Planet Fitness

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5700 N Mesa , El Paso, Texas, United States

Phone number: 915-585-7867

Planet Fitness Reviews

tgirl February 6, 2009
Rude Staff & Manager
I joined this gym almost a year ago & chose a black card so my husband could go with me on occasion. I was happy about the theme of a "no judgment zone" because it can be intimidating being around hard-core lifters etc. even if you're in great shape.

I went in for my instructional visit to learn how to use the equipment. The trainer was told I was there, yet I proceeded to wait 45 minutes for him to condescend to meet with me. After all the wait, I was given a cursory 15 minute instruction on the VERY basics with no instruction at all for the treadmills, ellipticals, etc., despite the fact that I told him that I was unsure on these newer machines.

In the subsequent times I've been there it has been like any other gym, but worse. It is always crowded beyond belief. The staff is generally too busy working out or hitting on the clientele to be of any help. And no judgment zone?! Someone needs to walk in there and decide for themselves! The vast majority are early to mid 20's and in phenomenal shape. More power to them, but the staff is supposed to be curtailing the muscle-shirted, oiled-up strutting & grunting that thrives there.
Vicki February 4, 2009
To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Vicki Tetreault and I am a paying member of your club. Well, I should say that I was, up until an incident that occurred on January 20th, 2009 on your location at 90 Carando Drive, Springfield, Massachusetts. On that night between the hours of 8:30PM and 10:30PM, I was robbed. The window of my car was smashed and broken into; my purse was stolen. Important documents, credit cards, money and USB flash drives of my life’s work, were stolen from me etc.., things that can never be replace. Two other vehicles were hit on that same evening. The place was packed yet nobody seemed to see anything.

I approached the desk clerk on duty and was told that this was not something that usually happens there. When I picked up the police report, it showed that two other vehicles were broken into on the same night. When I started talking to other people about it, including the local police, I was told that this was in fact a very common occurrence at this particular location. I noticed that there were security cameras in the parking lot as I parked, and one was pointed right at the spot my car was parked, unfortunately the manager stated that the camera that was over my car, was not filming. I asked but he did not want to give me a copy of the other tapes from that night, but told me he would be reviewing them and would speak to the detective working on the case. After a few days, I called again to ask about the tapes and he then stated that there was nothing on the tapes from the incident that could help. He seems to be cooperative; however I feel as a faithful customer that my safety was neither fully protected, nor taken seriously.

I have been making fliers and talking to people about the events of that night, in order to inform people of the possible danger of this happening to them too. I also plan on contacting the local newspapers and television stations to share this story. Hopefully it will open the eyes of the people that are possible victims to these intolerable and tragic acts. Perhaps together we can put a stop to these life altering crimes. I don’t expect I’ll see my valuables again, but I do expect this…

I think that “You”, as a corporation that offers a safe, “judgment free zone” for getting fit, should be keeping a safer eye on your customers. This includes your parking lot areas as well as locker rooms, etc… From your contract and flyers hung in the gym, they clearly state that the gym is not responsible for unlocked, stolen or lost items; My point is that my valuables were in fact locked up, yet still stolen from me!

I will continue doing everything in my power to inform the public of these all-too-common vandalism and break-ins that are happening not just in this particular location, but in others as well. By sending this letter I’m hoping that your company will also go the ultimate extremes, to do your part in making an honest effort free zone, in keeping your customers and their belongings safe and free from victimization.

Perhaps we could even ask customers to offer up suggesting on how to improve the safety, so that we don’t have to live our lives by the rules of heartless thieves. We know that thieves “wretchedly” exist. I say we stand up and thinking brighter than them.

Thank you for your time, and consideration


Vicki Tetreault

Copy Of Flyer:

*Desperately Seeking*

“Stolen Purse”

Have you seen it, or can you help?

R E W A R D - If Found and returned:

My car was broken into, and my black leather purse was stolen from me on Tuesday night 1/20/09 Between 8:30PM and 10:30PM From the PLANET FITNESS parking lot @ 90 Carando Drive in Springfield.

2 other cars were hit on the same evening, place was packed & I still can't believe nobdy saw anything, and the camera that was right over my car, apparently wasn't filming. We should not have to live our lives by the rules of spineless thieves!

