pnc mortgage

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pnc mortgage Reviews

David W Dunning June 28, 2011
Erroneous letter of Default
I received a letter dated 6/9/11, that stated my mortgage loan was past due and "in default". The letter was clearly in error as I had paid my monthly payments through November, 2011, and had begun to pay $1000 per month in additional principal payment.
When I called the number provided in the letter, I was served by "Chawentta" (first name) who would not provide her last name. She was abrupt and rude and made no effort to listen to why I was calling. She did remark that it appears my loan is current, and when I asked that I receive a letter refuting the correspondence they sent dated 6/9/11, she said she could not do that. I attempted to say that I was fearful that the litnany of errors by mortgage compay's that I read about frightens me, and I'd simply like a written response that the letter I received was in error and PNC's record have been corrected. She again refused. When I asked to speak to her supervisor, she asked why? I stated that I'd like to make my request to someone who may have the authority to honor it. She then put me on hold (silence--no music) for an inordinant amount of time when I finally hung up, completely frustrated. I then attempted to find out who oversees PNC mortgage company--this is not easy, although Joseph Guyaux is the President of PNC Bank (the holding co) and has responsibility over PNC mortgage. I'll now attempt to reach him...
Mandismom March 31, 2011
Bad service
If you have ever had to deal with PNC you will know what I'm talking about. They lose your papers, they transfer you from department to department and then say I don't know - be patient. This has been going on since 9/2009. I have spoken to so many different representatives and you are lucky if they speak English or even know what is going on. I'm not the only one. Do Not get your mortgage loans there. You will never close!!! Today I called just to ask a question since I finally got my modification papers. This rep tells me she doesn't see the status and I'm in foreclosure. I told her I'm holding the papers right now and she told me she doesn't know anything. This is their loss mitigation department. I just spoke with a couple who have been trying to purchase a home since August and PNC keeps losing their papers. I have spoken to others who will no longer do business with them because they keep losing their papers. Do you see a pattern here? Go to a small bank - don't give this idiots your hard earned money
Morris Osterly March 16, 2011
Lied about flood insurance
Soon after I applied for a refinance mortgage at PNC bank, the national office informed me that I am in a flood zone and must have flood insurance. I then provided proof from our local government department that our house is not in a flood zone.
Soon after that “RRamirez” of PNC sent a PNC memo to Edith Wrona saying that because I provided such proof, it was OK to not require flood insurance. Edith Wrona then forwarded that memo to my local PNC mortgage agent who then forwarded it to me.
But I continued to receive generic “You must have flood insurance” form letters from PNC.
So in late January I called the PNC mortgage customer service line, and the woman there confirmed that her computer said “Flood insurance *not* required” and she said that I should just ignore the automatically generated form letters demanding flood insurance.
I then had a $500 elevation survey done by a licensed surveyor to confirm that my house is 1.3 feet above the flood level.
For 5 weeks after January 25th, I emailed Edith Wrona asking for a PNC letter confirming the PNC email that flood insurance would not be required, but she never responded to any of my emails.
Our local PNC agent said that he did not know why the national office was not responding to any of my emails.
Finally, on February 24th, I called the national PNC and asked to speak to a supervisor.
PNC national mortgage supervisor Brandi Coyner returned my call and said “Since January 25th, we have repeatedly informed you that the January 25th email was a mistake, we have repeatedly told you that that decision has been reversed, we have repeatedly apologized to you for that mistake, and you are in a flood zone no matter what the Louisville government officials and the surveyor say.”
I then told her that nobody had ever informed me of any such thing, since Edith Wrona had never contacted me after January 25th, and our local PNC agent had repeatedly said that he didn’t know why the PNC national office was being silent for 5 weeks. And I informed her that I am a retired church pastor who will swear on the Bible that I am telling the truth about the matter.
PNC supervisor Brandi Coyne then *angrily* *yelled* into the telephone that she had the “proof” right there in front of her that I had been repeatedly informed that the January 25th email was a “mistake” that had been reversed.
I finally got so tired of her angrily yelling lies at me that I had to hang up on her.
I have now applied for a refinance mortgage at Republic Bank for half the closing costs demanded by PNC.
help the people...Not Corpotate America March 3, 2011
Inaccuracies and lies for loan mod
