Picture Me Portrait Studios

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Picture Me Portrait Studios Reviews

Bruce November 30, 2010
Unexeptable service
To start off my experiance with Picture Me, I had made an appointment with the studio. At that time I was told that someone would be in touch to cofirm my appointment. One week later and the day of my appoinment, so one had been in touch so I called to confirm myself. Turns out they never had me scheduled on their end. Therefore, I had to re-schedule for the following night at 6:30. The next day, my husband and I got our 3 month old ready and out the door (which can be a chore sometimes) and arrived at our appointment time, 6:30. When we showed up that Saturday there was only 1 employee working and she was with another customer. No problem, we would just wait patientlly. Well by 7pm we we still hadn't even begun. We finally started at 7:15, (45 minutes late) and by that time my 3 month old was not very interested in taking pictures. We took a few and realized he was probably going to have to eat before we could take anymore. I said this to the employee and she said, "well, we close at 8 so you can feed him a little bit, but we have to be done by then." I immediatley thought "well lady, if we didn't have to wait almost an hour my kid wouldn't be hungry and we'd be done by now!!!" He ate a little bit and then the "photographer, " if you could call her that, wanted us to try again. We took a few shots and she would ask "is that good enough", as she pointed at the screen. I went a long with it for a minute and then the baby got fussy again. Meanwhile her cell phone in her pocket is going off with some inappropriate rap song as a ringtone and instead of waiting, she pulls it out and starts reading the text message outloud!! And for those of you that are wondering what it said...it was something about needing an EBT card, which is NH's form of wellfare, as if I really needed to know about her personal life that much!! Now, I try not to judge people, I really do the best I can, but I am human and this lady was one of the most inappropriate, unproffesional people I have ever met. She didn't know how to turn the equipment on, she was making comments that just weren't appropriate comments to make to a customer in any circumstance, She didn't know how to work the computers, she didn't really know how to run the camera, she flat out told me she really doesn't know how to have a baby pose and wanted me to figure it out, right down to the terribly inapproriate wardrobe, which consisted of a rather large women wearing black pants that were too long so she was walking on them, with a shirt that showed part of her stomach and skate boarding sneakers to top off the whole look. And the best part of the entire get up had to be her teeth that were rotting out of her mouth. I was rather floored when I realized this is the person taking "proffesinal" photos, to which I will be paying a great deal of money too! After the phone incident my child was crying and not in a good mood from having to wait so long and my husband was rather fed up with the quaility of service we were getting so he said we would pay her for her time that she had already put in, but we were not interested in continuing the session. My husband and I really strive to be kind to everyone and neither of us want to hurt anyones feelings so we were very cordial and polite and told her we would re-schedule at a different time when our child was in a better mood, but the fact is that we will most definitley not be re-scheduling with this studio. We have decided to take our business else where, as I feel that this kind of "service" is unexceptable. A word to the owners/managers of Picture Me Portrait Studio, work a little harder at finding quaility employees because in this circumstances you failed miserably at doing so and as a result lost a customer.
EdwF87 January 26, 2010
Picture Me Studio's in Walmarts are junk and a scam. There portrait packages are over priced and the make you buy there club everytime and the sad part it is good for one year. How many people have spent a extra ten dollars everytime they came in to get there photo taken? And the 4.99 deal doesn't say anything about a extra sitting fee, but they charge you five more bucks. Stay far from this company it's run just like walmarts. Buy a camera and put companies out of business like this. It sounds like. A great deal but in the long run it trash.
steelerbaby December 30, 2009
Bad Customer Service
I had a horrible ordeal with this company. It was the 1st time I had taken my 3 month old son to get pictures at Wal-Mart. Not only did the woman taking the pictures look like she had a serious meth addiction, she was also extremely rude. I filed a complaint a few days after and the customer service said they would grant me free studio time with different poses to choose from for free. That was December 13 and I still haven't gotten anything yet.It is now December 30. Oh yeah and piss on Red Lobster for taking away my ultimate fondue!
AkmalNiy December 10, 2009
Poor customer service
Never use their services. Here is how they treat their clients. I went there to have my passport photo taken. Kristen, who said she is a manager over there, took my photo. As a person, I found her to be pretty nice. But as a photographer, she is the most incompetent I have ever seen.