If you find it, or have any information, Please contact Vicki @ [email protected]

Thank you for your help.
Bullet January 30, 2009
Rude Employees
Yesterday, I went in to Planet Fitness with my mother as her guest. I signed up with them when I was 17 & I quit my job because I moved. A month later, I called and tried to cancel my membership. The man was very rude, and I wasn't very willing to listen. Point is I signed a contract. Whatever.
Well, it's three years later and I have an outstanding fee. I never used that bank account in the first place because I changed banks. I never got any letters or anything since I moved. I thought I'd get the info regarding the fees, work out and go back tomarrow and pay them. My mom has gone to this gym four days a week for almost four years. You would think we have sort of credit here.
He takes my ID, types in my name & I hear an alarm go off. Then I said "I might have an outstanding fee." The man told me "You cannot be a guest here" In the most rudest tone. Okay, I'm leaning on the desk and I step back. Then I look at my mom and she says "That's not in the contact I signed" He told her it's policy. Whatever. Then I ask for paperwork regarding my fees so I can review the total & acuracy and such to pay later.
I felt like a loser because people I know there were staring & my mom's walking away saying "I'll just write corporate"
Well, I would like to call corporate & cannot find the number. I would like to speak to someone regarding my fees, & I would like to pay them. The people there are entirely rude.
I want to pay but I do not want to pay via internet & I do not want to deal with them because according my mom the manager was there & he was the one I was dealing with. I'd like to talk to someone!!!
eThib January 8, 2009
They stole from me.
I was only home for a couple months, and they were running a great special- no start-up fee, $10/month. I joined for a couple months. When I cancelled 6 weeks later, they told me I would be charged for the next month (November), as I hadn't given them a months notice in advance.

I said, "That's fine...but I am cancelled, right?"
PF- "Yes, sir, your membership is cancelled."
Me- "My card will NOT be charged anymore, right?"
PF- No, it won't. Your membership is cancelled."

December rolls around, and they continue to charge me. I call to find out why...they say I never cancelled!
They ask me for a letter of cancellation which THEY CONVENIENTLY NEVER GAVE ME.
I'm out of the country, and you can't cancel by phone/email, so my mom has to go in and cancel for me.

I was only out $10, but they obviously do this intentionally to continue to charge you, and will not refund you.
I won't be joining them again and suggest the same to you, but if you do, and cancel, GET IT IN WRITING.
December 4, 2008
Poor service
Membership terminated for taking pictures. Planet fitness, 736 Huse, Road, Manchester NH.

I walked into PF with my friend as her guest on 11-16-08. As I signed in I specifically asked what the rules for the gym are. No grunting (even when your benching 300lbs) you have to hold it in I was told. No dropping of the weights. This is all that was said to me. I looked around for any signs that had other rules on it and saw none. After my workout my friend and I walked over to a part of the gym where there was no one around and no equipment in the area. I asked her to take some pictures of me all pumped up. I wanted some before and after photos so I could track my progress as I want to compete in the mens senior bodybuilding challenge at the end of 09. Ill tell you I'm 45yo and in very good shape. I will put my body up against any 20 yo and win. She proceeded to take the pictures, 4 of me with my shirt on, then 4 with my shirt off. It was at this time that an employee of the gym came over and saidyou cannot do that in here. I was taken back, for Ive been in gyms for over 20 years and never heard of such a thing. I apologized then picked up my things. On my way out I thanked them for my visit.Have a great day I was told. I just thought it was odd that they told me to stop taking pictures. I wasnt taking any pictures of the gym itself or any of the equipment, just photos of myself doing the classic poses.

The next day the manager called my friend at work and had the tenacity, the unmitigated gall to tell her that her membership was terminated because we were taking pictures!! No warning of any kind, no please dont do that again. Can you even believe that!! I was livid when she called me and told me this. I immediately called the gym to talk to the manager. I asked what was going on. I was told we do not tolerate that here. That I was intimidating the other customers and making them feel very uncomfortable. I told him that I had asked what the rules where as soon as we walked in and no one said a thing about having someone taking your picture. He said that we dont want your kind in here and that is definitely not the atmosphere that we want. That I was way out of line and disruptive. I said you didnt even give her a warning, that Im the one who asked her to take the pictures. He said they can and will terminate any membership at any time that they choose. It is at their discretion and it also comes down from the corporate office. I still cant believe what I was listening to. I did my homework before I called him and got the corporate phone number. I wanted to know just what kind of place I was dealing with. I asked him for the corporate office number. He said we dont give that out. I figured as much and told him that I already had it. For all that want to know the number it is 603-516-0361. So my friends membership was terminated over 8 pictures.