I have tried many avenues to save my home from foreclosure. I have been told many contradicting pieces of information. I have been told one thing all to find out later that it wasn't accurate. This has all taken place between PNC and Northwest trustee. The very frustrating part is they wait until right before the auction date to tell me in hopes (my opinion) that I will be forced in to foreclosure. I am a 14+ year Realtor that has continued success, largely through auction homes, and understands the process. I also have a lot of knowledge and insight through working with clients through shortsales, loan mods and purchasing at auctions. Through this I have determined this is a very unfair process. The people, like me, who tried to do things the right way and want to stay but have equity, are left with little options. I can’t do a shortsale because I’m not short. Why can’t I have the right to sell my house? I have been forced in to filing BK 2 times for very obvious reasons which can be explained and followed for accuracy. Now I have another date coming up next Friday...supposedly the investor (Freddie Mac) still hasn't called back...ya right! I get the sense once again that they will deliver the bad news “can't help" call just days if not minutes before the date. They cannot seem to get my address correct which has lead to further unfairness. I had a loan mod and was happy with it, not late on payments and received a phone call from a PNC rep urging me to take advantage of the "Obama plan". I was 2 weeks paid in advance on my mortgage at the time. I knew all the questions to ask and she assured me I would not end up back on the foreclosure list. Little did I know it would take months for them to deny me and after my forbearance period they would not accept any payments. It began to pile up and become unmanageable. I had also been saving my payments in hope to catch up but had no idea the trustee fees would be so steep. I have asked many times for fee breakdowns and to speak with supervisors. I have had very little success until recently. This is consistent with a fast approaching foreclosure date. They denied me on the "Obama plan" because I was one day late sending further requested info. However, they sent it to the wrong address, no one cared. Also keep in mind I was calling several times asking for updates, why could this info. not be related to me via one of my phone calls? PNC told me once denied I could never apply again. So I applied to the loss mitigation Dept. at PNC (I later just found out this week that is not true). Then PNC denied me for not enough income, which was almost the same amount as the first loan mod I was approved for). As our new business was in the works of getting licensed and making us money, I was able to reapply. Then they said I make too much. So then we tried another way and I was told that nothing had changed in my hardship since my first loan mod so it wouldn't be approved by my Investor. However I had told Amber, the one that called me from PNC that nothing had changed. Then I mentioned some things that may be considered a change. At this point they are convinced not to help me. No matter what I say, they have a reason that my Investor won't approve it. However, I was told before they said "no" that I was financially eligible for a loan mod. I have taken many notes along the way. I would love for the phone records to be obtained through a legal foundation. I think all would be surprised with the inaccuracies along the way. I plan on contacting the attorneys General next (done). I will also contact Ann Rivers with Legislature and the HAMP website. I will not let this rest as I have been treated very differently from someone that has no equity in their home. I want to stay but have even concluded that I would move in order to not be foreclosed on. They will not even give me the option to sell, I guess because I don't need a shortsale. Please help me save my home. I can afford it but cannot catch up on my arrears. I have now sent several requests for help with little response. If I lose my house I will make it my mission to advocate against everything you and your affiliates have anything to do with. I might just be one person but as we see in the news lately, “take-overs” can occur. The internet will be a great place to start I’m sure. I may not be heard now but it is only a matter of time before “Corporate America” is taken down by the people! I used to love this country. It has become so corrupt that I’m not sure I can say that anymore. No one takes accountability for all the inaccuracies and illegal activities that are occurring. Everyone seems to hide behind the next guy, higher up! When will this end? I have been begging to make my payments for months. Obviously the goal, for the banks, is to get my house back! You all say one thing but clearly your actions say another, much louder! I am ready to fight when America is! Just waiting!!
I want everyone to answer this question: How do I get a copy of all my records and recordings at PNC and NW trustees? Do I need to hire an attorney? I am not going away.
Dedicated to helping others even if no one will help me,
Loan number 0003579474 (That’s all we are anymore is a number, no name needed!)
mr build February 28, 2011
Incorrect 1099
I received a 1099-Misc income statement that overstates income more than $44, 500 for restoration of their clients storm damaged home. I have sent certified letters asking for correction, made numerous phone calls. I have gotten nowhere near the "right department". I am reluctant to file an incorrect 1099 form w/ the IRS because it always leads to costly and inconvenient audits. My understanding is that this is quite a common problem. I'd like to hear from any other contractors that have experienced the same. [email protected]
bjmac February 8, 2011
Loan Modification
I have a mortgage with PNC Bank formerly National City Mortgage and have been up to date wit all payments bit fell into some financial difficulties and was trying to get a loan mod and contacted the lender and was switched the the in house loan modification which I though was harmless and wanted to see what they had to say.