The passport photo of mine she took came out with a shade behind my head. The photo gives an impression as if I have long hair, though it is very short. When I told Kristen that I am unhappy with the shade behind my head, she said it is because of the flash she uses for taking passport photos. To take your photo, I need to use the flash. And thus, once I use the flash, enjoy your photo with a long hair. But wait a sec, do you find the explanation ridiculous?! At the end of the day, as a client, I don’t care whether you use your flash or not. What I expect from you good passport photo. Blaming the flash is similar to the excuses you hear from some carwashes. When you complain them that the brushes they use to wash the car are scratching your paint, they say “Well, without the brush we can’t wash your car!” What a stupid explanation! Kristen would tell you the same: “It is the flash that makes your look like a lady with a long hair.”

Another thing that is ridiculous with this studio is that they use Palaroid for taking passport photos. That means they take your photo only ones and whatever comes out as a result of it is final product that you have to pay. Maannn, can’t you use digital camera so that you take several shots of your client, show them to him/her, and print out the one that s/he liked.

The story does not end at this point. Picture Me Portrait Studios has more to offer. Kristen gave me my photo without drying it properly. Guess what, when I opened the cover of the photo I found out that my photo stick to the cover. As result, the photo was damaged. I went to always-smiling-and-never-admitting-her-fault Kristen, and told her that not only she screw my passport photo, but also put it into the cover without drying it. Kristen is super creative when it comes to creative explanations. She said she told me that I have to dry it for 20 min. Let me repeat it – for 20 min!!! It is almost half an hour. Are you kidding me? Just imagine having your photo taken at Picture Me Portrait Studios, then Kristen gives you your photo and tells you to dry it for 20 min. You get your photo, carefully hold its edge, and hang around in Wal-Mart (Picture Me Portrait Studios usually operates in Wal-Mart) drying it for the next 20 min. Wow! I can’t believe we are living in the 21 century! Just make sure to hold your cart and dry your photo.

Anyways, Kristen never admits her fault. Whatever happens to your picture it is YOUR fault. I asked for refund, she said no.

Hoping that a supervisor would be a better person to speak to, I looked for her tel number. The info on the studios wall had a name (Tracy) and her tel number. I tried to reach her but I was always forwarded to voice mail box. I left her 3 messages on Thursday. She got back to me only on Tuesday of the next week. And it is my suspicion that she got back to me only after I told Kristen that I am waiting for the call and if she does not get back to me I will try to contact people who supervise her. After I spoke to Tracy, they “kindly” agreed to refund my 10 USD.

