The store located in Americus Ga. has their employees bailing out during the holidays and we are left with a bitter, overworked, poor excuse for a person let alone photographer to take pictures of our children.
On Nov. 29, 2008 the woman that was working there was so rude when we showed up for a sitting w/o an appointment that we were more than happy to leave. Our babies were dressed in their holiday best and she promptly told us, in here most hateful tone, that we needed to make an appointment because she dosen't have any help! Wait... there's more. We called their 800 phone # to complain and the rep. was also rude - she put us on hold for a loooooooooong time after she found out why we called.
We took our digital camera to the nearest park, got great shots of our angels and used a software and cardstock to print out Christmas Cards to send to our family and freinds. They came out BEAUTIFUL, not to mention cheaper! And we have more that one pose!!
Times are too hard nowadays to take your customers for granted.