PNC Bank
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Category: Automotive
Contact Information Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
PNC Bank Reviews
john olar
July 11, 2011
New Car Loan
Today's Date 7-11-11
I am reporting this PNC Bank Fraud ob behalf of my son William Olar
My name is John Olar William's Father.
Our Address Is in Mansfield, Ohio
John Olar
2286 Marion Ave Rd
Mansfield, Ohio, 44903
Tel: 419-529-6859 Home
419-632-4671 Cell
My son William purchased a NEW
Volkswagen Veh. Serial No. 3VWML7AJOBM691763 DATE 0f Purchased 6-2-2011
The problem now is the financing rate they give him with 5.9%
You know hw it is, My son graduated from Chiropractic College, In Atlanta, Ga.
Works in Akron, Oh. 2 Days a week. Than he Opend his own Office In our Town
Mansfield, Oh. We did not pay to much attention on 5.9% Financing.
I called on my son's behalf to discosthe problem we have discovered, Since last week
i Spent a lot of hours trying to lower the Precenage down. To no avail PNC Bank they
say that they have a lot of Banks(Branches) No help. They told us to refinance so we
did just that to our surprise Prosentage wise went up from 5.9% to 5.94%
PNC Bank Offers for new cars between the lowest of 2.99% to high 5.4% how than they
came with 5.94%. No One can explaine or they send me from one branch to other
branch I have spent a lot of time to explaine my problem to each branch personel.
Why do i have to go thru this the car was abou 30, 000 we put 10, 200 down payment
and why do i have to stay with PNC Bank. I am asking you to help me to get my
$10, 200 Money back now. Help Please. PNC Bank is a Fraud I am Reporting yhis to
you. We in Mansfeild # to 4 Bnks that they will Finance the rest from what we need
the reisen we want to establish an account for my Son and His new Business can you
see my problem i need your help Please
Thank you
John Olar
Almost forgate they The PNC Bank
do not have any records of my son's agreement in other words dose
not exist.
account number but they sent there booklet monthly for the payments.
Account number is 0302008114806945
CRISS somebody's ref. no. 211179075178
We want our Money Back $10, 200
July 6, 2011
When PNC bought National City Mortgage, which held my mortgage, naturally, the billing address had changed. As I pay everything through my online pay system through my bank, upon receiving PNC's mortgage pmt bill, I immediately set them up through that system.
I received a notice that I was late on my September payment. I ignored the notice thinking their system was slow or that their inner departmental communications was simply different than what I was used to.
After another month, I received another notice that I was now two months behind. I had just made the October payment several weeks before. Well now I called PNC to figure this out. The "customer service" rep, if I dare use such a term to describe this bum, could care less about my issues. I told him I in fact had the online record in my hand proving I was not late. His response? Are you planning to foreclose?" He didn't hear one word I said nor did he care.
When I asked, "so what happens now? What are you planning on doing?" He laughed. Then verbally shrugged. "huh?"
I read him the address my bank sent the pmt to and he said nonchalantly, that PNC hadn't used that address in years.
Huh? I told him I didn't pull that address out of my butt, so it had to come from them or the bank.
Needless to say, I had to come up with the double payment and then stop all billy paying through the online bank system.
Then I had to lease a vehicle a few months later. Ford wanted to know if my house pmts were up to date. Their records show they were not. Another PNC screw up I'm assuming. So it took 5 days of dealing with PNC to produce a simple document declaring i was in fact, not defaulting on the home. But because of their incompetence, after suggesting they would fax to Ford the form needed, I find out five days later when no fax was ever received by Ford, that PNC did not have a fax machine at all. What? NO FAX?
So I went on their website, pulled up my payment history and found the form Ford needed online and sent it to Ford myself.
PNC is useless. They are stupid, incompetent, and a nightmare to deal with. I want out of my mortgage now.
