Pizza Hut

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Pizza Hut Reviews

hasnainclub February 20, 2010
customer service
I called the pizza hut at 108, on feb 20th, 2010, at 11:06am. First of all the phone operator should know how to converse well in English. She told me they don't deliver there, and told me to call another pizza hut. When I called back saying that this in your route, that's when the time she put it on her map and took the order.
I asked for barbeque chicken during the 10dollar any crust anytopping deal. She told me they don't give double toppings!!! She took my credit card no, and she just hung up saying thank you! She dint even have the courtesy to ask if I was done ordering, I wanted extra extra olives and extra mushroom on it! When I called again to ask for the extra toppings, she told me she would have to charge me for extra toppings!!! "That's in the deal god damn it" Then again she cut the phone without giving me the opportunity to ask her in how much time would they deliver!

Really crappy service!
Benjamin Lee Wagner February 19, 2010
customer sevice
My wife, 2 kids, (2 year old and 10 month old) and I were out shopping and it was getting to be supper time, so we decided to . run over to Pizza Hut so the kids could eat. We live about 1 hour away and the kids get pretty crabby when supper time comes, so we figured this would be more convenient! We have eaten at the Willmar, MN Pizza Hut probably 1 time a year for 4 years, and every time we have been there, the service has been terrible. It was prime supper rush time on a Saturday night so we figured the service would have to be better. We have always liked Pizza Hut pizza and this would be the only reason we would go back to this restaurant. We went in and waited to be seated. There were 2 servers, 1 lady at the till taking orders on the phone, and probably 7 or 8 other people working. It was not that busy, mabee only 10 tables with other customers . We waited for a couple of minutes and then the lady behind the counter said ""go ahead and find a spot and we will come to you." So we found a booth (the first booth closest to the counter) took our coats off, took the kids coats off, sat down and began to wait. While we were taking our coats off, both servers walked by the table a couple of times. We waited and waited just to get a menu. My wife finally went up and asked the lady working the counter, the one that told us to find a spot, if we could get a menu, and she gave my wife one. So we look it over, (not one server has been to our table yet) decide what we want and begin to wait again. At this point we have been here for 20 minutes or more and the kids are starting to get restless. I decide I will go up and place my own order. I walk up and tell the lady that told us to sit I would like to place my order since no one has been to my table yet, and she has no problem with that. I order 1 large pizza, an order of cheese sticks, 2 sodas, and 2 milks for my kids and made sure to point out were we were sitting. I also asked for some crayons and paper to keep my 2 year old from throwing a fit. So I go back and we wait. Before I placed my order, I noticed a couple come in and sit way in the back, and they had gotten drinks and menus. We wait and wait and I look back and the couple that had come in had already gotten their food! At this time my 10 month old is getting sick of sittin around so my wife goes up and asks the lady behind the counter if our cheese sticks and pizza where done yet. She tells my wife that they had brought them out already. Now, why would my wife be at the counter asking for our food, if someone had brought it out to us. So after some confusion, we get our cheese sticks. When the waitress brings the cheese sticks to the table, it is the first time that ANYONE has been to our table, and apoligizes for the wait and confusion. I had gone up to get the 2 sodas and milks myself. I would have walked out way before this if it where just my wife and I, but the kids where hungry and I really didn't want to have to start over at another restaurant. So anyways, we get our cheese sticks and things are kind of beginning to look up. The couple that came in way after us was done and on their way out. So I go up and and ask the person behind the desk if our pizza was done yet. This was the other server working that night, and he tells me to ASK MY SERVER where the pizza is! So getting pretty upset now, I tell him that we don't have a server. So the other server comes up and grabs a pizza from under the warmer and brings it over. Very cheerfully, she brings it to the table and says here is your pizza and sorry for the wait. I grab a piece and it is COLD, and I don't mean kind of cold. This pizza must have been sittin in the warming window for a while. MAD now. I take the pizza up to the lady behind the counter and tell her THIS PIZZA IS COLD, and head back to my table to start to leave. I get the kids coats on, and decide to tell the lady that I don't want a new pizza, that we are just going to leave. She tells me that the pizza that I had was just about done, that she had put it half way through the oven to WARM IT UP! Of coarse I told her I don't want it. WHY WOULD I WANT A PIZZA THAT HAS BEEN SITTING IN A WARMING WINDOW, FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG, WARMED BACK UP? WHY WOULD I GO TO A RESTAURANT FOR REHEATED PIZZA? We left the restaurant.
Now I can understand being a little slow if the restaurant is busy during evening rush, I worked in a sit down restaurant for 8 years, and I know things can get a little backed up. We were not the only people having poor sevice. The table directly behind us had their order messed up, and it seemed like a lot of people where going to the counter to get stuff.