I ended up with having my photo taken at CV Pharmacy. Isn’t it a shame on Picture Me Portrait Studios that their potential clients end up having their photo taken in a pharmacy. The lady who took my photo was not even a photographer. She used digital camera, took several photos and asked with one I liked. I choose one, she printed 4 photos, recorded my photos to a CD and charged me for all that something around 7.50 USD. Shame on you Picture Me Portrait Studios. A person in a pharmacy is doing a better job then you!
fINCHER September 6, 2009
Unauthorized charges
On August 6th, 2009 I took my 1 year old daughter to have her pictures made. I told the photographer
we only wanted to spend $80.00. We started taking pictures and my little one started to cry. Half of the pictures came out OKAY, but the rest were showing my daugther with a runny nose! The lady then tried to persuade me to purchase the pics of my little ones runny nose. After denying those, she tried to talk me into purchasing pics with edits on them, we denied those as well. After stating we wanted the $80 packet, she tried to sell us a CD, which we denied because it was $40 extra dollars. Eventually the woman said she would throw in 2 CD's and 2 10x30's for a grand total of $174 dollars. Already frustrated, we agreed to pay $174 for everything and walk away. Upon checking out we viewed a grand total of $218.26!!!I said why is this price so high? She stated it was taxes on the products!!! When we got home we viewed the receit again, I noticed she charged me $119.00 for those 10x30's which i didnt want in the first place! This woman tried to manipulate me into paying for things I DID not want!! I will NEVER go back to this place again. I ended up paying $218.26 for NOTHING. The pictures were not even that great and the customer service was horrible! Mark my words...Better Business Bureau here I come. I understand the upselling of a product but I was not being upselled I was being raped with ridiculous charges!Yeah, I would say Im pissed.
Travis December 28, 2008
Failed delivery & poor customer service
Had a family photo session on 12-7-08. Ordered portraits and Christmas photo postcards and promised delivery about 12-15-08. By 12-17 still had not heard from studio located at WalMart. Went by there and was told package not in yet and maybe by 12-19. Went by on 12-19 after no phone call and was told package still not in and was due soon. Went by on 12-22 and was told package was listed as being in and delivered to me! One employee was telling me I have already picked it up, while another was telling me that some other employee had mis-entered a number of photo packages in the computer as being delivered! Was given the number to the district manager to call and complain; the number was incorrect! (was a florist shop!) Called WalMart and spoke to a manager who said they have nothing to do with the portrait studio in their own store! Gave me a number to call that puts you on hold and never responds! (3 calls, each one being told by system that wait time is less than 10 minutes, but waited over 20 minutes each time with no answer!). Used same number to book an appointment and got a resp0nse almost immediately!, but was told they can't help me with anything but appointments. Called studio back and was given another number to a local studio where the district manager was supposed to be. Called and spoke with her and she later determined that my photos would have to be reprinted and delivered around 1-6-09! Great time for Christmas postcards! Any offer to refund partially? No. Her only offer was to give me a "free" CD of my pictures that normally charge over $100 for! So was left without portraits and postcards to send to family members BEFORE Christmas and not given any real reasons for the problems. One employee had earlier told me that their store manager really shouldn't BE the store manager because they didn't know what they were doing! The same one who maybe input wrong information into the computers about deliveries?
PISSED OFF MOMMY!!! December 28, 2008
Unprofessional, Shady work Ethics, Discriminatroy
Well to start off Ive been with the company for about 2 years, when I was hired i was hired as Full-time so i work Monday thru Sunday Different hours like many of you there were days when I was there from Open to close .. Anyhow Last year Dec "07" I found out I was pregnant and quickly notified my DM and studio manager I informed my DM that I would be working untill the day before my delivery since i was scheduled for a c-section and she said that that was fine, I also informed her that since i am a single parent of 2 at the time that i would work Monday - Friday but couldnt work weekends because of no weekend sitter she told me that it would be fine as long as i could Work Mon- Fri. Well lets just say that she did take that to heart .. While pregnant she had me opening and closing everyday and and floating between stores in different cities mind you I had no Transportation so i was riding the bus .. There were nights when i didn t get home untill almost 9 at night . I told her about it but she didnt care as long as she had someone to cover rthe stores .. Now Like i said I had NO problem working Monday - Friday but i felt like she totally took advantage of me .. Later in June I called to get my schedule and she told me that I was taken off the schedule of course i asked why and she told me that she had put me on Maternity leave .. WHATT ????!!! WHY??? .. i asked and she simply said that because I am pregnant she does not feel i should work (Can u say Discrimination ) .. I couldnt believe that she took it upon herself to just put me on maternity leave without my consent. I called my Studio manager and told her what happened and she said she would talk to the DM and see what was goin on I later recieved a call from my Studio manager and she told me that my DM told her the same thing That i was off the schedule because she felt as if