Let me explain what PF is. It is the MacDonalds of the fitness industry. This is a place for children run by children. If you think that they will help you reach any serious goals you are mistaken. You cant even make a noise if youre lifting heavy weights; they want you to hold in all the pressure and blow a nut. Thats great, what happens then when youre injured? This place is for the person that just wants to go through the motions. There is nothing there to motivate you to be the best you can be. This is not the first time Ive been to a PF. The staff is made up of children just out of HS. Their so called knowledge of getting into and staying in shape and setting and meeting high goals you have set for yourself is laughable!! This place is no gym, its a meeting place. PF is for girls period!! Im now on a mission to convince people to not go there and find a real working gym. Do yourself a favor; look around for a private locally owned gym. Look around at the people that are in the gym. Are they all out of shape just going through the motions? Can you see anyone that you could use as a role model to challenge yourself to be the best you can be? For this will motivate you!! A real gym does not have ridicules rules such as PF. They wont even let you walk around with a gallon of water to hydrate yourself. They want you to buy their bottled water. You are not allowed to where tank tops because they dont want you showing off what you have accomplished. For all that feel as I do lets get together and expose PF for what it really is. Its the biggest joke that ever came down the pike. Save your time and money. Youll be very sorry if you join this place. Go on line to any complaint site and you will read endless statements of how people have been treated by rude, incompetent, employees and the endless rules and regulations and the ones they make up as they go. Lets bury this fraud of a fitness center. For all of you that work damn hard to be in the best shape you can be KEEP PUMPING!! For everyone else that just goes through the motions I suggest you give up and lay down as youre just as phony as Planet Fitness.
November 27, 2008
Scam and cheating
So I joined Planet Fitness after getting away from my work out routine. After my old gym closed down, I got complacent and stopped working out for awhile. Recently I decided to get back in shape. Over the years I have been a member at several different gyms of all varieties. I have had a good experience at each of these gyms and have never experienced any serious problem with fellow members or employees. When I do go to the gym I attend regularly and focus on what I am doing. While I have remained in decent shape throughout the years, I have never been what anyone would consider a 'bodybuilder', 'meathead', or 'muscle head'. Since High School (16 years ago) I played sports and participated in activities that get me outside and moving around. I have worked out regularly enough to stay in decent shape for my age and body type. By now you may wonder what this has to do with my report on Planet Fitness, so let me explain a few things about this gym franchise.

Planet Fitness touts it's self as the “Judgment Fee Zone", which means that they supposedly welcome all members who can act in a civilized and social manner while inside their facilities. They have a few rules which they impose to help support their so called “Judgment Free" status. Among these are no grunting, and no dropping weights. These rules are established to keep out folks who Planet Fitness calls “Lunks", basically people who judge others, or act inappropriately. Or people who, as I unfortunately came to discover, might actually apply some vigor to their work-out

I was aware of these policies when I joined the gym. Prior to joining the gym near my house, I had even worked-out in a nearby franchise with my wife who is also a member. I knew that the gym had rules. For instance, I knew the gym had an alarm that sounds when the staff feels that there is a “Lunk" about, or someone has broken one of their rules. I also knew that the gym has a limited amount of “bodybuilding" equipment. I joined in spite of some initial reservation for the following reasons: I needed a new place to work-out; the location I joined was brand new outfitted with new equipment and is within walking distance of my house. I was excited that this last aspect would not only lower my weight but my carbon footprint as well.

I joined the Pottstown, PA location on 10/16/2008 and began working out on 10/20/2008. I made five visits from 10/20 until 10/27. I made the following observations. Most of the members were women obviously new to the gym and fitness routine. I saw women, teenagers and a few less men struggling to figure out some of the machines. I never observed any of the staff noticing this, or taking the time to do anything about it. The majority of the people I saw jumped around from machine to machine apparently without purpose. I did not observe anyone who could be considered a bodybuilder, although I did see a handful of men, women and teenagers who appeared to be in good physical shape. I observed at least two men in muscle shirts and one teenager wearing both a muscle shirt and boots. These items are supposedly banned from the work-out area. The gym was relatively quiet save for the overly loud house music and occasional loud conversation and joking around. Most of the “horseplay" and joking about was emanating from the cardio area or circuit training area. Prior to my last day, the most obnoxious experience besides the staff was the occasional wailing of the “Lunk" alarm. The alarm came on quickly, accompanied by a rotating light, which on both occasions took me by surprise. I was glad that I was not in the middle of something when this occurred. The alarm sounded on two separate occasions after someone returned a stack of weights on a machine. While this noise was loud, it was not any different from what I have heard in other gyms. In fact, on both occasions it appeared that someone had just let the stack down and the weights had come together more hard than normal. I have seen people drop a stack of weights much harder and for various, sometimes legitimate reasons.