I was asked some questions and was told that I would qualify for the program that was instituted by President Obama, and one of the things that I would need to do was start a escrow account for the taxes and the insurance to be paid and kept up to date ( I pay my own taxes as well as the insurance on the house ).
At this point I told the intake person that I was not interested in the program and I didn't want the papers sent to me I would look for different avenues.

At the time the tax bill was due I didn't received a tax bill for the town I live in and went to the receiver of taxes and inquired about the bill and was notified that PNC Mortgage had paid the bill for the first ave if the bill.

Upon hearing this when I got home I called PNC mortgage and told them that I did not authorize them to pay the tax bill an was told that I was under review for a loan-modification and since I was trying to get a loan-mod PNC started a escrow account for the taxes and I again stated that I was not interested in the program and not to pay any more of the taxes, well the second half of the taxes was also paid to the town against my wishes and at this point I notified the receiver of taxes that PNC Mortgage did not have authorization to pay the tax bill and was given papers from the clerk stopping PNC Mortgage from paying the taxes
well now I am some 4, 000 plus in escrow to PNC and because of this I am being held up for a refinance with another company for the fact that I owe the escrow and need to take care of ir before we can proceed with the refi trying to get a hold of the people at PNC is worthless for the fact that every time I contact them when I do get through I am switched to the Loan modification dept

I have seen people with problems worse than what I gave encountered with PNC and the Bank still continues to use tactics
PaulLewis January 26, 2011
Discrimination from Lender after Requesting HAMP Application
I applied to receive the HAMP program package to see what was being offered and whether I qualified for any generic reductions in interest or fees. For over 20 years I have never been late with payments and I do not intend to be in the future. However, since applying for the HAMP program application package from my lender, PNC Mortgage, every time I call customer service now I am immediately and automatically transferred to the Collections and Loss Mitigation department and am treated like a 3rd class citizen. I receive calls from Collections stating that "This is an attempt to Collect a Debt and PNC Mortage will pursue all its rights against my property to collect the debt, " and I have to listen to this each time I call. After speaking with someone in Collections, they told me that I needed to FAX a letter to them stating that I am no longer interested in the program. I did this on Jan 19th and by January 26th I am still going straight to collections every time I call, even though they show they received the FAXed letter on Jan. 19th! Further calls have led me nowhere and two letters to the executive branch office are completely ignored.

My account is in good standing now and always has been. My credit rating is over 780, but I feel that I am being discriminated against after simply asking for the program package. This is not right, and certainly not the way to treat a good customer. I want this resolved! Meanwhile, you can see why I cannot and would not recommend PNC Mortgage to ANYONE.
the fighter January 16, 2011
False Foreclosure
We filed Ch.7 Bankruptcy 5/18/2010 in Tallahassee, Fl. PNC sent the Trustee a letter saying they would like to reaffirm the home loan. PNC wrote up a reaffirmation for the home loan and signed it. The reaffirmation states 300 payments at $531.78 with fixed interest 5% – to start 03/2010. It was filed with the Bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy was Discharged on 09/18/2010. Then on 10/22/2010 the Judge did a reaffirmation hearing and approved the reaffirmation with PNC, as this being our family home an we did not have an Attorney it had to be approved by the Judge. We continued to make payments as agreed. On Dec.29, 2010 I contacted PNC and ask if I should continue to make my payments to the same address, as they did not mail me a new coupon book. I was told by the Representative (Robert badge #PSY) that I was not to make payments they would only accept the full balance owed on the property. I ask why, and was told the modification was not complete. I stated we did a reaffirmation so we did not need a modification! He said our payment may be less! We did not like the way this sounded and mailed our payment by certified mail and PNC accepted it and cashed the check! Then on 01/13/2011 my wife (not me) received a letter "intent to foreclose" within 20 days of the letter dated 01/07/2011!! They stated we had not made payments from 10/01/2010 until now! We have our checks to prove we did and PNC says that those payments were for some other back payments owed! I stated that can't be true. We did a reaffirmation approval on 10/22/2010 and it was approved and we made our payments during the Bankruptcy or they would not have reaffirmed the loan! WE NEED HELP!! We are both Disabled on a fixed income and PNC demands we pay them $2380.52 or they foreclose on 01/27/2011. We don't owe this money and made our payments. I called PNC on 01/14/2011- I spoke to Bianca Badge # TSK - she continued to state we are 4 payments past due and they are going to foreclose on 01/27/2011, and will not accept any payments! I stated we are not and did a reaffirmation and PNC would not reaffirm a loan 4 months past due. She laughed and said, PNC does this all the time, "meaning reaffirms past due loans! PNC continues to state we are 4 payments past due! PNC would not have reaffirmed the loan if we were 4 payments past due! This is a FHA Loan and we can't get their assistance. First was FHA, serviced by National City Mortgage - second sold to PNC Mortgage - Then PNC said they sold our loan to an Investor! We don't even know who has our loan. We have filed a complaint with the Florida Attorney General – Senator Bill Nelson – Congressman Bill Southerland, and not a one has responded to us!! What do we do? I thought a reaffirmation was a binding document approved by a Federal Judge. We need a Class Action Lawsuit against PNC, But who can afford the Attorneys??
Cool Kat January 3, 2011
Wont take a payment!
Due to bank error, my bank returned my payment. I was willing to pay all fees up front and get an explanation and apology letter from my financial institution later and then write a letter with attachments to see if PNC would waive the late fee. My next payment is not due until January 16th, but they said that they would not accept my December payment at all until I update all my financial information with them AND paide the December AND January payment; even though the January payment is not due until another 13 days. I will look for a different mortgage company but there must be a law against financial institutions not accepting a payment when you are actually paying the total amount due on the day of making the payment. Why do they have to be like this to good customers? I have NEVER had a late fee in the 9 year period of doing business with them! This is horrible customer service an an example of unfair and poor practices - We will never do business with them again and the Government needs to stop this unethical behavior - Please Help!
FEEBUM December 17, 2010
Becky Fee
Pekin, IL (Near Peoria)
[email protected]

