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Category: Family & Pets

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Maryland, United States

Petsmart Reviews

September 26, 2008
Awful company
I’m writing in regards being overcharged for my services for the grooming department. I have taken my dog to the groomers at PETSMART for a number of years. But today for some reason I was charged $70 for a service that usually cost me $48. Plus for some reason my dog is shedding everywhere. When I called to go over how much everything was the Manager Amy told me everything should of come up to $48 when I asked her why they charged me $70 she put me on hold came back and basically told me that we signed a paper at the being telling us what we could get charge. I called back to the store to try to get information on how I could complain to corporate and the store just put me on hold until I hung up. Very dissatisfied with my service and how I was treated on the phone.

I would like PETSMART employees to fairly charge people and for the managers to be able to fully explain their employee actions.
September 25, 2008
Overcharging/Hanging up on me when I tried to get information for filing a complaint
I’m writing in regards being overcharged for my services for the grooming department. I have taken my dog to the groomers at PETSMART for a number of years. But today for some reason I was charged $70 for a service that usually cost me $48. Plus for some reason my dog is shedding everywhere. When I called to go over how much everything was the Manager Amy told me everything should of come up to $48 when I asked her why they charged me $70 she put me on hold came back and basically told me that we signed a paper at the being telling us what we could get charge. I called back to the store to try to get information on how I could complain to corporate and the store just put me on hold until I hung up. Very dissatisfied with my service and how I was treated on the phone.
I would like PETSMART employees to fairly charge people and for the managers to be able to fully explain their employee actions.
September 17, 2008
the pet care manager is very rude. she has no clue what she is talking. i was looking at the Guinea pigs and they have fleas. also she does not take her animals to the vet there are sevral in the back room that have been left there. birds are dropping dead. and she does not know why cause she won't do any thing about it. i don't think this is right
September 17, 2008
i would like you to know that when i was in on monday i could not find one manager in the store asked some one to call for one and no one came i don't think it is right. there was about 20 carts in the parking lot all over the place. there were dead fish in tanks. i did ask for the managers on duty names and they are deb and roxy. i think they should be doing their job and not playing around when they finally showed up i saw them come out of the office which is right by the cashier and the front door. so why did they not come when the cashier called them. i don't think it is right
August 31, 2008
Dog injures at grooming salon
I took my dog to be groomed at the Petsmart in Sterling, Virginia the next day I realized his nails were bleeding and he could not walk, I bandaged it and decided that I should go back to my old groomer. A few weeks later I saw scabs and flakes on my dog and as the condition got worse and his ear got affected, I decided to take him to their animal hospital next door. I knew the only reason those people are there were to add high bills and they usually would scroll down and add bills. Well the vet there told me our dog has a Fungus infection and that only comes from other dogs. He gave me a $350.00 Bill I knew the grooming salon had done this by not cleaning the tools right.

I went to talk to the manager, I told him about the incident asked to see who the technician was, he started yelling at me and told me in the rudest tone that I cannot prove anything, he asked if my dog has contacts with other dogs?? I said no. He said you should be more social and started making fun of me, the situation got worse; he did not care about my dog's injuries and my bill.I told him I will contact the better business bureau he said HAHA go ahead you cannot prove it. My two children were terrified and were looking at the scenario from a distance. I reminded him the vet had told me we are all in danger of getting the fungus from dog. He said his establishment was clean, I asked if any ONE had ever filed a complaint, he said NO and no Matter what Petsmart will not go out of Business! I said well I have talked to some of the groomers and they have told me these incidents happen often and I will call the Health Dept. and I have talked to my lawyer. He got Livid to a point that I genuinely got scared and started shaking with
my dog in my arms, he said the only reason I am doing this is to get money out of him. I asked him several times to check the computer and see who was the groomer and he did not pay any attention. I will never go back to that Establishment and I will make sure EVERY one knows everything in that store is a gimmick and their Managers are the Rudest and smart mouths with no Customer Service, the cashier and a groomer who were witnessing this both came to me in fear and apologized, one other quietly told my daughter who was watching that she is sorry and this happens often.

