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Petsmart Reviews

Aig334 August 11, 2009
Horrible Grooming Manager
I used to work at Petsmart but quit because of how rude and bitchy the manager was there. She would boss around all of the other groomers and bathers and give nasty looks or make remarks when things weren't goin her way. She thought she was so much better then the rest of us BUT LOOK AROUND YOU HONEY you have no friends and every one talks about you in the store behind your back they're just afraid to say it to your face. It was a BS job and I'm so glad a quit so I'd never have to see her again. And she acted like she was "all about policy and procedure in front of cliets and mangers", but when the ppl in the salon were just there, it was all put to waste! BERNADETTE YOU TREAT EVERYONE LIKE HELL AND YOU KNOW IT !!!

Damien July 28, 2009
Dog discrimination
We got Harley for free from a women who didn't want the puppies from her dog's litter. He didn't have his first round of shots at six weeks, he didn't have his tail or ears docked, or his dew claws removed. He was just a mutt puppy who lived under a shed. But those blue eyes, red hair, and spots made him a darn cute mutt puppy. ;)

Since we've owned Harley, he has become an inside dog. He lives in an air conditioned apartment, and he gets trips to the park. He's allowed on the couch and the bed (during the day) and has bunches of toys to chew on and to play with. He's very smart. Harley learned "sit" in half an hour followed by "stay", "shake", "high five", and "lay down". He picked up all of those in an afternoon, easily.

We've gotten him all of his shots (about $75), and recently had to pay $600 because he swallowed a fish hook on the sidewalk at the park. He's even gone to be groomed already, even if he is a short haired dog.

My point to all of this is that while Harley might have been just a free mutt, that doesn't mean that I don't love him any less because he doesn't have papers, and he's not AKC registered. He's just a good a friend as a dog who's been breed from the finest of the fine. He learns just as quick. He doesn't bark (literally), and he loves me back. Harley is still a good dog, no matter where he comes from.

Just because Harley is a Pit Bull doesn't mean HE is mean. Pit Bulls are just dogs who, like other breeds, when treated unfairly, will loose trust in people and defend themselves. They're just built stronger and tougher. If you treat them like crap, they'll end up treating you like crap. I don't run an underground dog fighting ring. I don't teach him to be a guard dog. He doesn't even understand the concept of being mean.

And now, when I want to finally pay to have my dog socialized with other dogs, when I want my baby to go have fun with other puppies, I'm not allowed. He's a "bully breed". PetSmart's Doggy Day Care says they screen all dogs before hand to make sure they're well tempered enough to be around other dogs. But if they're a "Bully Breed" or wolf/ wolf hybrid mix, they don't even get the shot. Aside from the fact that he doesn't even LOOK like a pit bull (definitely more Blue Heeler), and never once, since I've EVER owned him has he demonstrated any mean characteristics. Even so, a dog is still a dog, and if someone is willing to pay that much money to let their dog just HAVE FUN, chances are they also care enough about them to make sure that they're well trained and tempered.

Now, my mother was bitten by a pit bull when she was younger, so I too was raised as "Pit Bulls are bad. Don't play with them, you'll get bitten." So I understand more than anyone the bad rep that pit bulls get and how people would be nervous around them. I guess that it's just another reflection of small minded-ness that apparently rules our world. But if my dog didn't try to attack you (except maybe lick you to death), then he's not gonna suddenly get red eyes and slobbering jowls and huge teeth.

I just want my puppy to be treated well. That's all.
claude60 July 14, 2009
Dog Grooming
We recently took our Yorkie to have her groomed at the Petsmart in West Hills, CA., (after a period of time had elapsed since the last injury to my dog).

We always buy our supplies from this Petsmart and had taken her for grooming about a year ago. At that time, we received a call from them that she had been rushed to the vet and needed four stitches to close a wound under her front leg. While they where quick to pay the bill (at their vet) we never received any apologies and no longer took her there for grooming. Over the next year we tryed to find a new groomer and where not satisfied for several reasons. In addition she now required extra care as she would shake and pant everytime. She did not do this before the stitches.

Recently we decided to try the same Petsmart as we still buy all our products there for two dogs and two parrots. When my wife dropped off the dog she was greeted by rudeness and unprofessionalism but decided to leave her there with specific care instructions. We received a call about 4 hours later that they where taking my dog to the vet and that she was bleeding bad from a dew claw that they had cut too short. The vet (Banfield) was rude and more tentitive to Petsmarts needs (the bill) than ours.

My dog received two stitches in the pad of her foot and was sent home. No apology from Petsmart. We where told to bring her back in a couple of days to have the stitches removed. When we went back to have the stitches removed, Banfield told us she needed to keep them in for another week and that she had been licking them when we weren, t looking. She would need a collar to keep her from licking the wound. They tried to charge me for the collar and eventually gave me one that weighed more than she did. She is only four pounds and is rarely out of our site. She never has ever licked the stitches. I don't think there was anyone there that day to take out the stitches so they made this excuse.

