They are a scam and won't let me cancle and don't know their own terms and conditions
I was resurching for my youth group and spoke to someone about it online as I wanted to know what people really go for on these sites to get to the root of sexual temptation and was given a hyperlink to click which was a registration to the website which is a adult webiste I later found out and asked for my card details for age verication which I thought was plausable so I added my details and it then said we have a free trial for three days so I tryed to cancel as it had irelevent content and I tried to cancel and it didn't work so I emailed the site to say I wanted to cancel. They argued with me saying that I had to pick two afilliat deals to get the free lifetime membership but thir torms and conditions star otherwise and even though their tirms and conditions state to get the lifetime free it says you get the three day free trial. This was not the case and they tryed to bill me even though I canceled by sending an email to them and asked them three times to cancel and to confirm it and they didn't. I would like to know if anyone else has had problems with this site and what to do about it. They need to be shut down and put in jail for conning people into parting with their cash. I managed to get my money back through my bank and my bank billed them they paied up so getting your cash back is possible. My email is
[email protected] please contact me if you have had problems and got a solution with this as I am worried about going to court as they thretend in their tirms and conditions that they will take me to court in America and I can't get over there as I live in the uk and I don't want to get into more trubble.