Please someone do something...
August 27, 2008
Don't use them
I stopped in PetSmart to pick up some dog treats and while there decided to have my Peke's back nails clipped. 3 years ago he had spinal cord surgery to correct a disk herniation in his lower back. As a result, he has lost the ability to walk unassisted. He is not in any pain and pulls himself around using his front 2 legs quite well. He does wear a harness over his back legs so that I can hold his back legs up and he walks with his front legs. Since he does not naturally wear down the nails on his back legs. the nails grow unevenly. He had 2 or 3 nails I wanted clipped. They asked for his rabies certificate which I retrieved out of the car. When I returned, they asked "can't this dog walk?" When I said no, they said they would not cut his nails as they cannot accept any dog that cannot walk. They wouldn't want to "take him in the back and cause him any more pain". When I told him that was ridiculous, they said it was corporate policy. They made no attempt to placate me, call a manager (indeed the assistant mgr. was one of the 4 people standing in the grooming salon with nothing to do) or even apologize or an idiotic rule...if it even is truly a corporate rule. Is this really a PetSmart rule? If so, it is quite ignorant and will only highlight the inexperience of their grooming and managerial staff, such as I witnessed first hand today. What idiots.
August 9, 2008
I stopped in PetSmart to pick up some dog treats and while there decided to have my Peke's back nails clipped. 3 years ago he had spinal cord surgery to correct a disk herniation in his lower back. As a result, he has lost the ability to walk unassisted. He is not in any pain and pulls himself around using his front 2 legs quite well. He does wear a harness over his back legs so that I can hold his back legs up and he walks with his front legs. Since he does not naturally wear down the nails on his back legs. the nails grow unevenly. He had 2 or 3 nails I wanted clipped. They asked for his rabies certificate which I retrieved out of the car. When I returned, they asked "can't this dog walk?" When I said no, they said they would not cut his nails as they cannot accept any dog that cannot walk. They wouldn't want to "take him in the back and cause him any more pain". When I told him that was ridiculous, they said it was corporate policy. They made no attempt to placate me, call a manager (indeed the assistant mgr. was one of the 4 people standing in the grooming salon with nothing to do) or even apologize or an idiotic rule...if it even is truly a corporate rule. Never again. DO NOT TAkKE YOUR DOGS TO PETSMART TO BE GROOMED! They obviously do not know what they are doing.
August 8, 2008
Stop Petsmart selling small pets
I used to work at Petsmart Canada and learn they are selling sick birds and small animals. Since most of pet breeders in Canada are small operation and most of them are basement operation. There is no humane handling procedure and vet assurance program inplace at all.
July 28, 2008
They do not care about the animals or the customers
Last week, I traveled to our local Pet Smart to buy my little 11 year old daughter a group of African frogs. I asked the young woman working in the aquatics section for help. She piled on an expensive tank, top of the line water clearer, and suggested lots of accessories. My biggest concern was that we had everything for the survival of the frogs and the girl insisted that we would be alright if I followed her instructions. Excited, my little daughter and I set up the tank and followed the lady's instructions to the letter. Overnight the frogs were covered in fungus and dead. My daughter was depressed for the next few days.

We returned to pet smart to see if we could get some of our money back for the incident. I was put under an inquisition by the gentleman who apparently was the one who normally operates the aquatics section. He kept trying to figure out what it was that I did wrong to kill the frog, as if I didn't follow the instructions. "It may have been something you put in the tank beforehand." "What about the water in the area you used." "What did you feed the frogs?" The manager then comes out and glares at the employee and asks what's going on. Next thing I know, I was being questioned by the manager as well and she almost started screaming at me. After about twenty minutes of this I finally got my refund. Turns out that the girl from the day before gave us a solution to make the water just look cleaner, not clean the water. My wife still insists that the frogs were more than likely sick before we even purchased them. Even then, the manager stared at me while talking to another employee the entire time I was in the store. I have never felt so embarrassed at a store in my life and now my daughter is afraid to buy any pets. If we ever do this again I am going to PetCo.
July 14, 2008
Terrible service
When I began working for PetSmart I thought it was where I would spend the rest of my working life. I loved the company, the people, and especially the job... At first. I started at a particular store where the energy was great, but the drama was crazy! I befriend a particular groomer who was a lot of fun. Over the first few months I was there we became very very close. After about six months, and my completion of the grooming academy and training she and I decided to get an apartment together and be roommates. Without going into crazy details about the situation, it didn't work out. It's true that you don't really know someone until you live with them.