On the last day that I worked out I began my routine as normal. As a matter of habit I tend to keep my jaw clenched while I work-out. I find that this keeps me from straining my neck muscles and focuses my attention on what I am doing. As a result of this my breath is forced out past my teeth. The sound is not a grunt, but more like a slow and steady hiss as I move the weight. In the middle of my last set on the chest press machine, an employee approached and began talking to me. At first I could not hear what he was saying because I was focused on my lift and did not want to move my attention from the weight over my head. I also did not want to drop the weight, which would have been an infraction of the rules. I put the weight down, and asked this man to repeat himself. I was not rude; but direct, asking “what did you say?". He told me that I was making too much noise, “we don't allow that here". He went on to say that my breathing might intimidate other people. A quick glance around the area showed that most people were working on cardio equipment while listening to headsets and/or watching the World Series. I told this man that I was not a “meathead". I asked him for my own clarity, “Was I that loud?" “How far away did you hear me?" He replied that he heard me from some distance away. I told him “okay brother" and went back to what I was doing, which was concentrating on my work-out. I am going to note here that this employee and I are both black. This guy was polite, albeit somewhat awkward on his approach, and I wanted to let him know with a word that I was not going to give him a hard time. “Brother" seemed like an appropriate salutation. My new “friend" then walked away.

A short time later I moved to another area of the gym and began to lift some dumbbells. After my first set, the “Lunk" alarm went off after a stack of weight was lowered a bit loud on the other side of the gym. The guy next to me began joking with me saying that he and I better be careful or we are next. I told him that I was already spoken too, because I was breathing too hard. As I was talking to him I began to reach for one of my weights. I was not looking down and caught it awkwardly in my hand. The weight slipped down and struck the floor.

Almost instantly a female employee stormed over and began yelling at the guy I had been talking with. It was immediately apparent that she was looking for a confrontation. Her attack was similar to a pit-bull. She clamped on and refused to let go. She was yelling at this guy about how dropping weights is not allowed. As she was ranting, I told her that I was the one who dropped the weight. She yelled at me, then tuned back to the other man who she again told that dropping weights was not allowed. I told her that I dropped the weight by mistake; she replied that it was my second warning and if I did anything else she was going to cancel my membership. She then went on to say that she was going to make a note on my membership paperwork. I asked her to make a note that I wished to be contacted by a manager. She became incredulous and asked me why. I told her that if she was going to do something to affect my membership, I wanted to talk to someone about it. She told me that she didn't have to do anything, and repeated that this was my second warning. I then told her “maybe I just want to speak with a manager". She then said" You should come to the front desk and cancel your membership". I accompanied her to the front desk where she started to fill out a cancellation form. I insisted that she make a note on the form that I wanted to speak with a manager. She told me no, she was the supervisor (later learned to be a lie) and she was not obligated to do anything. The only thing she did do was continue to write all kinds of trumped up statements on the cancellation form. I refused to sign the paperwork. I told her she was being rude and argumentative for absolutely no reason. She then insinuated that I had been judgmental and racist in calling the other employee “brother". Just to reiterate, I'm black too. This guy was present during the whole exchange, he did nothing to help calm her down, or alleviate the situation. In fact, he looked quite frightened! In the end she told me to leave and she was going to cancel my membership with or without the paperwork. She refused to provide me with paper and pen, so I could write her name down. She told me, you're canceled and there is nothing you can do about it.

Then next morning I went to Planet Fitness to try and speak with a manager. The manager reluctantly listened to my story, in response; he told me that there is nothing he can do. He went on to say that the whole matter had been transferred to the General Manager. At my request he did make an attempt to locate the cancellation form I refused to sign. He could not locate it in my paperwork. The “manager" told me that the “GM" would call me at home sometime during the afternoon. The morning and afternoon came and went; I got no call from the “GM".

