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Category: Family & Pets
Contact Information Maryland, United States
Petsmart Reviews
May 14, 2009
Careless / Neglectful Service
On May 11, I took my 1 1/2 year old Shih Tzu-Bischon mix in to the groomers at the local Petsmart where I have taken her many times before. I had never been overjoyed with the service that I have recieved there. Once I took her into get groomed and she came back to me completely shaved.
The point of my complaint however, is not the haircut itself. I am here to complain about the staff and service of everyone employed by Petsmart. I dropped Lola off at 8:30 in the morning so she would be done early enough for me to get to work later that afternoon. They told me she would be done at 11:30.
When I walked into the grooming side of the store my sister called me and told me that Petsmart had called her instead of me. We assumed that they were just calling to tell me that my dog was ready. That was not the case. I walked in to a women with a blank look on her face to tell me that my dog had been cut while getting groomed around her face.
They explained to me that she started licking the women who was grooming her and got in the way of the scissors and they cut her tongue. They informed me that they had taken her over to the vet that was located next door and he said she would be fine and it would just bleed for a while because it was on her tongue.
My dog was not fine. After they explained to me what happened they went into the back and got her. A few minuutes later my dog came out half groomed and bloody. They didnt make it seem like it was that big of a deal so I just assumed it was like they said.
After taking her into my car and calming down I looked a little closer at her tongue. Not only had the groomer cut her, they cut a triangle shaped chunk out of the tip of her tongue. Also, probably after this happened and my dog in pain she bit her own tongue which put a gash at the top of her tongue.
I was not happy with the information that I recieved from the groomers so I took the liberty of taking my dog to my personal vet. He saw her for two seconds and immediately put her under sedation and put stitches in both lacerations. I called the groomers, who seemed very skiddish when I was talking to them and asking details about who groomed her and all of that.
I also contacted the vet that (supposedly) saw her he told me that he didnt know about the scissors and was told she just bit her tongue, and that he did mention to the girls that he could put stitches into it and I should go speak to him when I picked her up. Needless to say they neglected to tell me this. After I spoke to them I called the manager himself to let him know what was going on and what I had to take my time out to do. I explained to him that I did not believe I should be held responsible for the vet bills that were about to pile on top of me. He told me that any bill I had he would take care of it.
Now, 3 days later I went down to Petsmart to give them the bills and to get the money back that I had to take out of my own pocket to pay for their mistake. I delt with the other manager that was working this morning and she was rude and short with me. She told me there was nothing they could do about it and I had to wait for corporate. While this may be the case, I did not like the way I was being treated.
I waited for the manager that I had spoken with when all of this happened to get in, to speak to him. When he called me he told me that same exact thing. While explaining to him that I am a college student with a minimum wage job that doesnt have the money to pay for unecessary damages such as this, he kept interrupting me and saying he understood. I will be getting to the bottom of this and I will be getting my money back. I wasn't even going to get into the time I had to miss off work while my dog was getting stitches. I will get into all of that if needed.
I am very disappointed with the staff and managment of Petsmart, they have lost my business and the business of people I have told this story to because they do not want this to happen to their pets, and I do not blame them at all.
May 7, 2009
Awful experience
On May 2nd 2009 I took my family and my dog to the PetSmart at 1819 NE Pine Island Road in Cape Coral Florida. We noticed a dog in the middle of the store alone with no owner in site for about 10 minutes. I commented to one of the store employees that it is dangerous for a dog to be not on a leashed in the store, but the employee did not seem to care. After about 20 minutes in the store I noticed a second dog which was a (PITBULL) again not leashed in the store. There was a guy who was not an employee of PetSmart training dogs off the leash in the middle of the store. Once we left the store I called the store number back on my cell phone and spoke to Lee the store manager. He stated the gentleman that was training the dogs off the leash was an employee’s boyfriend and not an employee of PetSmart. I stated to him this is dangerous, anyone of those dogs could bite a customer and he would be in a lot of trouble. I will call the corporate office on Monday to have the manager reported. THIS IS UNSAFE AND DANGEROUS FOR CUSTOMERS WALKING THERE CHILDREN AND LEASHED DOGS THOUGH THE STORE!!! BEWARE OF UNSAVE DOG OWNERS IN THIS STORE.
