I just want to warn people to stay clear of Pixmania if they want to avoid the nightmare of spending days in the house waiting for delivery, and spending hours on premium rate telephone lines trying to get through to Pixmania's customer service desk. And finally, be prepared to waste lots of time sending emails that are only answered by a standard reply, and not one that addresses the issues that you have brought up with this company.
For those who do go ahead with purchasing from Pixmania, please be aware that there's very little chance that you'll receive the goods in 2-3 days or even 7 days. I'm still waiting after 24 days, and it looks as though I'll have to wait another 14 days. And this is for a 3620.00 item (home cinema system) that was in stock, in fact at the time of purchase they stated that there was 4 of these (home cinema) items in stock. And if you're like me and stupid enough to make a purchase from Pixmania, please be aware of the add-ons that they try to fob off on you, the Zen thing and loyalty card, don't go for it!
Also be prepared for Pixmania telling you that the goods are in the hands of Parcel-Force, and being told that Parcel-Force has lost the goods. It really is all lies, because, I was able to check Pixmania's claims with Parcel Force, and after they had checked, they phoned me back to inform me that they had not received anything on or near the date that Pixmania claimed it was shipped. So be warned, unless you have plenty of time and immense patience to wait for the goods, it's well worth paying a little extra to deal with someone else, I certainly will be doing that in future. My fingers have been well and truly burned by this mob!