an ear full, but I am not even close to done. I asked the Mgr of Pep Boys "How dose a certified ASE mechanic screw up putting a battery in a car. He said they don't. I asked well how did your employee mess up my car then? He said the guy that put the battery in my car */was not ASE certified/*. I said YOU HAVE A HUGE SIGN IN FRONT OF YOUR STORE THAT SAYS "CERTIFIED ASE MECHANICS ON STAFF" TO SERVICE MY CAR NEEDS. What happened to that? He advised not every shop employee was ASE certified, and you don't need to be to put a battery in a car. I said where dose it say that on the sigh, he said it dose not. I said that was misleading to the customer who thinks a certified person Not an average Joe working on my car. I brought my vehicle to them in trust and good faith of the sign ASE (basically means they have schooling on what they do as well as experience)and they let JO~BLOW touch a $30, 000 vehicle. Is that what he said? YES, basically he did! I will take them to court on this one! I will get my money back plus lawyer fees. I also intend on letting the news media cover this story as well so the public can be aware. *DON'T GO TO PEP BOYS!* I can be very loud when I know I am right, further when we see the judge who do you think they are going to trust, PepBoys or a (Police Officer)? Oh, did I forget to mention I am a COP? Well this should be fun I am sure. A few words to the wise... *DON'T BRING YOUR VEHICLE TO PEP BOYS! THEY WILL SCREW UP EVERYTHING THEY DO! EVERYTHING!!!
MAD in New Mexico
March 3, 2009
I had my Dodge Durango, which only has 65, 000 miles on it, to Pep Boys because the oil pressure gauge dropped to ZERO and the check gauges light came on. As soon as this happened, I pulled the vehicle over and parked it where it sat for 3 months till I had some extra money for repairs. The first day that Pep Boys had it, they test drove it several times and couldn't duplicate the problem, said that the sensor was loose and they unplugged it, plugged it back in and everything was fine I could pick it up and they would even discount the diagnostic charge. When I got there to pick it up, the mechanic had it up on the lift and the service manager Shawn said that the technician drove it one more time and the oil pressure gauge dropped and they light came back on, said I needed an oil pump. More than 24 hours and $725 later, I picked it up and drove it home. I was so happy to have my car back, told everyone what a great job they did, etc. On the evening of the 3rd day, I was driving and again, the oil pressure dropped and the light came on. I immediataly pulled over and called Pep Boys. They apologized told me to have it towed back in the morning. I left it where it was, and first thing in the morning I had it towed by Pep Boys. Right before closing that day, I received a call from the service manager telling me he had bad news. They mis diagnosed the problem and I now had internal engine damage, he would discount the cost of the engine and apply what I already paid to the labor charges but it would still cost me approx. $3600 to replace. Pep Boys damaged my engine by test driving it several times in one day when it wasn't getting any oil into the engine and by letting me take it home when it wasn't fixed properly. They further damaged the engine by again, test driving it again several times with no oil pressure the 2nd time I towed it in. They tried to tell me that this would've happened regardless but they are trying to cover their own butts. Oh yeah, they did refund me the cost of their mis-diagnosis repairs, but refuse to take ownership of their error and replace my engine, so now I'm stuck with a vehicle that I'm still making payments on and can't drive! I have contacted the BBB and the State Attorney General of New Mexico, they will, one way or another, pay for the mistakes!
February 20, 2009
False advertisement
PepBoys Ad telling about oil & filter replacement says, "When the light comes on, bring it in".
When the light comes on, something else is wrong with your car, not an oil change.
I think that this is false advertisement ant should be taken off the air before someone gets sued.
I can easily see someone that has seen this commercial waiting until the light comes on the dashboard, then having to have their car towed into whom ever works on their vehicle and be told that they are going to need an engine or something because they drove there car without proper maintenance because they were waiting for the "light to come on".
February 14, 2009
Fraudulent company
Approximately one week ago, I took my car to have it inspected. They inspected the car, and told me that, in order to pass inspection, I would have to pay $550.00. That seemed high, so I got a second opinion, who said the same thing, failing the same issues, and telling me the car meets state inspection guidelines outside of those issues.
I went back to the original shop and paid the money to get the car fixed. They told me that everything was all set and the car would now pass inspection. However, I was unable to get an inspection sticker because I had accidentally left the new registration at my house.
Since this is 1/2 hr away from my home, I decided to just pick up the inspection sticker at pep boys in Manchester, thinking, obviously, that they would pass the car due to the fact that two independent shops listed the same items. However, they failed the inspection, and stated that it would cost, again, over $400 to fix, noticing several things that none of the other two shops noticed. The showed me the 'failures'.
The first thing that they told me was that the 'cracked windshield' failed the inspection. When I looked at the windshield, I saw that there was, in fact, a very noticeable crack there that I and neither of the other shops had mysteriously NOT noticed before I brought it into pep boys.
Then they showed me the rear shocks, which they claimed needed to be replaced. They showed me functioning shocks with minimal wear. The ride in the car is smooth, and again, neither of the other two shops failed it. There were several other things with the car that neither of the other two shops noticed, yet pep boys failed me for.
What struck me the most was that the employees had very large grins on their faces. The kind of smile that you might remember from grade school from a bully while he takes your lunch money. I am inclined to believe that they knew they were screwing me over, and enjoyed it.
Unfortunately, I can not prove anything. Taking legal action would be an expensive, time consuming and frustrating waste of time. I just wanted to politely let other people know that these people should not be trusted.
G. Bascket
February 6, 2009
If you value your life do not go to pep boys
I took my 2002 Mazda 626 to Pep Boys in Laurel, MD for front brake pads. They told me it was my rear drums that needed to be replaced. I thought it was odd because I have 2WD not 4WD. So I let him put the drums on. Immediately I heard a loud screeching noise, but he reassured me it would go away after 4-5 days. NOPE! 2 weeks past and I still heard it. I took it back and he told me it was a manufacturing problem with the brakes. So I knew he was lying because I have never had problems with my brakes and my car was brand new when I bought it. I came back again the next day and someone else worked on it and all they did was put a bunch of lube on it to stop the noise. Once it dried up the noise started and is even louder and my car doesn't always come to a complete stop! I paid $350.00 for them to destroy my brakes! Thanks Pep Boys for all the unnecessary money I spent and all the damage you have caused my car!
FYI... I am seeking legal advice for loss and damages.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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