BOA has a way of making you think your money is safe. They don't specify amounts needed in your account to avoid high fees. When you spot the problem they tell you its to late for them to reimburse you. Money Market accounts for people under a certain amount are most vulnerable. Worse is they put your money in it after you specify not to.
Bank fees for overdraft protection are ridiculous, it is to protect you from being overdrawn. But in order to avoid fees you must transfer the funds yourself or BOA charges you to do it. To keep from being charged for having under $300. a mo. in an account you have to let them transfer $25 from checking to savings. Then you can withdraw without penalty.
While in the BOA to close account a line was forming with other customers doing the same thing.
DISQUSTED because one customer not only had his whole savings account drained from bank fees, but the employee said he OWED them $2. 30!!! Its the same as STEALING on ly considered LEGAL??!!!