May 1, 2009
Awful service
Went to Petsmart to pick up some more canned food for my pooch (Petco does not carry this brand) and some Frontline flea product with the arrival of Spring in mind. Our Petsmart has a Banfield Vet in the back of the store, this is where I found the Frontline hanging on a tabletop circular rack marked "Display Only". My thought, "ugh! making this more difficult for me to buy product", told the girl behind the counter what I needed and this Ordeal Began;
Asked to pay for it there, not at the front of the store with the rest of my purchases, give my personal info (name, add, phone...) when I responded I did not want to be on any more lists, was told it was to print an invoice... (grumble grumble) I pulled out my debit/credit card when she told me the price (knew it was higher by about $5, than my own vets, but I was already there), ran my card as debit, then her phone rang and she was otherwise occupied for the next several minutes occasionally using a condescending tone to the caller, as I stood there waiting for my receipt and product. Yep, this annoyed me - she hung up and announced that my debit card didn't go through and it was because I chose debit and not the credit option. "HUH?!"
I was told I needed to swipe it again and use credit option.
I just wanted to run in to the store and quickly pick up these two things, (fast paced, here in California). Now I am encountering nonsense (in my opinion) and inconvenient delays. Yes, I told her this and left the Banfield counter without flea product hearing her echo "have a nice day' in a sarcastic tone.
At the front of the store, as I paid for the dog food, I did tell the employee. May be last visit to Petsmart and definitely to a Banfield.
Eagle 1
April 30, 2009
Poor customer service
The readers digest version of this is as follows. The store director of the petsmart in Corpus Christi, Texas whose name is Ken Morvant failed to keep control of a shopping cart and said shopping cart hit my new truck and put a dent in it. This man never said he was sorry or even acknowledged doing this even though I seen him do this. I then contacted thier home office where I was told they woud compensate me for it and I would be recieving a call in a couple of days. Well I recieved the call and they told me I would have to take them to court for Ken Morvants negligence.
March 25, 2009
Awful company
I went to this Petsmart location several months ago, and was horrified at the condition of some of the animals I witnessed. The hermit crabs there were non active, probably because of the filth and lack of food, clean water or a humidity gauge. The sponges inside the crab habitat were actually brown with mold, probably had never been changed. I had bought 2 pet hermit crabs from this store who died within 2 months, despite my attempts to rehabilitate them were not in very good health to start with.
Most crabs get a pretty rough life to start with - imagine being plucked off a nice beach somewhere that you lived on for a good 5-20 years, having your comfortable shell home broken off your back and shoved into an itchy painted shell, then shipped off to be neglected/abused in pet stores or mall kiosks and being sold to live in some cramped plastic Kritter Keeper box.
Being that I'm a really big animal lover of all kinds, whether furry or scaly, big or small; I always take a look at the little critters whenever I stop by a Petsmart, even if its just to run in for some dog food. What really ticked me off and caused me to write to the corporate office was a dead hamster inside one of the cages, curled up in a small metallic bowl. He appeared to be drowned, on his back with his little feet curled up. Now I saw this poor guy on the same day that I saw the terrible conditions inside the hermit crab tank. My husband and I immediately called over an employee, who didn't really seem shocked or phased by it at all. His reaction was most like a nonchalant 'oh, sorry about that' as he is scooping this little dead critter out of its cage. I did ask the employee what was in those bowls, if it was water and if he had possibly drowned. He told me they were just using the bowls to give the animals carrots and other treats.
As soon as I got home, I set out to write them a concerned letter. I received a pretty cookie-cutter response, albeit quickly, from their corporate office telling me they will inspect and make sure this store is treating its animals well and taking proper care of them. I do want to say most employees at the store are very nice people, it appears to be a very clean environment in the store and the vet/grooming department are excellent. I actually take my dog to both. My biggest concern is the welfare of these small animals being overlooked.
