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Category: Family & Pets
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Petland Reviews
May 20, 2008
Never buy from them
Long story but I learned my lesson. NEVER buy puppies from Petland. Petland breaks my heart for those puppies. They are awful and should be shut down. If you want a puppy please do research of your own. Adopt or buy from someone recommended by a friend. There are so many babies out there that need a good home. Check with your vet they could shoot you in the right direction. Just please take my word on it. NEVER buy from Petland. Well.. Unless you have LOTS of money and can afford vet bills coming out your whoha. PETLAND broke my heart.
April 28, 2008
They lied us about ferret we bought
My boyfriend and I decided to purchase a pet. Due to living at home and in an apartment, we decided on a ferret. We read up on them, and my boyfriend's family has a sweet bald old ferret. We checked out a few pet stores and someone said Petland in Monroeville is a good place to go, and that all their ferrets were from that store.
That was about 2-3 weeks before the original purchase. We picked 2 that we liked and asked when the ferrets had come in. The co-manager said that the six had come in the day before, and that they were 3-4 months old.
On the tank for the ferrets it said the were «Up To Date" on vaccinations, guaranteed for 1 year, and healthy. Another sign said "Ferrets $149.99 save $50 Everyday price $199.99".
On 4/9/2008 we went in to purchase our ferret. We ended up with a light sable female, who was our 2nd pick from the two we liked 3 weeks ago. Our sales girl said they were 3-4 months old, and that we had to buy a $25 bag of food to get a 3 year guarantee through the breeder.
She also said that we should buy a "Pet Club Membership" so we could get another $50 off on the ferret. We agreed, purchased our ferret and took her home.
Everything was good for about 3 hours. Then Kikyo became aggressive and bit my boyfriend drawing blood. She also began shaking the cage with her teeth.
On 4/10/2008 we called Petland. The Sales Associate we talked to refused to allow us to talk to a manager, and said we would have to pay 25% to restock her if we returned her, and that we could not have our money back.
We took her up to Petland immediately trying to return her. Her behaviour changed, and the co-manager we had talked to 3 weeks ago passively talked us out of putting her back. They said they would just put her in a tank by herself and "re-sell" her to someone else for $50. Also he then said she was not 4 months old but 5, and teething.
He convinced us to buy "Grennicks Bitter Apple" and to spray it up her nose and in her mouth. That it would keep her from biting due to the bitter taste. Another $12. 83 and we were on our way home with Kikyo.
The Grennicks worked for about 2 hours then she started biting through the taste. She bit my mother, and drew blood.
On 4/11/2008 I woke up to Kikyo coughing violently for about 15 seconds. I figured she maybe ate too fast or just needed to cough. My boyfriend then heard it later again that day, and it continued all day. At 10:00 P.M. we were instructed by an Emergency Vet to bring her in.
We brought her to the vet, and they both said she had her adult teeth and that she was not teething. They also said we should have received vaccination records and to quarantine her for 10 days, because we were not given them.
They diagnosed her with an upper respiratory infection, and prescribed Amoxicillin (which we are both allergic to). They said ferrets don’t show signs of illness until its in an advanced stage( so it was in her system for about 2-3 weeks), and that she could have died if left in the pet store or untreated for a few more days. We acquired a $105 vet bill, on top of the original $245 purchase and Grennicks for $12.83.
4.12/2008 We registered our ferret online at the breeder's website at about 2 AM. Ten minutes later we received the Guarantee in an e-mail and it stated the "seller" was responsible for everything. We did research late into the night, and found out numerous problems with Petlands all over the country. We returned to the Monroeville store and showed them all our bills and receipts.
The manager, wouldn’t even let me say what was wrong with her. As soon as I stated that Kikyo was sick, she blurted out "OH she has a URI, most of our ferrets develop them" She also stated that they know their animals are sick and sell them with medication.
She gave us a $20 check for the Amoxicillin, and said they won’t cover vet bills because we should have called the store, that even though the store was closed the automated message had her cell phone number on it (I called later that day and it was not on there). Also we were supposed to take her to their vet. We were never told they had a vet. When we asked for the vaccination records they said we can’t find them come in Monday. They were rude took the box the Amoxicillin came in from us and pretty much hurried us out of the store.
4/13/2008 everything seemed to be going fine, we were researching a small claims case against the store, and Kikyo seemed to be coughing less. Well late that night while we had her out to socialize, she bit my boyfriend on the thumb, sinking her teeth in shaking her head aggressively.
Because she was still under quarantine, we called the Emergency Vets and were instructed to go to the hospital. We did and my boyfriend ended up with a band aid, Neosporin, and a quick dose of anti-biotic. We received our bills and it was $304.32 for the ER, and $263.75 for the physician.