June 22, 2011
Bad customer service
Called PNC bank at the local branch in Newark NJ to get some help about my account, did not want to go into the bank because the 888# indicated that if I called the bank they could help me over the phone. When I called the young lady was unprofessional and could not help me and to even make matter worse she hung the phone up on me. I was so angry, I called back because I could not believe she hung up on me and can she started talking loud and being really unprofessional again. I was so angry that I indicated that I would be right there to the branch, I only work 2 minutes away. I went into the bank and guess what the staff was taking pictures with the security guard in the front and no one stated can I help you. I did eventually speak to the manager but at this point I was too upset and at a real disbelief of everything that had just accured. What happened to the days when people valued their jobs and gave great customer service. Those days are long gone. PNC Bank needs to better screen there staff because it's bad for business.
June 17, 2011
In 2004, my family decided to make what they thought was a long term sound investment in their new house. It has since been the biggest mistake of our lives. This house, meant to be the one "custom built" house of their lives, has cost my parents everything. Through their primary lender PNC Bank, my parents fell victim to the biggest fraud committed in the history of banking - refinancing their home - and have since taken the equity out of our house. Now, this in itself is not the problem despite the fact that our house is now currently worth a little more than half what they currently owe as mortgage. If the payments were reasonable, my parents would make them and life would go on with PNC getting all that they were owed for the house with no real fight. However, due to my father loosing his job and not being able to make payments (this occurred in 2009), PNC struck a deal with my family that as long as we agreed to pay $5, 399.10 a month we would be able to keep our house. How gracious of them. My father, being the reasonable man that he is, got a job he was miserable at just to make these payments. That is, until October 2010. In October of last year my father was once again laid off from his government job and though he immediately tried to find new employment he attempted to negotiate with PNC bank to renegotiate his contract. He, much like everyone else would, assumed that the friendly employees at PNC would understand that in our now one-income based family we couldn't afford to pay $5, 399.10 a month, especially because that one income doesn't amount to that. For several months since my father has tried many times to readjust his payment, showing with several documents and evidentiary statements that we cannot possibly continue to make payments on the house as long as they are that high. The documents my father put together were never reviewed, and we were told readjusting was impossible at this time. Now, several things have happened since this occurred:
1. My father was offered a job that depends on him getting a security clearance. He was denied an interim clearance due to poor credit and the process to get an official security clearance can take up to nine months.
2. My father was granted an extension on our payment, 30 days extra to be specific. This extension was rescinded less than 24 hours later. After many hours spent complaining on the phone to various employees, we were granted a 15 day extension instead.
3. We were told that because 90% of our income was going to our mortgage we didn't qualify for any government assistance program. Their qualifications are 40%, and despite explaining to several employees at PNC that 90% was actually WORSE than 40%, they still couldn't help us because - as they put it - "you're making it with 90% so why do you need our help?"
4. My dad had to borrow money from a family member in order to make our June mortgage payment and did so through a Western Union wire. The clerk at the store he used forgot the $.10 on the order slip, and so my dad asked if they could let it go this one time, or even add it to next months payment. They explained to him that if he didn't immediately send in the dime, that the mortgage contract would be void and that we would be foreclosed upon. It cost him an extra $13 to send in the dime.
Our regular mortgage payment is $2, 700 which is completely affordable on my mother's income. This $2, 700 payment will be re-instated in four months, but unless my father gets his job within the next two weeks we'll be foreclosed upon anyways. We tried to explain the situation to the highest authority available at PNC, telling them that if they just added time to the back of the loan, or adjusted the payment slightly and added more time, we would be able to make the payments no problem. They told us this "When you get the confirmation that the job is yours and the 'hiccup' is resolved then we can work with you. Until that time there is nothing we can do." So in essence as soon as we don't need help anymore and the problem is resolved, PNC will be glad to assist us. This is the most outrageous thing I can imagine happening, and I wanted to share the story with others so that maybe someone out there will realize that PNC Bank needs to either be shut down, or all the current employees need to be fired, with more logical and maybe even compassionate ones put in place.
June 10, 2011
Terrible loan handling
I can't tell you strongly enough... Stay away from this bank. They can really ruin your life!
