Place a order waived deposits and equip fees, 1st mo for 29.95 called back to set up install they have already charge me for deposits and equipment in the amt of 299.00 like all my checks are bouncing but there is no record on my account for these transactions. I have to have my bank FAX over the current charges. Took one day to take it out but 10 to put in back in. Nightmare, pure Nightmare. I also stressed out on this and lost a lot of sleep. I work for a major Communications Dept and wish they had there services here. And (NOTHING/EVER) would have went on like this. So, unproffesional, unethical, is what happen. So, in the meantime, I am stuck watching DVD's at this point, and on the internet complaining because "I have no services" because I called and cancelled my current subscription with OUR local cable company...>>>>THE ULTIMATE MEASURE OF A MAN IS NOT WHERE HE STANDS IN MOMENTS OF COMFORT AND CONVENIECE BUT WHERE HE STANDS AT TIMES OF CHALLENGE AND CONTROVERSY...<<<<<<<
MLK could not have said that better