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Category: Family & Pets

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Maryland, United States

Petsmart Reviews

barneyboy August 27, 2010
Extremely Poor Customer Service Skills
Went into Petsmart to buy two small (inch and half) goldfish. I was verbally beaten over the head and told that a 5 gallon aquarium was too small and needed a 20 gallon for these two small fish. I didn't object so much to getting the "counseling" on size of the tank so much as really rude, snotty attitude of the clerk. She refused to put a guarantee on the fish because " I was not putting them into the proper environment." I called the store manager after I got home and was told it was not their policy to refuse a guarantee just because of the size of the tank but was not offered any apology. I think it's interesting that Petsmark sells fish to be eaten alive by other creatures but believes that two little goldfish are being horribly mistreated being put in a 5 gallon tank.
TKoStevens August 10, 2010
Ignorance first time customer
Petsmart in Danvers, Mass

First time cumstomer!!! I had a coupon I wwanted to use and figured I will try this place out and compare to Petco. I walked in not a soul in the store. I walked up to the lady behind the register that was playin with her phone and simply asked "where could I find this?' She raised her arm and pointed back there!" Are you kidding me I sorta figured it would be in the store. So disgusted I didnt even bother to look and I will never walk into any petsmart store again. Thanks but no thanks I will pay more out of my pocket and be respected rather than save a buck and be demorealized...
Lilosmom July 9, 2010
I have 4 babies that have been going to Petsmart since 2008! Ever since the first visit, I have stated to the staff not to cut the baby hair of their puppy tails! Today my almost 3 yr old silky, Lilo went to have her summer cut. When my daughter brought her home her tail was gone! I immediately called Petsmart and spoke to LISA, she is the one who groomed Lilo. I wanted to know why her tail was gone. She started to apologize profusely and offer me a free grooming! She proceeded to put the grooming manager on who also apologized and stated that since they are not able to put her tail back on they would give me a free grooming! WHY ON EARTH WOULD I ACCEPT A FREE GROOMING WHEN I WILL NEVER STEP FOOT BACK IN THIER STORE! Lisa the chop happy groomer says to me, that it stated right there not to cut her tail! Please don't use them if you have any special instructions because they are not followed anyway!!!
Rebecca D June 11, 2010
Return Policy
Company advertises on their web site a no-hassle return policy. Tried to return an item purchased there a few days ago in original package; unopened and they would not give me a refund without a receipt. I purchased with a debit card and most retailers do give refunds if purchased through debit card. No hassle return policy is a joke!!! They need to state to customers their policy when purchases are made. I told them to keep their store credit as I am never going back there again. Unhelpful store manager who would not help me at all.
a-l-i-tower June 2, 2010
Ignorant manager
I am writing this complaint because I am not happy about how the store manager treats his employees.
He is rude and just makes people feel like crap. Everybody talks about how they don't want him at the store anymore because he yells at them and is just useless. He doesn't wear his uniform some of the times when he walks around the store. He interrups employees while they are helping customers. He has been rude to a couple of customers where they have actually come up to me and told me that he shouldn't be working in Petsmart because he has a bad attitude.
When someone higher then him comes into the store, he acts very professional, helps customers and is very nice to his employees. Once they are gone he is a totally different person. He swears, and just puts his employees in a bad mood. A number of people have quit because of how he is and they just can't put up with it.
He tells employees to do something and then goes outside for a smoke or talks on his cellphone while his employees are busting their ass trying to finish something and he does nothing at all to help, just yell at them when something isn't completed.

I use to love coming to work and working with all the animals and now i dont even want to go to work anymore because i know he is going to be there, and he is just going to make my day miserable. Please do something about this, you would be doing everybody a huge favor and maybe get a manager in that is actually able to be nice to employees and customers.
Thanks so much.
Luccij June 2, 2010
They are selling sick animals
I recently purchased a guinea pig from a Petsmart in Rochester Hills, MI. It was actually about a month ago and nothing for this little guy has gone right. We purchased him on a Saturday, initially the associate that was helping us box him up seemed to care very little for him. She tore him out of his home with little care and simply handed him over. After deciding we wanted him she placed him in a box that was barely double the size of him and placed him in the open box on the floor with little care of the fact that he could easily climb free of the small box.