We once again returned to Monroeville, to demand the vaccination records. The co-manager said pet stores don’t keep those, and began getting very short with us. We walked out and said see you in court. Not even five minutes later down the road they called saying they had a paper. It said Kikyo was one of 8 ferrets she was born 1/14/2008, and was vaccinated at 5 weeks old on 2/22/2008...which is way too young for a ferret to be vaccinated.
Also Triple F Farm's called me. We had been calling them since 4/10/2008. He said it wasn’t their problem but that the guarantee card should have had her age, and shot record on the back.
During the next week we called everywhere, and ended up finally being able to contact corporate, after days of trying the week before. A sales associate in Athens Ohio Petland put a call through for us. While waiting for a contact from corporate, we found out she should have been vaccinated at 8, 11, and 14 weeks old, and that the vaccination used on her was for MINKS ONLY ( DISTEM R TC).
We talked to everyone from the American Ferret Association, The USDA, the Vet that supposedly vaccinated Kikyo, and anyone else we could get a hold of. Another vet said that she would need 2 shots at her age of 5 1/2 months to 1 year old ( because her adult teeth are in) which will run us about $100 if not more.
We are currently in the process of getting our case together, and filing a law suit for over $900 against the PetLand in Monroeville. Corporate called us back and said that the owners of the store refuse to refund us any money other than the $20 check for the amoxicillin (which we haven’t cashed yet). We got the names of the owners (which the last name was wrong) and that corporate cant do anything more because this Petland is a franchise.
We are just now one of the 1000's of people who have been ripped off from another Petland Store. We have a good feeling we may win our case and get most if not all of the money back considering we have the backed into the wall so to speak.
Anyway I just want to warn anyone looking into Petland for an animal. You will just end up amongst us all who are out hundreds if not thousands for buying a sick animal from their horrible store.
April 17, 2008
Worst place ever
They keep male and female hamsters together. when I told them their hamsters were humping the guy that worked there said "oh good maybe will get some babies!" these hamsters were FOR SALE which means some family is going to end up getting 20 hamsters for the price of one yay! (Not really if you have had it happen) also there puppies are all from puppy mills and normally are twice or more the price of the same purebred puppy from a reputable breeder. a lot of the puppies also already health problems and they are still over charging. DONT BUY!
April 14, 2008
Petland is horrible
I bought 4 fish at Petland on April 12. They went belly up within hours of going in my tank. When I took them back with a sample of my water, I found out my water wasn't so good. Jim told me that my water wasn't habitable for "Any animal". Yet, I've got 3 fish that have lived for more than 2 years! When I began to complain about their "48 hour fish guarantee" he said "It's not my fault you killed your fish". When I offered to follow his suggestions and then return in 1 week’s time to get my water tested again would he then replace my fish? He said "Sure, I'll put your dead fish in the freezer and give them back to you next week!" No joke! He honestly said that! Then when I suggested I would write a complaint about him and this 'customer service" and "guarantee" he said I was threatening him with 'extortion". When I mentioned he didn't care about my "fish" because he already got paid, he actually told me he didn't make any money on my 4 fish. I said "well you sure didn't pay what I paid for them" and he MOCKED ME! I've reported Petland in Westland, Mi to the BBB. I refuse to allow someone to get away with that! I think everyone should chime in with their horrible antics and customer service skills. I can't wait to see what will happen now!
January 27, 2008
Terrible experience!
Applied and was hired at Petland, and after only one day on the job, I wouldn't go back for a million dollars. Okay folks, lemme fill ya in on my first day of training and how petland trains its employees and how to treat the customer. You either make min. wage or commission, which ever is higher. Most of the dogs there sell for 2,500 or higher so you can make a easy 500 bucks in one day of sales. well when it came to the guy and owner who were supposed to train me, lets just say they were to busy selling dogs then to train me. Every time they'd start to tell me a policy they would rush over to someone looking at pups. they wouldn't rather no miss a commission then do their jobs training a new employee. first off the owner lauren tells me that, my main goal is to sell a puppy and to make money, this is a commission job.Its not like "hey guys lets find these puppies homes", nope its like "move them out at any cost".
