I am originally a student of Kaplan Aspect.We began to study at Pacific Language Institute two months ago when two schools merged.I was not satisfied at Kaplan Aspect but they had tried to solve when I had a problem.
First, Even though Kaplan Aspect is expensive school than PLI i got less classes at PLI until november.First two months, I got 20 hours classes and now at november I am taking 30 hours classes.Therefore PLI is not doing anything to correct their mistake.
Second, I came here from Turkey to prepare and take Toefl.First five months I had studied General English classes and last two month I have studied Toefl classes.Unfortunately my school director said to me I will not be able to get more Toefl classes when I am so close my target and will be able to achieve at Toefl.This decision ruin my seven months study.
In summary, I signed for Kaplan Aspect schools.Kaplan Aspect provide all over the world unlimited Toefl classes with best quality.Unfortunately, after merged with PLI we can get only two months Toefl classes.
Please someone helps me.