Then by Monday we were taking him to the vets to get him checked on because he was having both issues breathing and was sneezing nearly nonstop. When we got there we found out that he not only had an upper respiratory infection but had pneumonia as well. His breathing was so bad that the vet couldn't even heard his heart beating over it. We were given the option of not treating it and taking him back to the store or forking over close to $250 for a pet that we were given a 50/50 chance of surviving after only having him two days.

We decided to take the chance even if he may not live because every animal deserves that chance and we already didn't trust PetSmart to take care of him since he'd gotten sick initially in their care.

He made it through that quite successfully and things were finally looking up for him as the antibiotics ran out. The next thing we know he has a wound on his ear that appeared nearly overnight. We decided to take him back to the vet who assumed that it was simply a cut with an infection and that's why it looked so bad. He gave us antibiotics for his ear and to be sure he took a few hair samples to test him for ringworm as well. Two days ago we got a phone call from the vet telling us that he has ringworm and will have to be treated for that as well. Within a month of getting this poor guy he has been sick with not one thing but three because of their lack of care for him.

Now I know there is little we can do about this ringworm because there is no way to prove he got it at the store after a month of being at home with us. It simply enrages me that they could care so little for the animals in their care. Their lives are in their hands and that simply doesn't seem to matter.

They reimbursed us for the money that was spent on the original vet care but that isn't what bothers me anymore. There should be something done for these animals, it's clear that if he could be so sick when we got him with no one noticing that there is something wrong happening. Especially since, not only was our little guy not taken very good care of the girl we also purchased from a different store in Troy, MI turned out to be pregnant when she was in a store that was only supposed to have girls in it (so much for having them seperated so we wouldn't have to worry about having babies).
Colorado exPetsmart customer May 28, 2010
employee treatment
In my opinion, I would never suggest working or using any of Petsmarts services or buying their products. Their treatment of workers in their Colorado stores as well as other stores is in my opinion substandard. Support with workmans comp claims and in my opinion treatment of employees with managers seeming to not have proper training working with their employees dealing with employee issues that I feel is inadequate all the way up the corporate ladder. My friends daughter was injured over a month and a half ago and is still waiting for work comp pay cannot work full time and gets very little pay/hours if any.

Please reconsider working with other companies and research or make sure you are properly protected. I work for a large corporation that actually does provide the benefits and care for their employees that they advertise and promote so keep looking and work where In my opinion you are safe and protected.
Santa May 21, 2010
Cruel and dishonest
I took my shitzui to pet smart a month ago, we asked them to get rid of his not so matted hair, they said that it will have to be shaved off to one inch, So I said no problem, I went back and he got totally shaved, he was in total shock and distress, above all he was biting and licking his left leg, when I picked him up he was crying and his body was in the form of the letter C. I took him home and found that he was totally uncomfortable and I called them to find out if he fell or if they did anything to him? They obviously said NO, and claimed that it's stress on his appearance, well week after week he was getting worse with shivers and wobbles, it's obvious that there is something worse going on and I took him to the vet, she asked me if Fluffy fell, I said not to my knowledge and I told her about the way this all started, she said that Fluffy is not well at all, his wobble became paralysis in both hind legs and he had a bluish, purple spine, to make a long story very short, because I cannot continue, I had to put my baby down, he was only 4 years old, the most beautiful dog with such a huge loving joy that he brought into our lives, full of energy and tenderness. Petsmart is a place that should have their washing area open glass to see what is going on and monitored by camera's, we cannot see what is going on back there and they will not allow anyone to go in there either. We should have a policy to protect our family member or members, but before I go there, I will surely let everyone know that, I will never ever go there again. I am better off to go for a course in dog grooming and doing it myself, rather than pay this heartbreaking price. I miss him so much that it hurts every second to see my best friend and baby gone. Shame on you Petsmart, shame on you.
Gurone April 20, 2010
I find it distasteful and unethical at best
Our family has rescued and cared for abandoned and injured animals for at least 38 years now. Our youngest daughter Karina grew up helping us with these unfortunate creatures and as the years went by she grew to love them and our mission.

Karina has owned many diverse types of creatures including a red tail boa, she has cared for a baby dear in Georgia, and she has cared for horses and has owned dogs, cats and other furry creatures all her life. Therefore working at the local PetSmart in Medford at first seemed like the perfect fit for Karina.

Currently, Karina has adopted two dogs that have been abandoned and in the past two years has spent well over $2, 000.00 on them for medical care which she really can’t afford working at PetSmart for $8.70 per hour.
A person can see she loves the animals she bathes in the bathing room and the animals and their owners waiting in line to purchase pet friendly supplies. Karina knew what was best to feed your animals and which items you would need for pet problems such as dander or skin problems just to name a few.