Wanna know how petland see you, its customers? take this in for consideration. I was about 3 hours into my first day and in walks couple asking if they can "play" with a puppy. The owner takes me off to the side and says "ewww they are trashy people, they aren't here to buy, only to waste our time while they entertain themselves". The shes goes off in detail about "how poor these people look and that they have to be unemployed because of their clothes". Personally they looked fine to me, i mean they weren't dressed like a movie star but they were wearing everyday average clothes that even Id wear... ya know jeans and teeshirt. Then the owner proceeds to tell me Petland refers to these people or people who just come into look as F.O.S. I was confused and asked "whats that mean"?, she said "full of shit"! I was SHOCKED!!! I was sooo offended because i had come into the store before i was hired just looking around at whatever and now i know they considered me F.O.S because I was only looking.
Okay it gets worse. my boss told me their policy is "that the customers isn't always right, and that petsmart had spoiled them into thinking they are". She said "if a customer comes in I have the right to treat them anyway I want to and i can say anything i want to". Well then we get a sweetheart lady in asking if we sold a particular type of catfood, and the owner says "do you see it on our shelves, you are stupid for asking such a dumb question". I was appalled, she could have just said "no I am sorry we don't". The lady was attacked unprovoked, she wasn't rude or anything, the owner just jumped on her.
Then get this, its my first day and a little boy about 8 asked to see a hampster and his mom was standing behind us holding a 2 year old in her arms. The owner came up and asked "umm whats this about... if we let ever kid hold our hampsters they get wet tail and die". The little boy looked all upset at his mom and she covered her daughters ears (the 2 yr old) and said can we have less of the (spelling the word out to the owner) D-E-A-D?" the owner barks back yelling "umm its about time your kids know about death, i think they are old enough". HOW DARE THE OWNER JUDGE WHAT A PARENT TELLS THEIR KID AND WHEN!!! Ive never seen a pet store where it is their policy to treat the customer like crap.and yes... it still gets worse!!!
In the front of the store they have animals in open cages called "petters". These are ferrets, guinea pigs, hampster, bunnies, and birds. Petters mean you can pet them, but on the cages it says "we may bite". well all day long kids come in and pinch and prod these poor animals. the ferrets have taken up biting as play. so many people dangle their arms into the cages that the ferret thinks to a game to bite. STORE POLICY ON BITES: pet counselors are not to hand the animal to someone who wants to hold it, if the wanna hold it they get it out for themselves or their kids. If they get bit, they should have read the sign that they bite and its their own fault. Well i was trying to straighten a water bottle up in a petter ferrets cage and the thing bit and drew blood on my hand. A few minutes later a guy came in and i felt it was my duty to warn him that the ferret bites and not to handle it. Then my boss started yelling at me for telling him this. Another gentleman decided to try and hold it because he has ferrets. The ferret bit on to him so hard blood poured down his hand and dripped on the floor... the owner once again said "pffff its his own damn fault". So i spent most of my day terrified for some poor unsuspecting kid or adult to put their arm into a cage that says "petter", not "bitter" and get bit. Now i don't know about you, but i have got to much of a conscious to stand there and let some innocent person get hurt. My boss had the nerve to tell me "ya know if you spend most of your day up here at the small animal section you'll never make any money. Um hello money or trying to keep someone from getting hurt, you be the judge, apparently they can ignore it, but i couldn't.
Next comes the fellow employees. I now you aren't at a job to make friends but to do your job but there has to be some sense or comradory and loyalty. The minute two of the other girl pet counselors left, the other girl began telling the boss "so and so stole my sale and so and so did this"... she got the two other girls written up after they left when they weren't even there to defend themselves. it seems at petland that if someone is to much competition to you and they are making more sales and getting more commission you do what you have to to get them fired so you can have more sales. I never heard one employee say one nice thing about another, it was all about getting someone written up.
Now about kittens. it seems that people off the street come in with litters of kittens and surrender them to petland. Petland makes a copy or their current drivers license and then keeps the plain off the street joe anybodies kittens and sells them for up to 150 bucks a pop. I have cats and my cats all came from friends or shelters. I couldn't in good faith sell someone a plain ol cat for 150 bucks when i know they can go to a shelter and give one a home or get one for free just about anywhere.theres are not breeds of cats, these are off the street kittens being sold for that price.
Damage Resulting = My first day was 10 and 1/2 hours long with no lunch or breaks. I came home that night in shock and disgust at my "new job". My boyfriend said I ranted for about three hours. Ive never quit a job after one day. I worked my first day and had two days off. I didn't spend those two days off relaxing, i spent those two days racking my brian wondering what i got myself into. I couldn't even sleep at night because everything i had witnessed was running through my brain. I don't have it in me to be that mean to work there. I cant be mean to customers, or to fellow employees but that seems to be normal policy.I cant treat people who come in just looking as what my boss said "F.O.S" because that pretains to me as well cus i came in before just looking. And how can a person stand their and watch his fellow man get bit but a animal that they know WILL not may bit??? One day working their was far to much for me. Petland does not care about you, the customer... they consider you F.O.S unless you buy a 4000 dollar dog which may be a mix breed. They don't care if their petters bite you, they call you stupid for getting bit. They call you stupid for asking questions. They don't care about the welfare of the puppy only about how much that puppy brings them in commission. They don't care about their employees cus if you leave or they get you fired its more money for them. work for petsmart or a pet supplier, but not petland. I thought it would be a great job but boy was i wrong.