I went in again today to pick up some dog food and happened to go by the fish section to check out if they actually had improved the hermit crabs living conditions. It appeared to be in the same shape, they had not even bothered to put in the humidity gauges that they sell right there. Their own employees will tell you when you buy a hermit crab that you must have one for them!
I really do hope that they will do something about this, but it doesn't seem so likely since I have already wrote and received a generic response from corporate. I know there are some really nice employees working here, but whoever is in charge of caring for their small animals and hermit crabs needs to be reprimanded or replaced for the welfare of the animals. I do not even care about the money that it cost me for the pets that died, I am most concerned that these poor creatures are living in such poor conditions.
I just wanted to warn people not to buy pet hermit crabs from here because they will just die, if you are lucky it will still be under their warranty so you can come back and get another sick diseased crab, or you will be left with the heartache of losing a pet. I am pretty sure my crabs died from the bad conditions they came from at this store. I can say this pretty confidently, because I have been keeping pet hermit crabs for a 2 1/2 years now, I am very well educated in the subject or herpetology and keeping crabs. I also have 3 crabs that did not come from Petsmart still living happy lives.
I learned my lesson the hard way about this, so please heed my warnings. Please everyone interested in crabbing or buying a hermit as a pet for your child, check out the environment the crabs are in thoroughly. If the crabs aren't very active, the tank is dirty with feces or small bugs (mites), or there is no food/water/salt water and extra shells for the crabs, don't buy one! Thinking you can save these poor guys will only cause the store to order more, and sadly the crab will probably die in a month or two after you are attached to it. I tried so much to save my crabs life and I just couldn't do anything, he was doomed from the start.
I will never buy pet crabs from here again, and all that I did have from this location died. My hope is that in posting this I will save someone from buying a crab, or a crab for their kid that is going to die in a month and cause them heartbreak. Or even if a store manager at this location could see this report and actually do something about it. I am sending this into corporate once more and if I get the same response, I will call this store personally and try to talk to someone in management.
March 9, 2009
Animal abuse
This is not a true complaint, but a warning. I have not witnessed any animal cruelty at this particular store, but as soon as I see or hear about any cruelty involving any of your animals, I am willing to send full complaints that could shut you down. I know and you should know about other Petsmarts nationwide that have treated their animals horribly. I used to always love Petsmart until I came upon a website about Petsmart. This website is called and every page was fileld with information on the destructive acts against animals in those stores. If you would do so, anybody I know would be willing to go to court to shut you down. Please respond honestly about if your store acts this way and why, and if so please make an effort to help your animals.
March 9, 2009
Price Match
Recently I went to my local PetSmart to buy pet food (which I have done for years and have spent thousands of dollars there). I had an ad from a competitor that offered a "buy one get one free" offer on canned Fancy Feast and Friskies. After spending my valuable time selecting the appropriate products and waiting in line when there was only one cashier available, the manager on duty, Doug, would not honor the price match. With a somewhat unpleasing attitue he stated that " he looked up the policy earlier in the day and the Company does not honor the buy one get one free price match". I told him that it has been honored before at this store. He stood firm on his decision not to honor the price match. I'm sure he was thinking I would purchase the items anyway. I'll be taking my business elsewhere.
The problem I have with this, is the same promotion has been honored in that store before by another store manager. I do not need to waste my time on 'willy-nilly' policy changes between store employees. If the policy has changed it needs to be clearly posted as they do not have a problem in baiting the customer with the price match offer just to rescind it when you get to the register.
February 23, 2009
Horrible Experience
A couple weeks back I stopped in Petsmart to buy some Natural Choice dog food in both dry bag & single packs for my dogs. As I was reaching in to get several packets of Lamb & Rice singles I felt a wet gooey substance on my hand. As I pulled my hand away this nasty foul smelling substance came with it & flung all over my purse & items in the cart. And I could see more of it over some of the other packets of different selections.