Anyways, there was quite a bit of tension between her and I after she decided to move out. I became angry when she brought the situation to work. It was a personal matter that I felt should be discussed between her and I outside of the work place so I decided to transfer to another PetSmart. I figured there would be more room for growth and promotion at the Delavan store. Considering I had more experience with petsmart than anyone in that particular salon, including the grooming manager, I thought I would be valued. I didn't expect anyone to be awed by me or anything, because, let's face it, I was still learning. Any groomer will tell you that you are never done learning how to improve your skills.

I'm a hard worker and a tough cookie! You have to be in this field. The salon manager would constantly ask me for help on her dogs - which is fine, I don't mind offering my assistance, but doesn't it strike you as odd that a company would appoint a woman to be a manager when she isn't comfortable with her job?

Well, one day I was scheduled to be in at 7A.M. I live a half hour away from that store. It snowing rather hard and my journey takes me on country roads with open fields and the snow drifts quite a bit. I began driving to work and in my 4 wheel drive jeep I started sliding around on the road and almost went into a ditch in several spots. After 20 minutes (and getting me nowhere near the store) I decided that the trip was too dangerous and I feared for my safety. I turned around and make the drive back to my home.

After returning, I called the manager that was opening and told him the weather was horrible and that I was too nervous to take the risk of coming to work. (Now, this particular manager was not a nice person. He was the opps manager and NO ONE in the store liked him, including the store director).

I also didn't think the trip was worth the risk considering there were no appointments scheduled for that day, and any groomer will tell you, there is no way you'd be getting a walk-in on a day with bad weather. People don't bring their pets in to be groomed when they will just walk outside and be dirty again.

After expressing my concerns and point of view, the manager told me I HAD to come in that day because the other girl scheduled to work had a history of not showing up in bad weather. I again told him I was sorry but I feared for my personal safety. He told me that I did not have his permission not to be there and when I asked what he meant he told me it would be marked as an unexcused absence. Which was ridiculous since I had sick and vacation time.

First off, I cannot be held accountable for the actions of another employee. Why punish a good employee for the incompetents of another? It did not make any sense to me. However, with further consideration about what that may mean, I decided to wait for the snow to clear a bit and then I made my way to work. After sitting, alone, in the salon with nothing to do for two hours, the other employee showed up and the manager made his way back to speak with her. When he walked through the door he saw me and looked surprised. He asked when I got there and I told him at about 9:30. His response and facial expression was filled with hostile sarcasm. He looked at me and said 'Good choice.' The just turned around and walked out the door.

I reported to disrespect to my salon manager and the store manager and nothing was done so I called the care line, but nothing ever came of it. A few months later I came down with strep throat and had to take a few days off work, under the advisement of my doctor. She faxed a note to the store and later that day I called to make sure a manager had seen the note. As luck would have it, the same manager that I despised was there. I asked him if he had received the note and he proceeded to tell me that he hadn't seen such a note and implied that I was faking. I asked him if had checked the fax machine and low and behold, there was the note.

After coming back to work after three days, he was the opening manager and I was the opening groomer. As soon as I got there, he started in on his hostile sarcasm. I tried to ignore him and went back to the salon to do my job and set up for the day. He came into the salon while I was working on a dog and started in yet again. I was so fed up at this point that I called my fiance and told him I couldn't take it anymore, but that I was scare to quit because they might sue me, since they sent to grooming academy and I signed a contract saying I would stay with them for two years and my second year wasn't up yet. My fiance told me there was no way I should be taking that kind of abuse.

I have NEVER left a job on bad terms before. I have always given notice, but this time was different. I have NEVER been treated that bad before. I walked straight up to his office and quit. I walked back to the grooming salon, packed up my equipment and left. I was so mad and emotional that I left in the middle of a dog.

They didn't sue me because I'm pretty sure they knew I could easily turn around and file a harassment suit. My lawyer assured me I would win. PetSmart does not treat their employees well. As far as I have seen, heard, and read mine was not an isolate incident.

I just want people to be careful when working for PetSmart.

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