September 9, 2010
The worst product ever
The platinum Telecash card, is much like a credit card, with a few differences though. You get an amount of credit for the month, say it's R600, if you transfer this amount to your bank account, you pay them back at the end of the month, plus an additional card fee of R129. For the past few months we had continuous problems with that, everytime you transfer money, the operator tells you it takes 24 business hours for it to be transfered to ones bank account. That's an utter lie! You wait, nothing happens. They don't respond to your pleas, but come the end of the month, they take the money( which you didn't receive) from your bank acc. It takes them at least 3 weeks to refund you, 'cause they always experience technical problems! STAY AWAY! They have still not taken the time to respond to my e-mails, but I requested they cancel this card, and now its blocked. At least they did something. I pray for their sake they don't take money from my acc. this month end.
August 20, 2010
They are the most, dodge company that I ever crossed paths with
They are the most, dodge company that I ever crossed paths with. (To my biggest regret.) Please see dates for deduction attempts andor bank fees due to Platinum Africa, only for Aug(this does not include the member ship, and card fee and all kinds of other fees they deducted from me in July 09: 70809 R29.00, 70809 R104.90, 70809 R5.00, 70809 R5.00, 140809 R29.00, 140809 R119.00, 140809 R5.00, 140809 R5.00.And this is only the deductions after I have received e-mailed confirmation that they will stop the weekly deductions.
I requested money that is available to me, when I really need it 6 Aug 09, because I got sick and need the money when they admitted me to hospital. I requested the money on 6 Aug 09 (they say it take 24 hours to pay it into your account, and if you phone them after 2day they only then tell you IT IS 24 WORKING HOURS) IT IS NOW 19 August 2009 13 DAYS LATER!!! Still no money was received!!! If I don’t get a satisfying response from their company on or before 20 Aug 09, I will go through all the channels possible to bring them to make sure they do what’s right. I AM SO FED-UP WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!