A part of me believes this web site was set up by the attorney's office themselves trying to obtain information on each of their cases. But, I wll still pass on my complaint, someone in their organization will get this information again.
I responded to correspondence sent from Peroutka & Peroutka with the same letter over and over again. I explained that first, the balance was not $1602. Second, the balance was a dispute that was more than proven by me to Capital One that I returned all items purchased to Chadwick's (women's apparrel) via their return policy. As we are all aware, it is very easy to track UPS packages to see they were returned and received. My opinion is that Capital One contacted Chadwicks, who denied to credit the items, so Capital One held me responsible. I used the enclosed return forms per their policy. Therefore, since I followed their policy, I should not be held responsible for items lost in transit or in their warehouse. I spoke with Chadwick representatives that informed me the items had been received, but not logged back into the inventory. Does this mean that a Chadwick employee has found a new way to get clothing free. This should not be my responsibility. I followed the rules and now get stuck with this horrendous bill becuase Capital One does not want to battle this out with Chadwicks. The credit card company should be behind their card holder.
Third, I agreed to pay $15/month if they would reduce the balance to the actual balance due. I enclosed a check in the same amount along with two additional checks representing payment for the next two months. I have children in college and I am not in a position to pay money that I do not owe. I never received a response.
Now, I just received (2/19/10) a Wage Garnishment form in the mail (unsigned by a judge), that was sent to my employer over a month ago. This is the last thing I wanted. I do not want my wages garnished, not do I want this adversely effecting my credit. I have worked very hard to re-establish myself after a nasty divorce and trying to raise two children on my own.
This goes above and beyond what the normal middle class family can withstand. I have a credit card company that is looking out for the merchant and a lawyer that ignores all offers trying ot settle the claim. The more they collect, the more fee they collect.