I called the main offices and was told I would hear from someone in a couple of days to discuss this matter and get approval to take her to my own vet. That was ten days ago and I have yet to hear from them.

DO NOT TAKE YOUR PET TO PETSMART!!! This is not a frivolous complaint.

If you would like to contact me with more info I can be reached a [email protected]
Christina1015 July 13, 2009
On Sunday July 12, 2009, I took my 5 year old English Setter to his grooming appointment at 12pm. They said he would be finished at 4pm. I arrived back at 4 and was told it would take another 30 minutes, so I left and had to go back. I waited for a little while for someone to come out and help me and I witnessed a groomer pretty much abusing a dog. She was trying to cut his nails and he was pulling away (as expected) and at one point he fell off the table and she yanked him back up by his throat and continued to pull and yank on his paws brutally.
When Willis, my dog, was returned to me, I noticed he had a horribly uneven cut, and that there were some really long hairs that the groomer missed. Instead of complaining, I just paid and decided I would try to fix his fur when I got home.
Well, when I got home he ran to his water dish like he didn't have a drink for 4 hours. Then, I grabbed a pair of scissors and started to clip the random hair the groomer missed and I saw a bunch of fleas on his bottom! My dog did not have fleas when I dropped him off! In fact, he has never had fleas! I knew he caught them at Petsmart. When I contacted the store, and finally got in touch with the manager the next day, they offered me a free flea bath after I already went to a different store as soon as I saw the fleas and treated him with 30 dollars worth of over-the-counter remedies. What is a free flea bath going to do? Make it so that he has to sit in a cage for 6 hours while he dries and doesn't eat or drink anything? Then, he might catch some other insect infestation or disease from the unsanitary facility? No thanks. They also missed some of his nails. Some of them weren't even filed down. I will never have my dog groomed at PetSmart or purchase any of their products again.
Aquila July 12, 2009
Totally incompetent grooming
We have used this store for all our pet products, needs and veterinary services since acquiring Maggie four years. We love the store and employees, but love our dog more. What we experienced at that store today has us terribly upset.

Words cannot describe what we saw when they brought Maggie out. She had been sheared down to the skin on her sides – one side much worse that the other. In fact, the shears had abraded the skin in one place. In addition, the area under her neck was gapped and sheared down to the bare skin. She will not be able to wear her collar for several days. The characteristic Westie cut was all but gone, particularly around her head and face. See the attached pictures.

We were not charged for the grooming fiasco done by a completely incompetent person. We were told the groomer was an intern. Well, in my opinion she has utterly failed as a groomer. I cannot understand how, in good conscience, the grooming school can put her in a store with skills so poorly developed. A child could do a better job.

The online PETSMART Grooming advertisement states that, “caring professionals . . . are available to ensure your pet is happy, healthy and looks great.” An intern is not a professional and our dog looks awful and will be so for weeks.

Our friends, neighbors, and others we meet will ask what happened to our dog. With much embarrassment I must tell them she was “groomed” at PETSMART.
John July 11, 2009
Awful everything
Went to Petsmart to pick up some more canned food for my pooch (Petco does not carry this brand) and some Frontline flea product with the arrival of Spring in mind. Our Petsmart has a Banfield Vet in the back of the store, this is where I found the Frontline hanging on a tabletop circular rack marked "Display Only". My thought, "ugh! making this more difficult for me to buy product", told the girl behind the counter what I needed and this Ordeal Began;

Asked to pay for it there, not at the front of the store with the rest of my purchases, give my personal info (name, add, phone...) when I responded I did not want to be on any more lists, was told it was to print an invoice... (grumble grumble) I pulled out my debit/credit card when she told me the price (knew it was higher by about $5, than my own vets, but I was already there), ran my card as debit, then her phone rang and she was otherwise occupied for the next several minutes occasionally using a condescending tone to the caller, as I stood there waiting for my receipt and product. Yep, this annoyed me - she hung up and announced that my debit card didn't go through and it was because I chose debit and not the credit option. "HUH?!" I was told I needed to swipe it again and use credit option.

I just wanted to run in to the store and quickly pick up these two things, (fast paced, here in California). Now I am encountering nonsense (in my opinion) and inconvenient delays. Yes, I told her this and left the Banfield counter without flea product hearing her echo "have a nice day' in a sarcastic tone.