I can't find an attorney in my locale that can help me. I need to "go after" PNC Mortgage Company. I've saved a 2-hr. phone call & MANY letters.I've been trying to get answers to where my money went for OVER A YEAR! I was enrolled in the HAMP program WITHOUT MY CONSENT. I've made my regular payments ON TIME EVERY TIME. One PNC dept. told me I was 30 or more days late Sept. Oct. Nov. & Dec. of 2009. THIS IS NOT SO, nor does it reflect on my credit report. I did get behind in my escrow account because in Sept. 2009 I switched Ins. co. to State Farm. I received a refund check from my prior co. MetLife & I spent it. When I realized PNC had already paid MetLife, I immediately paid $300 of it back to my escrow. WHICH THEY ARE NOW TELLING ME WAS PAID TO TO A 3RD PARTY...BUT THEY CAN'T TELL ME FOR WHAT OR WHO OR WHY...I HAVE THIS RECORDED! I should have only been behind on my escrow $700 to no more than $1000. My house payment went up about $130 during that time. Now with the most recent escrow statement, the payment has gone down only $50. One guy at PNC told me he can see a payment I made last year just sitting in the "OTHER" column not applied anywhere. WHY IS THAT?! There have been odd amounts of money bounced around here & there that I don't understand at all. I am tired of telling this story over & over & not getting anywhere. When I last called to speak to someone about the HARP program, I was told I didn't qualify because I didn't have an FHA loan...but I have a Fannie Mae loan! He also said it didn't matter anyway because I wouldn't qualify because of the late payments that are showing in their system. I WANT ALL OF MY QUESTIONS & STATEMENTS ADDRESSED BY THEM. In 2009 I was on unemployment nearly all year & needed help from them then. They suggested the HAMP program, but I DECLINED it & SIGNED NOTHING because the "fine print" said this would reflect negatively on my credit report. THEY HAD NO RIGHT TO ENROLL ME ANYWAY! My house payment is so high now & I WANT answers & refinanced. I need an attorney because I'm not getting anywhere with PNC other than the runaround and transferred back & forth to different people who, in the end, cannot help me. I've been a nervous wreck. Every time I call them I spring an instant migraine. Last year I paid nearly $7, 000 in interest. This year as of now, it's saying over $8k thus far...My loan is now over 4 yr. old. 30 yr. fixed, $98, 000 orig. 7.5% Conventional w/ $78 PMI...Escrow: taxes around $1900/yr. & Insurance around $1, 000/yr...ADVICE??? send to: feebum at gmail dot com

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