I have been a long time Pizza Hut lover, but I don't think I will ever go back to another Pizza Hut because of this. This has completely ruined me on Pizza Hut! I know that all Pizza Huts are run by diffent people, but how can someone run a business, when the sole revenue that comes into it depends on the customer, and the customer service that comes out of it? I hope that there will be some changes but am not holding my breath.
Jakk208991 February 19, 2010
Appauling Service, Food etc.
We arrived at Pizza Hut restaurant to find it half-full. As we were a party of 3, we requested a table for 3, which unfortunately seemed to leave the waiter flummoxed somewhat. Warning us of a possible wait in order to be seated, he went on an amble about the room, looking for a table for us; what would, of course, have sped up our time in limbo next to the door would have been to put a couple of the tables laid for two together. Though the waiter (who sported some rather illustrious wrist piercings- surely unhygienic, and enough to put one off one's stuffed crust?) eventually did this, he neglected to provide sufficient cutlery, such that a member of my party was obliged to forage for it from a nearby table, and evidently decided that another in our party was not deserving of a menu either. Furthermore, the heavy glass door was left wedged open for a large amount of our time in the restaurant, with an unending, biting draught chilling us as we waited for more service.
By the time we the waiter re-appeared, we had had plenty of time to select our meals, review the colour scheme of the menu and formulate various ideas as to the possible presentational options open to the multitude of dishes on offer. When we requested a 'Truly Tropical' fruit smoothie, we were told that 'The blender might not be working.' and that we should 'just assume that it is', which is certainly the best way to go about instilling confidence about one's knowledgeability in one's clients. Luckily, the rest of our order was taken without incident, minus the man seemingly feeling that we were incapable of remembering what we had requested and so deciding to read the complete order to us twice over. Then, with a flourish of the notepad, he was off, though not before informing us that the drinks would be 10 minutes. Now, I am no expert on the pouring and serving of ice-cold Pepsi, but I find it extremely difficult to believe that it requires a whole 10th of an hour to craft a glassful from scratch.
As we sat, and pondered the fate of our drinks, which by this point had been all but forgotten, the waiter finally was seen running across the length of the establishment with a large plastic tumbler full of ice and fruit juices. Two minutes late he was back, apologetically, telling us of how our food would not be much longer, but that there was a shortage of staff in the restaurant. It remains to be seen whether a few ancillary employees stood around gossiping constitute a 'staffing shortage'.
Finally, after a further 20 minute wait, in which we were given more than ample time to finish our drinks, the waiter returned. Apparently, a shelf in the kitchen that had evidently been the only thing guarding our congealing food had 'fallen', and our entire order had fallen along with it. Back to square 1. Thankfully, the drinks were removed from the bill.
It took another 7 or 8 minutes for our food to finally arrive; first, the individual pizza with 5 toppings. One could have proposed that, rather than a staffing shortage, there was a mushroom shortage that night in Wakefield. I understand an individual pizza is designed for consumption by an individual, but I also understand most individuals are of the sort who are able to consume more than a single button mushroom and 3 kernels of sweetcorn. At least the pizza itself was overflowing with grease, so as to distract from its general shabbiness.
5 minutes later, the two pasta dishes arrived- a fusilli alla arrabiata with prawns and crayfish tails, and a spaghetti carbonara. Having eaten various pasta dishes with arrabiata sauce, I can honestly confirm that this particular one was the worst. Greasy, cold and boring, it lay on the plate like a particularly disheveled weed requesting euthanasia. Moreover, call me a philistine, but I never realised crayfish tastes of Persil. Not having tasted the carbonara, I cannot vouch for the deliciousness, or lack thereof, of that particular dish. It was related to me, though, the way in which the cheese sauce benefited greatly from its watery and insipid flavour and consistency.
Apart from the general overriding sense of nausea brought about by the free flowing fats upon the plates, our evening sojourn was not at all ruined by the above debacle.
faezah February 15, 2010
Bad rest.mgr
salam sejahtera, disini saya ingin membuat aduan terhadap restaurant mgr dipiza hut cmc di cheras, saya merupakan bekas staff di cmc dan telah menamatkan perkhidmatan saya pada 30/12/2009 setelah 4 thn berkerja di cmc, atas sebab sikap restaurant mgr yg tidak tahu menghormati org lain dan menganggap dirinya berkuasa di rest. selalu mengugut untuk menahan gaji staff n bonus pd tahun lepas dgn memberi surat amaran. Dalam meeting di rest. menyatakan bahawa o/t 1/2 jam di bayar tp tak penah kira, apabila di tanya, staff dikata berkira, restauran mgr cuba mencari pelbagai kesalahan terhadap staff lama n cuba menyingkirkn nya, ini mengakibat kn sebahagian staff berhenti, hanya saya yg tak dibenar kn membuat o/t walaupun keadaan memerlukan, duti mgr yg beri saya ot akan dimara dgn teruk dan kerana beri ot kepada saya salah seorang duti mgr telah diteransfer keluar dari store, staff baru banyak telah berhenti kerja kerana selalu dimara dgn teruk dan menggunakan bahasa kesat sedang kn staff baru berkerja kurang dari 2minggu dan tidak dilatih ape2 pun berkenaan dgn kerjanya malah mengambil tahunya sendiri tanpa bimbingan, staff penah membuat aduan kpd am dan om tp staff balik yg dipersalah kan, saya mendapat tahu bahawa dua org lagi full time telah berhenti selepas saya atas alasan yg sama, kami juga telah diberi amaran agar tidak menjejakkn kaki dipizza lagi, katanya staff yg telah berhenti tidak boleh berjumpe dgn staff dipizza hut dan tak boleh dtg ke pizza hut lg, rest, mgr juga bersikap perkaumman, memilih bulu dlm laksanakn tugas, keistimewaan kpd kaum nya dan yg rapat dgnnya, saya harap pihak pizza dpt menyiasat perkara ini dan menyelesaikn nya secepat mungkin kerana saya dengar ada lg yg ingin keluar dr cmc dan saya tidak suka mendengar ini.
