Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Nicole'
Nicole: Hello, how may I help you today?
[email protected]: u were suppose to refund me 31.85 and never did
Nicole: May I have your first and last name please?
[email protected]: also, u tried to taKE 7.99 on the 16th when i already cancelled all this stuff..i said stay the heck out of my acct and u just keep going in to it..i want all overdrafts returned to me along with the money u r taking out
[email protected]: i cancel and cancel and u still go into acct
[email protected]: what do i have to do to stop u
[email protected]: r u there or ignoring me
Nicole: May I have your first and last name please?
[email protected]: to many complaints
Nicole: Could you please verify the last four digits of your social number?
[email protected]: james gallegos
[email protected]: no i wont
[email protected]: r u a real person
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: wake up
[email protected]: answer me plz
Nicole: Could you please verify the last four digits of your social number?
[email protected]: not till u answer my questions
[email protected]: r u there
[email protected]: hey
[email protected]: wake up computer
Nicole: Could you please verify the last four digits of your social number?
[email protected]: no
[email protected]: get me a real person
Nicole: As i pulled up your account, i have seen here that we have recieved your refund request. and there is a note here and its under the refund team that they need more information about the account and also the application . Kindly please go to this website.
[email protected]: no i was told over two weeks ago i would have a refund within 73 still waiting and u r still taking money
[email protected]: give me my original cancellation number
Nicole: 2781009 cancellation #
[email protected]: stop taking money now
Nicole: is there anything else?
[email protected]: yes give me my refund
Nicole: kindly please go to the website that i gave you
[email protected]: no it wants banking info
[email protected]: u need to know i cancelled this bank acct number
[email protected]: hello
Nicole: alright
[email protected]: answer me
[email protected]: how many people do u rob every day
Nicole: none
[email protected]: u still there
Nicole: yes
[email protected]: how do i put information into an acct that no longer exsists..send me a paper check to my mailing address
[email protected]: hello plz answer me
Nicole: one moment please
[email protected]: its been alot of moments..find ur supervisor and ask about mailing me a check on paper to my address. i have no bank acct anymore and i want that money in my hand
[email protected]: hello
Nicole: kindly please go to the website that i gave you and please put it on the add bar using internet explorer and kindly please fill out all the informations needed.
[email protected]: i have NO bank acct anymore..its been how do i put in an acct number
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: cant answer me can u..isnt that why u have a supervisor
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: am i fucking with the computer or what
Nicole: You can call us at 1-866-575-0260 - 7 days a week 9am to 6pm EST
[email protected]: another one to tell me to go to the website..i have no bank acct anymore why cant u mail me the refund
[email protected]: cant u afford the stamp or are stamps not available in ur country
[email protected]: u do know u are stealing my identity by taking out money
[email protected]: how is that protection
[email protected]: hello
Nicole: This insurance covers your "out-of-pocket" expenses such as notary and legal fees, as well as lost wages and other direct expenses often incurred from identity theft. In the event of a confirmed identity theft, you are eligible for expense reimbursement of up to $20, 000 for the individual plan. 100% guarantee! We will restore your identity to 100% of pre-theft status, 100% of the time. As long as you are a client when the theft occurs and your claim is legitimate, you'll have whatever you need to regain your good name and recoup any losses you may experience
[email protected]: may i talk to ur supervisor
[email protected]: nicole
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: dont ignore me
[email protected]: i want a supervisor
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: hello
Nicole: You can call us at 1-866-575-0260 - 7 days a week 9am to 6pm EST
[email protected]: i want a supervisor plz
[email protected]: hello
Nicole: kindly please call that number that i gave you inorder for you to talk to our supervisor.
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: what is ur address
[email protected]: i want ur address
[email protected]: and i am talking mailing address
[email protected]: hello nicole
[email protected]: NICOLE
[email protected]: wake up
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: nicole
[email protected]: what r u doing
Nicole: kindly please call that number that i gave you inorder for you to talk to our supervisor.
Nicole: 1-866-575-0260
[email protected]: i am dng that now
[email protected]: how do i get a paper check
[email protected]: u r braking the law u know
[email protected]: u wont have a job much longer
[email protected]: were r u located and iwant ur address
[email protected]: please give me a physical address
[email protected]: hello nicole
[email protected]: what r u doing
[email protected]: how long does it take to give me an address
[email protected]: its simple...look outside the door..the address will be posted above the door frame
[email protected]: why does the phone number keep me on hold
[email protected]: i wont go away
[email protected]: give me an address plz
[email protected]: and a supervisor
Nicole: 5025 N Central Ave # 630 Phoenix AZ 85012
Nicole: Our Fax number is 1-888-385-2668
Nicole: You can call us at 1-866-575-0260 - 7 days a week 9am to 6pm EST
Nicole: my supervisor is Ms. Joan Adams
Nicole: is there anything else?
Nicole: Hello, how may I help you today?
[email protected]: let me speak with joan adams
[email protected]: why do i need ur fax
[email protected]: u r by camelback road
Nicole: kindly please call the number that i gave you if you wants to speak to Ms. Joan Adams
[email protected]: o i will
[email protected]: r u near camelback rd
Nicole: would that be all?
[email protected]: no
[email protected]: send me a form for recieving a paper check
Nicole: i am sorry but we cannot do that
[email protected]: why not
[email protected]: is joan adams a real person or a code word
Nicole: she is a real person sir
[email protected]: hello
[email protected]: they wont give me the supervisor
[email protected]: what is the email address to her
[email protected]: nicole
Nicole: i dont know sir
[email protected]: u dont know how to get ahold of ur supervisor..oh..come on
Nicole: kindly please try it again after 30 mins because i think she is having a call right now
[email protected]: no u need to contact her and tell her i am waiting right here to speak to go find someone and pull them to ur computer and tell them to pretend they r her..thats what u do isnt it
[email protected]: hello nicole
[email protected]: nicole
Nicole: i am sorry but we cannot do that
[email protected]: u dont have a supervisor in your call center
Nicole: kindly please call the number that i gave you
Nicole: that is the only way for you to speak to our supervisor
[email protected]: i did...they wont let me speak to this so called supervisor..does she exsist
[email protected]: nicole
[email protected]: u r located near camelback rd
Nicole: of course sir
[email protected]: i can come and visit u and we can talk this out nicole if u would like...i can personally give u all the information that u want
Nicole: as ive told you kindly please call us back after 30 mins.
[email protected]: why when i am speaking to u right now
[email protected]: u can take care of is ur job isnt it
[email protected]: do u have a headache nicolr
[email protected]: nicole
[email protected]: nicole
[email protected]: i miss u come back
[email protected]: u know were camelback rd is
[email protected]: nicole...i know u r there
[email protected]: i wont go away..we are going to spend the day together
[email protected]: nicole..whats for lunch
[email protected]: is that ur picture on here nicole
[email protected]: funny..u all look the same
[email protected]: nicole..did u go on break and not take me with you
[email protected]: hello
Nicole: i already gave you all the information here
[email protected]: no nicole u do i get a paper check
Nicole: thank you for visiting and have a nice day!
[email protected]: dont leave me
[email protected]: its ur job to stay with me
Nicole: what do you mean by paper check?
[email protected]: a paper check in the maill for all my refunds...u dont know what a paper check is