I had purchased/financed a used vehicle and they botched up the paperwork so badly that the manufacturer will not release the title, but they established the loan and still hold me responsible. I cannot drive or license my $33k car due to PNC's horrendous handling of the title work. And they are still holding me to the loan. It's been two months and no sight of a resolution. The manufacturer got their pay-off and they consider the car still owned by the prior owner, who is unreachable.
They are destroying my (once 811 score) credit... costing me thousands... and basically ruining my life. I'm so sick from this I cannot stand it. Attorney fees will be through the roof. This started with the PNC Branch on Henderson in Columbus, OH... and I has progressed to their upper tier loan centers with no resolution (all of PNC has been useless in trying to resolve this). Henderson Road, Columbus is horribly managed (well all of it is). And this after being an excellent customer with a prior vehicle.
PNC is heartless and will not resolve this. They simply say, "sorry". Find another institution to finance through. I just want to off myself due to these jerks. Save yourself the pain. These people are thieves!
May 22, 2011
Buying Foreclosure Nightmare
I am writing to share my over 4 MONTH ordeal with PNC Bank, trying to purchase a foreclosed home, with no end in sight. And this is for a straight no-financing, cash purchase. I could write 10 pages about the terrible service I've gotten from them - and I am the one TRYING to give them my money! (Over 6 figures, in cash.) Very short version of the story - PNC has a number of bank-owned foreclosed homes in SW Florida. I was looking for a house recently, found one I liked. Saw that it was a PNC foreclosure, did not give off any warning bells, read on here that they have terrible customer service but I naively thought this would not apply to me.
The offer was accepted quite rapidly (after counter-offers), then began the waiting and complete lack of communication, information, or updates. After waiting approx. 2 months with no updates able to be provided by my Realtor, I contacted PNC directly and was brusquely forwarded by PNC to the 3-rd party company servicing foreclosures. Will not name them here - yet - because I believe the root of all the problems lies with PNC.
Was told at the 2-month mark that PNC's legal department (which, by the way, is completely unreachable and lists no phone, address, or email on any site - spent hours looking) was still reviewing the foreclosure documents and this was taking a long time, as they had to go over everything with a fine-tooth comb due to the problems with foreclosures being done improperly and 'robo-signed' in FLA during '08 and '09 primarily. OK, I thought, I will be patient. Meanwhile, more weeks go by, turning into months, now at the 3 month mark (remember, this is not a short sale, but a bank-owned home with a straight cash purchase) and still able to get no update on when, or even if, the docs would be OK'd by PNC's mysterious and unreachable 'Legal Department'. At this point, major life plans for the year need to be changed (flights, seasonal working schedules, etc.) at a pretty huge expense. Lucky I have another home available to me to live in while waiting - imagine if this was a situation where a family sold their previous home, relying on the normal situation that they could close on their next home in a reasonable period of time. They'd be homeless for 4 months (and counting).
FINALLY - 3 months after the offer was accepted, news that that mystery legal team finally OK'd the docs and we could go into inspection/contract phase. Thank God, I think, my trials are over and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This brings into play a 3rd company that is involved in the transaction, the title company (also to be unnamed as of now, as they have at least tried to be helpful). Inspections done quickly, addendums all signed, now I think it's just a matter of a week, two tops, before the house is mine. WRONG! Remember, this is PNC we are dealing with! As past customers here have attested, it could never go that smoothly with them.
Waiting, waiting, waiting, no communication from PNC, the foreclosure service co., the title company, and the Realtor says they've sent emails to PNC with no updates on closing. Then, I learned from the title company that they are waiting on one doc in particular - the DEED, which had never been changed from Fannie Mae's name to PNC! That's right, the house that PNC was/is selling is still, according to the deed, is owned by Fannie Mae! So technically it's not even theirs! How cool is that?!?! Oh, but it gets better.