At 1st I thought it was diarrhea dog poop, but whatever it was it was far more foul than anything I've ever encountered. (Mind you I've dealt with a lot of bad nasty smelling things having been raised on a ranch. This far exceeded that!)
Upon making the sales help aware of the situation, they just told me to throw stuff in a cart. I had to them ask them where could I wash my hand, & they then directed me to use the stuff they have to clean up dog messes. It didn't help & I was getting more nauseous by the minute. I had to them ask where their bathroom was so that I could wash my hands. After scrubbing my hands 4 times, the horrific smell continued to linger, it was nightmarish!
Not the sales help standing around, nor the so-called manager, Justin, gave a damn that there was a horrible foul unknown substance on the dog food items! No one step forward to check it out or even clean it up! They didn't seem concerned that other customers would be exposed to whatever it was! There were no apologies, nothing!!!
When I got home I called Petsmart & related what happened while in their store. They were surprised & said that was not how they treated their customers, & thus would pass the info on to Corporate. Before that I had to wash my hands several more times to try & remove the horrific smell, 6 tries later & lemon juice finally removed it.
I finally got a return call from the head manger of their Irvington store. What a joke that was. I was made to feel that I might have overreacted & that upon his "inspection" he didn't find anything! Talk about a slap in the face. I then stated that one of his help & I described her had smelled my hands & drew back in reaction to it. Ask her I said. He told me he has over 30 employees working there & that he can't remember them all! (I think the poor man needs to find another career, as my husband has over a 150 some employees & he knows everyone of them.)
I still don't know what it was, but I have no desire to enter their store again after the deplorable, unprofessional, kind of, sort of half-assed apology & "we don't really give a damn" response by Petsmart.
February 7, 2009
Too many to list in this small spot
3 times in a row I made an appt to have my dog groomed at Petsmart, 3 times I have gone in and they don't have my appointment down. Even the manager made an appt for me and I took my dog in and walla! No appointment time for me again!
This time I was going to take a dog training class and my husband decided they wanted to sell me the classes instead of a bark collar. I gavd them my credit card over the phone to hold my place. I called within 20 minutes of making the appt and they said I had to COME IN to cancel. I said you can take my credit card over the phone but not cancell over the phone? Of course they said yes... I went up there and they had already charged my card BEFORE I even had the classes! The classes were not until next week. I was told by my credit card company it was illegal to charge for a service that has not happened or you did not receive.
I have had it with Petsmart and will never take another amimal up there to be groomed or buy their products. I would not take my dog to their vet if she were on her last leg begging me to. This place is a rip off and the sooner people stop patronizing this poor excuse for a pet store the better.
January 24, 2009
Return Policy
I went to return a dog coat on January 24, 2009 that was purchased on December 24th 2008, it was within the 60 day return policy. The cashier, an older lady, glared at me, studied the receipt like it was fake, asked in a rude manner why I wanted to return it. I told her i got the wrong size, I needed a large. She studied the coat and in a loud, demeaning voice said "It IS a large!". I pointed to the tag which indicated it was an extra large. She tried to convince me to get a different coat, but the store did not carry that coat in a smaller size. I told her twice that I just wanted a refund. She frowned and scanned the coat. I saw it ring up as 20.97 (which is what i paid). She punched in something on the register and told me "I can only give you back $14.97, since its on sale now". She glared at me as if challanging me to say something. I would have but there was a line behind me. I took the money and left. NO WHERE on the receipt did it say that even with a receipt, items will be refunded ONLY for CURRENT SALE PRICE. I even checked the website. I understand that they will give you current selling price if you did not have the receipt, but I did! They ripped me off for $6. Is it everyone? OR is because I happen to be hispanic? After asking a couple of hispanic families in the area I got the same response...PetsMart has a icy attitude towards hispanics. Way to go PetsMart of Edmond, Oklahoma.
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