Miss Tracy Wareham February 15, 2010
Poor Service
I toke my son and 8 of his friends to pizza hut for part of his 10th birthday party. I booked the table about 3wks in advance, and i was told to order the food half hr before we were due to arrive..I was on a very tight schedule, as Parents were coming to pick the children up in 45mins, we were lead to believe that the food would come to the table a couple of mins after we all sat down, then we were told that there had been a problem with the order so nothing had been ordered at all, we just couldnt understand why nobody had called us to ask about the order as we had left our number with them for that reason..So after this the waitress told us the food that we had re-ordered would take 6mins...well 15mins plus later we were still waiting, I had to leave my sons party and call 7 Parents to ask them if they could pick up their children over half an hr later than planned, Disgraceful, we just could not believe it, we will never be entering Pizza Hut ever again, what a total nightmare, Cheers Pizza Hut...
Rick A. White February 15, 2010
refusal of service
On 2/12/10 @ approx. 10:45 PM, I walked into a Pizza Hut to place an order for pizza and was refused service, because I was required to give my phone number in order to purchase a pizza. When I explained that I was a 'walk-in' customer, and that any of my personal information should not be required, I was still refused service. When I asked to speak to the manager, she identified herself as the manager. When I asked for her name, she rudely rattled off her name and refused to repeat it. I was never more offended in my life being treated like this. I left...hungry and feeling quite discriminated against. It is ridiculous to require ANY personal information on a 'walk'-in' order.
VIRGINIA2010 February 12, 2010
fired for no reason
well i worked for virginia, mn pizza hut for 5 plus years. and in july 2009 they fired me and would not give me a reason why. i did everything at the store. worked 7 days a week. somedays i worked ten plus hr days. i helped out everyone, never late, did what i was told. and was the fastest cook there at the time. then one july day, the district manager was waiting for me to pull up in my car as i got out to approach him. he said u r no longer working here. gave me my pay for two days and went in. when i asked why???. He said there is no reason. Just leave. could it have been because i was 4 months prego. or that minimum wage was supposed to go up the day i got fired. whatever it was they should have to tell us. but now i get unemployment from them. why dont they fire the managers that steal. or the waitstaff that gets drunk on the job everyday, or the people that dont go by the pizza hut regulations about working there. They fire the good ones and dont know whats happening down deep. there are a few u good people there who do there job and right. but all those others that dont give a shit and still keep there job thats not right. the VIRGINIA MINNESOTA PIZZA HUT has gone way down hill. way to many complaints. they took out lunch buffet. and that was there money maker. The restraunt is not even kid friendly anymore. marvin took out the candy machines, juke box, and stuffed animal machine. even the basement is torn apart. Do you know how many people call to have a birthday party there and we have to turn them down. i heard most workers are quitting. They need to get rid of the RGM Marvin unknown last name. and paul allen. if those two were no longer there. and they hired good decent workers who want to work. Then the store could be a winning store again. WE WANT OUR VIRGINIA MINNESOTA PIZZA HUT TO BE BACK TO NORMAL. WHERE FAMILIES CAN HAVE FUN. GOOD, FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE.
Rathven February 12, 2010
Flase advertising
$10, any size, any crust. That's what the ad says. Until my daughter asked for a stuffed crust pizza for herself and her sleepover guest. "Stuffed crust costs extra"... WHAT?
Pizza Hut No More February 6, 2010
"$10" large pizzas
$10 Pizza Ultimate Scam - run for the hills!

Pizza Hut is running a "special" - any size, any toppings $10 per pizza (+ $2.50 delivery charge).

So, I call to verify before I order. I am told the total will be $10 for the pizza, $2.50 for delivery and the rest the applicable sales tax.

Total of the order - $17.63!! I call, and am again told that the total consisted of $10 for the pizza, $2.50 for delivery, and the rest sales tax. I point out that if this is the case, then the sales tax on that order was $5.13, or 41% sales tax (Texas sales tax is 8.25%)

My response to pointing this out - you're not working the math right, the sales tax is calculated correctly. Wow, I guess sales tax increased to north of 40% overnight.
leo cooper February 3, 2010
labor law broken
I recently applied at pizza hut and Debbie Clayton recieved a reference check from another stor i applied at, she informed the manager to not hire me and several other reference not to hire me which is illegal to do only beging date and end should only be provided but the unprofessional manager is braken the law.located at 5612 Dyer El paso, Tx

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