Was told by nice guy at the title company that PNC informed them they put thru for a change of deed at my County clerk's office around the time inspections were done (at the 3-month mark). Hmm, strange, I think, as I know that things are not busy at all there, and this should not take so long. And after talking to those in the know, I learned this should take 1 week maximum. So finally I searched the county records today, found all records for the home (since it was built) and all records for PNC the past year and - can you guess it - there has never been any record put through to change the Deed to PNC's name! That's right, PNC lied when they said they put the deed thru a month ago, the document has never been filed. And in the meantime, I have been waiting patiently and naively, like an idiot, believing what I was told by PNC and the foreclosure servicing company.
I have waited because I really like the home, and it was sold at a fair price due to it being bank-owned and needing some repair work. But in the meantime I have foregone a number of other homes that would have been good options also, and sat and waited and planned, measured, planned more, and waited more - now coming up on 4 months - for these idiots who could care less if they get this asset off their books or not, and care even less than that how they treat a potential customer waiting to give them tens of thousands of dollars.
I will update this report if there is a 'happy' ending, but even if the closing happened in the next few days, the experience so far with PNC has caused an incredible amount of stress, problems, and aggravation. I can totally relate to the other stories here, and I strongly urge anyone considering purchasing a PNC-owned home to consider my experience and ask yourself if you are willing to potentially go thru the same to buy that dream foreclosure.
May 16, 2011
Loan Modification
I am an owner that is trying to do a loan modification for the last 2 years I call the bank every week most of the times 2, 3 timea a week and i have provided with all the information but they still asking for the same information every week. In 2009 i was on a trialperiod program that they told me they canceled it, because I did not peovide with enough information, I am so tire of trying and trying and I am not getting any results.
Please let me know what I can do, I really NEED HELPPPPPPPPPPP!!!
Loan number: 0003876281
James Szalay
May 6, 2011
Arbitrary closing of account
I entered the bank with cash for a deposit with the understanding I would be opening one of their "Foundation Accounts" for individuals who have had distressed financial situations. As I had recently completed a bankruptcy I figured this would be the case. After pounding on his computer terminal for a time, the Branch Manager informed me that he was "the MAN" and could get me a regular account. I asked specifically if, since the deposit was cash, I would be able to immediately access the funds as I had financial obligations coming up very shortly. I was told that I could. Upon going to the bank on Friday to get an official check to pay off the one loan I retained during the bankruptcy, I was told that PNC Bank had arbitrarily determined that they did not want to do business with me, closed the account, and sent me a check. This has effectively frozen my funds and is preventing me from paying off financial obligations that I have promised. When I called PNC Bank's home office I was told directly that it was company policy and any losses I incurred were just tough luck as they had the right to "change the game" any time they so choose. I find this attitude reprehensible and do not recommend them.
May 4, 2011
PNC SUCKS ASS --- they take all of your HARD earned money in fees...fuckers living lavishly...stop putting money in the banks they are jerks over $300 in fees this month what jerks...ONLY ONE PERSON IS GETTING RICH AND IT AINT YOU !!!
May 3, 2011
overdraft fees
I opened a joint account with my son so he would have use of an ATM account while in college. We chose PNC bank because his college marketed PNC to freshman as the bank on campus. We were offered the service of overdraft protection where for $36 PNC will cover overdraft fees. I don't believe you should be able to take money out that you don't have so I declined the overdraft protection. I specifically said I do not want him to be able to take money out if it's not there.
I closed the PNC accounts yesterday after paying $140 in overdraft fees. The account was overdrawn $1.84 because it turns out PNC let's you take out between$1 and $25 even if the funds aren't there and then they charge you$ 7.00 per day for every day the account is overdrawn. The account was turned into an online account (not by out request) so I hadn't received a statement and was unaware of the $7 per day charges that were occuring. I received a letter in the mail, went to the bank on the same day and discovered the $140 in fees. What a scam.
I have other accounts at Bank of America, Chase, Magyar, and Financial Resources and have never encountered such a sneaky way of charging fees. I would NEVER RECOMMEND PNC Bank. I asked for certain account limits I was promised and did not receive. I will take this complaint to regulatory agencies.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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