In the evening I returned to Planet Fitness where I finally made contact with the “GM", after insisting to speak with him. The first “manager" made a miserable attempt to run interference. The “GM" said he was aware that he had a problem employee, and assured me he was going to address the issue. He then notified me that Planet Fitness gives their employees a great deal of discretion in canceling a membership. He went on to say that despite the facts that he found my story to be credible, and the employee was a problem, he was not going to re-instate my membership. He attempted to say that I had broken their 3 strike policy, which is not explained in any paperwork or posted information. I reminded him that I made two mistakes, not three. He quickly dropped the 3 strike argument. He agreed to give back a prorated monthly fee, which totaled $6.33. He refused to return my start-up fee of $49.00. He then refused to provide me with any information on who his supervisor was, or how I could contact the corporate office, since his gym was “corporately owned".

While I was speaking to the GM at the front desk, I noticed a man on a treadmill about 15 feet from where we were standing. This man was clearly having trouble, at one point he almost fell off the machine. Three or four employees and the “GM" commented on this, but did nothing to assist the man. They were quickly and expertly able to JUDGE that this customer was not worthy of assistance.

I will not recommend Planet Fitness to anyone. Their policies are capriciously enacted and enforced. They have the most horrendous concept of customer service I have ever experienced. The business practices of Planet Fitness boarder on fraudulent. The most interesting thing about this company is that while they demand members to be “judgment free" they allow employees to pass judgment on a whim. As I learned the hard way, judgment is not free at Planet Fitness. If you are serious about getting fit or staying fit, PLEASE, spend the extra money and go elsewhere.
November 14, 2008
Shower Room
I currently go to work out inthe morning before I go to work, therefore I shower there at the gym. Just recently about two weeks now, I have been having to take a "COLD" shower, because the facility has no hot/warm water for the shower. I was told to leave the water running, which I tried, but I cannot stand there all day and wait for the warm water. I approached the front desk and spoke with a young man by the name of "Mike" and he did not seem to "care", what I was told was that he used to take cold showers when he used to play football, so that did not bother him. What kind of remark is that? He went along and said because the building is old there is nothing that can be done about it and left it at that. I hope that when they tour new customers that they will give out that information about the showers.. Sooo, I will be terminating my membership.

November 14, 2008
Shower Room
I currently go to work out inthe morning before I go to work, therefore I shower there at the gym. Just recently about two weeks now, I have been having to take a "COLD" shower, because the facility has no hot/warm water for the shower. I was told to leave the water running, which I tried, but I cannot stand there all day and wait for the warm water. I approached the front desk and spoke with a young man by the name of "Mike" and he did not seem to "care", what I was told was that he used to take cold showers when he used to play football, so that did not bother him. What kind of remark is that? He went along and said because the building is old there is nothing that can be done about it and left it at that. I hope that when they tour new customers that they will give out that information about the showers.. Sooo, I will be terminating my membership.

November 6, 2008
Custom built trainer scam
This gym is terrible. They actually call you to come in for a "free" fitness assessment where they sell you personal training sessions the problem is they say it is month to month no long term commitment then when you decide to cont just working out on your own they bill you a termination fee of 288 dollars. When you compain about this they say they never said it was month to month and then show you tiny print on the bottom of the back of the contract that says your locked in for at least one year. BIG SCAM unprofessional staff. NOT WORTH IT join another gym.
October 15, 2008
Bogus charges,shoddy bookkeeping, LYING Manager & Staff
The Weymouth, MA Planet Fitness manager canceled my membership after insulting me; I was robbed in early September, had my wallet stolen, and called the gym to change my account number because my card number changed. The girl took my information and assured me I was okay. A week later I get a letter saying my card was declined and I now owe all these fees, because no one put my new information in. I tried to talk to the manager for FOUR WEEKs. I talked to three different people on five occasions who claim to have left messages for him, and stayed on hold for fifteen minutes one day with no one coming back.

The manager claims he never got the messages and that I never called to change my card number. Furthermore, they ran my card a SECOND time, and now I owe for TWO months, one of which I was unable to use because my account was on hold!

I have the police report saying my wallet was stolen, and phone records showing when I called and how long I was on the phone, but I "never called." He yelled at me and said "People like you try to do this all the time." People like me? What innocent people that try to do the honest thing, spending four weeks trying to rectify the situation, only to be talked to like a second rate human being, and have my membership canceled? I wouldn't recommend this gym to my worst enemy.

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