When I actually did quit, after one day they were even ruder to me. They asked me why I was quitting, and i told them that i had to much of a conscious to work there. I told them i couldn't stand there and watch person after person stick their hands into cages where i knew they would be hurt and bitten. the owner just said well "if the customer gets bit, they are stupid".Can you believe that??? Its not like their animals might bite, their petter WILL bite.The owner told me "well we figured you wouldn't have lasted"... Ive never been more happy about quitting a job, Id of felt like a sell out and a horrible person to have kept working there. I actually like people, theres no way I could work at a place who has no concern for its customers. Petland doesn't care about its pets, customers or employees.
One last thing I thought about the night before I quit was about their puppies health. Now Ive had tons of puppies in my life time but something they said about their dogs struck me as odd. When you buy a puppy, they give you Hypoglycemia med for the puppy and tell the new puppy parent to limit play for the first four days. The owner told me that after the puppies are taken home, their new owners might play to much with them making the puppy go hypoglycemic from loosing to much blood sugar and then crash and go into shock and maybe death. Now all of the puppies Ive owned over my life time have never crashed and killed over after playing to much. A normal health puppy will simply stop playing and go to sleep when its played to much, not go into shock. maybe their puppies aren't as healthy as they say.
Ive got a friend who has a chipmonk from the store and it was a bitter when he got it, and it still is. Their small critters are treated so badly that they will never make good pets and its not even their fault. these poor animals are allowed to be stressed poked and prodded by teens and jerks cus petland doesn't care enough to protect them. Ive had gueina pigs for nearly 25 years and i have never seen pig pigs as aggressive as petlands. I couldn't even get my hand in the cage long enough to give water to or pet the guiena pigs.
I just want people to know that petland isn't worth your time because they don't consider you worth theirs. Do you wanna visit a store that considers you "F.O.S- FULL OF SH*T"?
November 25, 2007
Kitten rescue died next day!
Bought a "rescue" kitten from this petstore. Was suppose to be healthy, $33.00 first shots,worming and seen by the vet. In good healthy. played around sweet thing. next morning it was horribly sick,sneezing and shivering. Off to the vet to find out the kitten was only 4 weeks old. couldn't eat and was more then half starved and was sick. We gave the vet free rein to save her. $500. later that day our kitten Boots has a sezuire and dies. Went to the store with info in hand from the vet about her and they told us the kittens weren't under any warranty and so we were out of luck. and walked us out. Run from this place it's bad. We just wanted another kitten a healthy. Now we're heading to court.
October 30, 2007
Petland Killed My Chinchilla
We bought a treat for our chinchilla at Petland this weekend. It was pointed our and suggested to us by one of Petland's so-called "Pet Counselors". (Sunseed Apple and Papaya Treat for Chinchillas, Rabbits, and Guinea Pigs). We bought it and fed it to our chinchillas. The next day they were all sick . One was so sick that it fell off of its hammock and couldn't move. We brought it to the emergency clinic and the vet said the treat made it sick and that she had a 20% survival rate IF we got her temperature up to normal, really we had no chance with her temperature so low from being in shock. The vet gave us antibiotics and orders but ten minutes after we got home, our chinchilla Crazy passed away. All we asked was that the treat be removed from the shelf. Petland took responsibility and paid for our vet bills and gave us a giftcard for their store in response. The treat that killed our dear pet??? THEY ARE STILL ON THE SHELF BEING SOLD TO UNSUSPECTING, TRUSTING CUSTOMERS!!
December 13, 2006
They tried to sell me an ill puppy!
Petland in Chicago ridge was the place when it all and my mother walked in just to look around before we went home... there was a tiny female chihuahua puppy in the cage.. A man took her out for us, to see her. She was shaking of fear, her eyes were runny, and she was trying to get away. We were very close to getting her but... $1300 and when we saw her vet report, she was bred by omish people?? in a mill??
We didn’t get this puppy... it was probably sick... the man was very pushy "awww she really seems to like you" "ive never seen a dog like someone so much" " 1300 dollars is the average price for a dog" sure, that we didn’t get her, but we advise u not to get puppies from the pet stores only puppies from mills go there…
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