At the front of the store, as I paid for the dog food debit card worked fine! I did tell the employee. May be last visit to Petsmart and definitely to a Bandfield.
petluvr June 17, 2009
Temp. of Store and Salon
The temperature of the store (#400 shops at Stroud, Stroudsburg PA 18360), grooming salon was over 85 degrees and completely unacceptable !!! I ask to speak to a manager they got a man named Mike for me and he told me, that there has never been a problem, I keep my house at 74 and my dogs back there now so I don't know what to tell you. He was rude and completely unprofessional. I left with my three dogs right then and there and told him I would be getting in touch with Corporate, and he told me to go ahead all that will happen is the store will get a write up and nothing will change! I don't think this is the response a customer should get when he or she is making a complaint or showing concern for the animals or the petsmart workers. The kind of attitude and response that I was given was unbelievable. I will be going to HR with this problem. Mike was right I called corporate and still have not received a phone call back, so my next step will be HR ! After this experience I do NOT believe that petsmart cares about the animals in it's care nor their employees and certainly not their customers. I still can not get over the temp. of that salon, it was unreal !
petluvr June 17, 2009
Temp. of Store
The temperature of the store (#400 shops at Stroud, Stroudsburg PA 18360), grooming salon was over 85 degrees and completely unacceptable !!! I ask to speak to a manager they got a man named Mike for me and he told me "there has never been a problem, I keep my house at 74 and my dogs back there now so I don't know what to tell you." He was rude and completely unprofessional. I left with my three dogs right then and there and told him I would be getting in touch with Corporate, and he told me "to go ahead all that will happen is the store will get a write up and nothing will change!" I don't think this is the response a customer should get when he or she is making a complaint or showing concern for the animals or the petsmart workers. The kind of attitude and response that I was given was unbelievable. I will be going to HR with this problem. Mike was right I called corporate and still have not received a phone call back, so my next step will be HR ! After this experience I do NOT believe that petsmart cares about the animals in it's care nor their employees and certainly not their customers.
Kelly June 15, 2009
Grooming Hurt my Dog!
I went to this petsmart location on June 10, 2009 at approximately 1:30pm. I took my dog Milo in to get his ears cleaned and his teeth brushed. I was told there was a little bit of a wait since I had no appointment. I went to a shop next door for ten minutes to give them time enough to do the items I paid for. When I returned to get my dog his eyes were bloodshot red, he was whimpering, had his tail between his legs and looked petrified. They hand him to me and his paw is gushing blood. I ask frantically what happened to my dog? No response, they rush him over to Banfield (the instore vet) and I am told we will have to wait while the doctor is out on lunch and the other doctor is in surgery. I ask several times what happened to my dog. I get a bunch of 'we don't know" answers and am told to take a seat and wait. I ask for the manager due to my dissatisfaction and he does not provide an "I'm sorry" or any sort of empathy but does provide me with a "we don't handle Banfield, they are not part of Petsmart". I remind him that they are part of Petsmart because they are in the store and that I still need an answer as to why Petsmart hurt my dog in the grooming department. He gets aggrivated and provides no answer. He then proceeds to keep "looking busy" each time he walks by as I wait for them to tell me what's going on with my dog. I am there until a little after 3pm. Around 3pm the manager *again the same person* Eugene was his name, comes to me and ask me if I want a drink of water. I advise him no I want to know what's going on with my dog and how can my dog get hurt like this when his paws were not touched. He then proceeds to tell me he thinks my dog hurt himself. I am then told my dog was in a kennel yet in ten minutes there would have been no reason for him to be in a kennel. I was not shown the supposed kennel that supposedly hurt my precious Milo and when I kept asking the same questions over and over Eugene proceeded to tell me he would kick me out of his store if I kept talking about it loudly. I was not raising my voice but was speaking at a normal volume but other customers could hear me I'm sure. Eugene told me three times he would kick me out of his store because I kept talking about it in earshot of other customers. I advised him I wanted an answer and when my answer was provided I'd stop asking, but that I realize the reason he didn't want me talking about it is because other customers may hear. He stormed off and then proceeded to call the cops on ME, telling them I was cursing him *(which i was not)* and they tried to arrest me for "disturbing the peace" as I was merely sitting there waiting for the doctor to finally come out. As the doctor was explaining the prescription pain killers and antibiotics he would have to take that's when Eugene made sure that the cops came over to harass me. I did nothing wrong but sat there and asked what was going on with my dog. I didn't curse anyone, or do anything wrong but cry and be upset that my dog was injured. I am boycotting this petsmart and all of my friends are as well. I would encourage anyone that is near this petsmart to never take your dog to the grooming department. The doctor at Banfield Dr. Flowers, she stated that she gets quite a few injured puppies/dogs, etc from the grooming department due to their negligence. I have also spoken with several old employees, as well as customers that have gone to this petsmart store and they have similar stories and similar issues with them. This is an ongoing problem that needs to stop!!
Deb Myers June 5, 2009
Poor Customer Service
Went to Petsmart on June 2, 2009 to buy cat food. Noticed three teens scaring and banging on the glass encloures of the cats up for adoption. I immediately ran up to a male employee and told him what I witnessed and he said"The cats are fine they are enclosed". So, I could see he didn't want to work. Then I proceeded to the cashier who informed me me that these boys hang out in the petstore frequently and do this. She paged the manager but, she never showed up. I called the home office and after three days a young woman named "Emily" called to tell me that they kicked the boys out of the store. Well, how about the employee who did not care??? She said that everything is solved because she discussed it with the two employees. Well, all is not taking care of and I informed her that I will never shop at the store again.

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