Further to our correspondence I've felt it necessary to seek legal advise from the Office Of Trading Standards and have been advised to contact you once again concerning this matter, Reference case number :- WMCC3799.
Under the sale of goods ACT 1979 goods sold to consumers must be of satisfactory quality and fit for the purpose. The flat screen television supplied by yourselves does not meet these terms. The legislation allows for, and obliges the supplier to repair or to replace the goods where the delay in repair would cause significant inconvenience to the consumer. This timescale has already elapsed and a replacement TV or if this is not possible a full cash refund is expected Immediately.
I have also been advised to copy this correspondence to VISA as they are liable under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
This information will also be posted on Kelkoo.com, Pricerunner.com etc... Urging others in my position to contact the Office Of Trading Standards and VISA sooner rather than later.
Please rest assured I will do my utmost to resolve this situation.