It is simple. I'm a firs time home owner AND I know how to use online tools that make me a far more powerful and informed consumer then others who shopped before me.
I know the price points of your regional competitors all within 50 miles
I have access to graphical data that actually shows the price of the product I want to purchase and its price adjustment by week and month going back six weeks
I can be at the register all ready to check out and get an text alert that tells me of a regional dip in price the very product I am about to pay more for.
50 dollars is far more important to me then to the big mega company and I know when and exactly how to save it.
I know the statistical failure rates of mail in rebates and quite honestly view them with I high degree of skepticism, I am instant consumer. I want my “rebate” at the point of sale. I want my coupon code now. When the last time I actually mailed anything much less willfully is gave somebody MORE MONEY in the hopes of getting it back.
I am a firs time home owner and I was willing to spend thousands at the checkout today (a high end Fridge and a Plasma Television) and the old sears could not recognize and understand that honoring a price match need not require me to jump through paper based hoops and charges of full prices and hopes of getting a credit back to my account within 45 days. It means now, instant today .It means straight through processing.
The power of the consumer is magnified now and that yes indeed
We call can walk out the door over 50 dollars.