However, in May of 2008 Karina injured her back while caring for animals as she always has. She saw the doctor and he provided her with a light duty work note. Karina provided this note to Manager Connie Hooper Leggett who told her there was no such thing as light duty work at PetSmart.

Karina not wanting to lose her job kept working even though her back was still injured even after resting and treating it for about a week. Manager Connie Hooper Leggett then told Karina she would cut her hours unless she sold more of their care products to customers.

At this point as her father and at her request I was now involved. I own and operate Martinez & Associates Investigations and after goggling and many other links regarding the PetSmart culture I knew my daughter Karina needed someone in her corner.

The Manger did in fact make good on cutting Karina’s hours down to between 13 and 18 hours per week. Karina told her Manager’s she needed at least 30 hours a week to pay her rent, care for her animal friends and buy food, gas and so forth. However the punishment continued in cut hours even though Karina has been with PetSmart at least 3 years and was selling as much as other employees.

I did in fact step in to investigate and bring my daughter her lunch. I never disturbed the customers but while I was trying to investigate the PetSmart in Medford, their corporate office sent me a letter stating I would be trespassing if I entered the store again.

On August 15, 2009 Karina was bitten by a large Akita dog while bathing the dog. During bathing the dog got its rear foot caught in the grate at the bottom of the bathing tub. Karina and three other employees tried to hold the Akita while they attempted to free the foot. The dog tried to attack one of the employees who let go, then the second employee let go leaving Karina to wrestle this large dog alone and try to free the foot. The Akita bit Karina ripping open her left arm and an employee from the Banfield Hospital next door came in to assist.
Karina has been treated unfairly, she asked the management if she could seek employment with the nearby Wal-Mart to compensate for her lost hours and she was told they would not adjust her hours or work schedule for another employer to allow her to work at another place.

Karina Martinez loves animals and animal owners as anyone can investigate and find out. However, Manager Connie Hooper Leggett has to face the District Manager about sales and she has continued to punish Karina with reduced hours.

As part of my investigation into this matter I found numerous disgruntled employees many for the same reason who have quit. I asked Karina about the sales and she explained that in this economy pet owners don’t always have the extra money. Upon further investigation I found that Star with PetSmart stated Karina’s sales were up with other employees.

It appears to me that the Manager Connie Hooper Leggett can continue to cut Karina’s hours, she can bring in new employees and give those 30 hours a week and this does not violate any labor laws because I have checked. However, I find it distasteful and unethical at best just another blog on the wall in goggle land for PetSmart.
goober787 April 19, 2010
Return Policy Problems
I purchased a $14 pair of dog nail trimmers with my debit card. I went back four days later to return the unopened item. According to the terms and conditions regarding their return policy printed on the back of the receipt, I should have been given cash for my return. I was told by the manager that they could not put the refund back on my card because their registers were not encrypted and anyone could hack in and get my account information. If this is so, then why is it safe to make a purchase with your debit/credit card but not a return? He told me my options were for them to slide my card through the manual card reader and they would send off a copy of my return receipt with my card slip to Arizona and it would take 14 to 21 days to refund my money OR they could very conveniently put the refund amount on a gift card. Convenient for THEM! Here we are in the year 2010 and they don't have the technology to refund a purchase back on the card? On the back of the receipt it stated if the purchase was made with a credit card, they would put the money back on the card. If it's going to take 14 to 21 days to do this, they should mention that. But, I used a debit card and according to their terms they should have given me cash back.

So, I called the customer service line when I got home and told the woman what happened and that I felt I had been scammed to keep the money in their store instead of getting a refund. She told me some story about how they are having trouble with their machines and are trying not to give cash back for a debit purchase because what is happening is people are making returns, get cash back and then Petsmart tries to get the amount of the original purchase from the bank and people don't have the money in their accounts. Whatever.

She offered me a $10 gift card for my trouble which I accepted. Apologized for the inconvenience and promised that "upper management" would be in contact with me to resolve the issue and better explain their policy. It's been almost a week and no call from upper management. Surprise, surprise...

I'll spend my free $10 in their store, along with the $15 of my refund money they put on a different gift card and then I'm not shopping there anymore. I'm telling as many people as I can about this so it doesn't happen to them. Petco is getting my business from now on.

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