March 9, 2009
Unauthorized debits from my account
I ordered this product on 10/03/2008. It was processed on 10/26/2008. I received one(1) bottle of the "15 day free trial" and one(1) bottle of "Total Cleanse"(which I did not order ), was charged $5.95 per bottle for shipping and handling to my debit card. I thought that was not a big price if this product is sure to help me lose weight for the holidays. Before I could even start taking this product, two days later I received two (2) more bottles of the same products which I did not give my consent to and later found out that my debit card was charged $79.83 plus s/h of $5.95 ($85.78) for the first bottle and charged $ 78.56 plus s/h of $5.95 for the other ($84.51) total of $170.29, which put my checking account into overdraft!! I was heated and decided to send this product back, I did not call to get RMA #, and I just went to the post office and sent it back by certified mail. I then tried for one (1) whole week to get in touch with someone so that I could cancel this bogus order by calling the billing department @ 1-888-582-8080. Of course I never could get through and when I did it just had a busy signal, finally on the last day and last attempt I was able to speak to a CSR who went by the name of Tanesha; thankfully she was very helpful and cancelled my order. On 10/31/2008 I received an email that stated that my orders had been cancelled but I would be charged a 30% re-stock fee (are you serious-for 2 little bottles of nothing?!) Some money is better than no money-so I thought. On 11/18/2008 a refund of $55.89 for one bottle and on 11/19/2008 a refund of $55.19 for the other bottle was applied to my account. I was delighted until I called the bank to check the balance of my account and realized the money that they just refunded me was withdrawn back by them-what? That is when I went to my bank, cancelled my debit card and received a new card ten (10) days later. I thought that would teach them a lesson and the money that I lost was no longer an issue as long as they could no longer debit my account and rob me of my hard earned money. In February 2009 I received my tax refund which was deposited into my checking account along with my draft deposits from my job-needless to say I had a pretty healthy sum of money in my account and I was in the process of paying off some credit cards and medical bills. I was not making big purchases, only paying the normal bills that every household has, so I did not think that I needed to keep checking the balance of my account by calling the automated service because I was keeping track through my check book which is how I paid my bills. On 03/01/09 I received my monthly bank statement and began to compare it with what I had in my check book, to my surprise I saw two(2) transactions of $20.00 ea. one on 02/05/2009 and the other on 02/20/2009 both of them from the same place. I could not for the life of me figure out who, what, why, or where- did I set up payments to some organization or agreed to sponsor some kid and forgot about it? Maybe-because when the little kids come around to sale things I try my best to support their schools and the more you give the better prizes they win. Until today 03/09/09 I go to my bank to withdraw some money and I realize my end balance does not add up to the banks end balance, it is off by $20.00, putting two and two together I asked the teller to give me a print out from 03/01/2009 to 03/09/2009. Wow! The withdrawal is from the same place, a total of $60.00 in one months time- I knew then they were back-but I have a new debit card, how could they? I went to the customer service counter and explained to them from beginning to end; as they researched my account and my debit transactions they find out that this company may not have my new debit account information but they have my name and my checking account number. They are so bold as to take the money directly from my checking account and set it up as a debit payment to be taken out every two (2) weeks. OMG!!- I am really mad now, if I could I would drive to FL. find this business and just punch somebody in the mouth. The bank manager suggested that I do a stop payment and he would change the code that they put in to make their transactions, so that when they tried to do it again it would deny them approval. So I did, but that only works for six (6) months. I am afraid that I may need to find a new bank, I don't want to because I have been with this bank for many years and they have never did me wrong. This company is out to ruin people’s lives, something has to be done, and they need to be put out of business. I mean don't companies like this have to have some type of drug license even though it is not a prescription drug?