Shipping from this company is ridiculously expensive and the product never arrives on time. I submitted an order in good faith for over $200.00, and payed in full, in good faith on April 2, 2010, the order did not reach me until May 27th. I have given them several chances, ordering 4 times, only one order has arrived within 30 days. The company makes you pay 29.99 for express shipping which is supposed to reach you in 10-18 days, not one order has arrived in a timely fashion. They will reorder your product, but only after you have invested the waiting time, and after you call them to say you have not received it.
For persons trying to order drugs that they are in dire need of, if you use them, please order 2-3 months ahead of the time you need the drugs. Fortunately, I was ordering an elective drug, but when you pay over $200.00 for this order on 4/2/2010 and dont receive it until almost 60 days later, it is very frustrating.
I will not be ordering from this company ever again. Their website is completely inaccurate when it comes to their obligations for making sure you receive the items that you have paid for. Calling Customer Service is useless, because you continue to get the scripted answers in front of them, no one really listens to you.