i shouldnt work because i was pregnant and that it was going to be an unpaid leave because i was part time .. SINCE WHEN !!! .. Anyway because of her i had to give up my apartment and move back in with my mother untill i had some sort of income comming In .. You know i tried to plead with this lady about even putting me on for atleast 1 0r 2 days and she just said "Im sorry".. After I had my Son I called to go back to work and they gave me a hard about that when i Finally did go back I worked my 1st day and then camein on the second day and was greeted by a RUDE employee who screamed at me about were I had been as if i was late .. i told her that i was schduled for 1 and she screamed no i was suppose to open I called my New Studio Manager since the old one had walked out on them while i was on this "Unpaid Leave" and told her what was goin on she had the nerve to tell me that she had to "RE-Vamp " the schedule and had me scheduled that day from open to close .. Funny i said i was never notified of this and she says "Oh I thought I told you" then she proceeded on by saying well we dont have ur number can u write it down so we can have it .. Once again Funny because this was the same lady who called me to give me my schedule in the first place.. Anywho I called the DM and told her about what Had been going on and she had the Audicity to yell at me over the phone and say I was suppose to open for me to clock out and go home then slammed the phone in my ear VERY UNPROFESSIONAL and IMMATURE! .. Needless to say the next 3 days i was suppose to work I all of a sudden was "Off" .. No Im not fired just "Off". So I take it upon myself to call corporate and tell them about EVERYTHING including this whole maternity leave w/0 my consent .. they say that they will be investigating it and will take care of it . well its two weeks later and guess what they supposdley took care of it they tell me now that they can give me hours on what ever is left over after the studio manager and the other employees are scheduled NEVER heard of it my whole time working for CPI formely PCA .. So Now Im scheduled 1 day a week 4 hrs are you kidding me !!! then the one day that they do schedule me for is a weekend wich was agreed upon myself and the DM that I cannot work because of my Situation Howw Slickkk !!! ... So Basically I have no hours ! ... I am still with the company only because I refuse to quit and I know that they will not fire me because they do not want to pay out unemployment Needless to say I AM TAKING CARE OF IT !! LEGALLY! .. This Comapny is Full of SHIT ! xcuse my language and does not care about their Employees all they care about is their average and makin surethe studio stays open ! I Would never give my consent for anyone to work here I hope that they are Seen for what they really are and SHUT DOWN !! Im praying on it .
November 30, 2008
I had schedulued an appointment withthe Picture Me studios for Nov. 24, 2008 online. On sat the 22 of nov. I had verbally changed my appointment at the Herkimer store for Nov.30, 2008 at 5 o'clock. On Nov. 30 I called the store to verify my appointment with the lady, and she told me that I was not scheduled at all in her computer. She told me that they do not schedule appoinments for 5 o'clock and the only time that she had available was 6:30. I had explained to her that iI verbaly changed my appointment with her and watched her put me in the computer. She told me that she did not have me in her computer at all and that I never had an appointment scheduled with them at all not even when I did my first appointment online. I will be changing my place to have my children's pictures taken, considering I am a Wal-Mart employee and I recieve a discount, but the discount does not matter to me, because last year when I took my chidren for there pictures, the camera had broke and they never called me to tell me and I drove 30 mins to there studio for nothing. I have been going to this studio for 6 years, and the past two years, they keep getting worse and then, they pretty much call you a liar to your face when they are wrong and they do nit want to admit there own mistakes. This will be the last year for me with this company, and hopefully they do not do this to someone else. I wopuld rather go to another studio, and pay full price for my pictures than to keep dealinf with this.
November 18, 2008
Terrible Service/Unprofessional Management
Made appointment on line and was given appt time of 2:30 on 11/15/08. We were there a little early, was told they were running "a little behind" Turns out there were 3 more families BEFORE us who were also waiting. Needless to say, we did not get a phone call ahead of time asking if we would like to re-schedule for another time or date...so I spent the better part of my afternoon getting 3 little girls ready to have Xmas pictires taken. And then HAVE an appointment for WHAT? We waited, no lie, 1 & 1/2 hours before having our picture taken!

When I spoke to the manager (on the phone, she was not there) she was rude, arrogant, and told me to wait, reschedule, or take my business elsewhere if I didn't like it, then laughed at me and hung up. Then while my kids were actually getting the pictures taken, she came in but was too chicken to say anything to me and I was too busy w/ my kids to step aside w/ her. She left before we were finished. Not a good overall experience.
March 28, 2008
I understand that I am unqualified for re-hire due to the fact that when I was employeed by PCA I lied on my application, As your disctrict manager Amy Williams clearly pointed out. I however refered Amy for a job with PCA as a photographer and I was there when she filled out her application and she clearly put that she graduated from high school. Inwhich everyone in her district knows she did NOT graduate. I just feel that its a double standard, I mean how long does someone have to pay for their mistakes?

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